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cbird cli syntax v0.6
„__„ CBIRD
{o,o} Content Based Image Retrieval Database
-“–“- license: GPLv2 (see: -license)
Usage: /home/test/src/cbird/cbird [args...]
* Arguments are positional, and may be given multiple times
* Operations occur in the order given, can often be chained
* Definitions in <>, descriptions at the end of this help
* Optional values in []
* Alternatives separated |
-use <dir> set index location, in <dir>/_index, default current directory
-create create index if there is not one already, otherwise prompt
-update create/refresh index
-headless enable most operations without a window manager (must be first argument)
-about system information
-h|-help help page
-v|-version version
-license|--license show software license and attribution
-dups exact duplicates using md5 hash
-dups-in <selector> exact duplicates in subset
-similar similar items in entire index
-similar-in <selector> similar items within a subset
-similar-to <file>|<selector> similar items to a file, directory, or subset, within entire index
-weeds previously deleted files that came back
* select commands may be chained to append to the current selection
* operations on current selection may clear the selection (-group-by etc)
-select-none clear the selection
-select-all everything
-select-id <integer> one item by its unique id
-select-one <file> one item by path
-select-path <selector> subset by path, using selector
-select-type <type> subset by type
-select-errors items with errors from last operation (-update,-verify)
-select-result to chain queries: convert the last query result into a selection, and clear the result
-select-sql <sql> items with sql statement [select * from media where ...]
-select-files <file> [<file>]... ignore index, existing files of supported file types
-select-grid <file> ignore index, detect a grid of thumbnails, break up into separate images
Batch Deletion
-nuke-dups-in <dir> delete (move to trash) dups under <dir> only
-nuke-weeds delete (move to trash) all weeds
-nuke delete selection (move to trash)
-with <prop>[#<func>] <comparator> remove items if comparator is false
-without <prop>[#<func>] <comparator> inversion of -with
-first keep the first item
-chop remove the first item
-first-sibling keep one item from each directory
-head <int> keep the first N items
-tail <int> keep the last N items
-sort <prop>[#<func>] sort ascending
-sort-rev <prop>[#<func>] sort descending
-group-by <prop>[#<func>] group selection by property, store in result (clears selection)
-sort-similar sort selection by similarity
-merge <selector> <selector> merge two selections by similarity, into a new list, assuming first selection is sorted
Operations on Selection/Results
-remove remove from the index (force re-indexing)
-nuke remove from index and move files to trash
-rename <find> <replace> [-vxp] rename selection with find/replace, ignoring/preserving file extension
v * verbose preview, show what didn't match and won't be renamed
x * execute the rename, by default only preview
p * <find> matches the full path instead of the file name
-move <dir> move selection to another location in the index directory
-verify verify md5 sums
-dump print selection information
-folders enable group view, group results from the same parent directory
-sets enable group view, group results with the same pair of directories
-exit-on-select "select" action exits with selected index as exit code, < 0 if canceled
-max-per-page <int> maximum items on one page [10]
-show show results browser for the current selection/results
-qualityscore img no-reference quality score
-simtest testfile run automated matching test
-jpeg-repair-script <file> script/program to repair truncated jpeg files (-verify) [~/bin/]
-compare-videos <file> <file> open a pair of videos in compare tool
-view-image <file> open results browser with file
-test-csv <file> read csv of src/dst pairs for a similar-to test, store results in match.csv
-test-video-decoder <file> test video decoding
-test-video <file> test video search
-vacuum compact/optimize database files
Search Parameters (for -similar*)
-p.<key> value set search parameters
-p:<key> value (alternate)
* default value in [ ]
* alternate value in ( )
* flag names are combined with +, e.g. -p.refl h+v+b == -p.refl 7
* must appear before -similar or other queries to take effect
* keys:
alg <enum> Search algorithm [dct(0)]
dct (0) DCT image hash
fdct (1) DCT image hashes of features
orb (2) ORB descriptors of features
color (3) Color histogram
video (4) DCT image hashes of video frames
dht <int> DCT hash distance threshold [5]
odt <int> ORB descriptor distance threshold [25]
mt <int> Maximum threshold to try, until minMatches are found [0]
mn <int> Minimum matches per needle [1]
mm <int> Maximum matches per needle [5]
refl <flags> Also search reflections of needle [(0)]
none (0) No flipping
h (1) Flip horizontally
v (2) Flip vertically
b (4) Flip horizontal and vertical
types <flags> Enabled needle media types [i(1)]
i (1) Image files
v (2) Video files
a (4) Audio files
tm <bool> Enable template match result filter [false]
tnf <int> Template match number of needle features [100]
thf <int> Template match number of haystack features [1000]
tdht <int> Template matcher DCT hash threshold [5]
diag <bool> Enable diagnostic/verbose output [false]
neg <bool> Enable negative match result filter [false]
crop <bool> Enable de-letterbox/autocrop pre-filter [false]
vtrim <int> Number of frames go ignore at start/end (video) [300]
vfm <int> Minimum number of frames matched per video [30]
vfn <int> Minimum percent of frames near each other [60]
fg <bool> Filter Groups: remove duplicate groups from result: {a,b}=={b,a} [true]
fp <bool> Filter Parent: remove items in the same directory as needle [false]
fs <bool> Filter Self: remove item that matched itself [true]
mg <int> Merge n-connected groups: [0]
eg <bool> Expand groups to make pairs {a,b,c}=>{a,b}+{a,c} [false]
Index Parameters (for -update)
-i.<key> value set index parameters
-i:<key> value (alternate)
* default value in [ ]
* alternate value in ( )
* flag names are combined with +, e.g. -p.types i+v == -p.types 3
* must appear before -update to take effect
algos <flags> Enabled algorithms [dct+fdct+orb+color+video(31)]
dct (1) DCT image hash
fdct (2) DCT image hashes of features
orb (4) ORB descriptors of features
color (8) Color histogram
video (16) DCT image hashes of video frames
types <flags> Enabled media types [i+v+a(7)]
i (1) Image files
v (2) Video files
a (4) Audio files
dirs <bool> Enable indexing of subdirectories [true]
ignored <bool> Log all ignored files [false]
links <bool> Follow symlinks to files and directories [false]
resolve <bool> Resolve symlinks, store canonical path if possible [false]
dups <bool> Follow duplicate inodes (hard links, soft links etc) [false]
ljf <bool> Estimate job cost and process longest jobs first [true]
dryrun <bool> Dry run, only show what would be done [false]
fsize <int> Minimum file size in bytes, ignore smaller files [1024]
bsize <int> Size of database write batches [1024]
crop <bool> Enable border detect/crop of video [true]
nfeat <int> Number of features per image [400]
rsize <int> Dimension for prescaling images before processing [400]
vht <int> Video index threshold for discarding hashes [8]
gpu <bool> Enable gpu video decoding (Nvidia) [false]
decthr <int> Max threads for video decoding (0==auto) [0]
idxthr <int> Max threads for all jobs (0==auto) [0]
gputhr <int> Max decoders per gpu [1]
<file> path to file
<dir> path to directory
<item> file in the index
<group> list of items, usually a needle/target and its matches
<result> list of groups, from the last query
<selection> current list of items for further operations
<selector> defines a set of (indexed) items by path, matching expression
:<regular-expression> - pcre, prefixed with colon
<grok pattern> - path in the index with grok-style [*|?] wildcards
<dir>|<file> - existing file or directory
@ - use the current selection
<type> item media type (1=image,2=video,3=audio)
<find> source expression for string find/replace
<regular-expression> - pcre with optional captures for <replace>
* - shortcut for entire string (^.*$)
<replace> destination expression for string find/replace
<template> - replace entire string, must contain at least one capture
<string> - replace whole-words/strings, may not contain any capture
#0 #1 .. #n - capture: the nth capture from <find>, #0 captures the entire string
%n - special: the sequence number, with automatic zero-padding
{arg:<func>[:<func>]...} - special: transform arg (after capture/special expansion) with function(s)
<binop> logical operators for expressions (comparator)
== - equal to
= - equal to
!= - not equal to
<, <=, >, >= - less-than/greater-than
~ - contains
! - does not contain
<comparator> expression to test a value, returns true or false, default operator ==
:<regular-expression> - pcre matches any part of value
[<binop>]<string> - compare using operator, string is converted to value's type
%null - true if value is null
%!null - true if value is not null
%empty - true if value is empty (after conversion to string)
%!empty - true if value is not empty (after conversion to string)
<prop> item property for sorting, grouping, filtering
id - unique id
isValid - 1 if id != 0
md5 - checksum
type - 1=image,2=video,3=audio
path - file path
parentPath - archivePath if archive, or dirPath
dirPath - parent directory path
relPath - relative file path to cwd
name - file name
completeBaseName - file name w/o suffix
archivePath - archive/zip path, or empty if non-archive
suffix - file suffix
isArchived - 1 if archive member
archiveCount - number of archive members
contentType - mime content type
width - pixel width
height - pixel height
resolution - width*height
res - max of width, height
compressionRatio - resolution / file size
isWeed - 1 if tagged as weed (after query)
score - match score
matchFlags - match flags (Media::matchFlags)
exif#<tag1[,tagN]> - comma-separated EXIF tags, first available tag is used ("Exif." prefix optional)
iptc#<tag1[,tagN]> - comma-separated IPTC tags, first available tag is used ("Iptc." prefix optional)
xmp#<tag1[,tagN]> - comma-separated XMP tags, first available tag is used ("Xmp." prefix optional)
ffmeta#<tag1[,tagN] - comma-separated ffmpeg metadata tags, first available tag is used
<func> transform a property value or string
mid,from,len - substring from index (from) with length (len) (see: QString::mid)
trim - remove whitespace from beginning/end
upper - uppercase
lower - lowercase
title - capitalize first letter
date,<format-string> - parse value as date and format as string (see: QDateTime::toString())
year - shortcut for date,yyyy
month - shortcut for date,yyyy-MM
day - shortcut for date,yyyy-MM-dd
split,<regexp|string> - split into array with regexp or string
camelsplit - split into array on uppercase/lowercase (camelCase => [camel, Case])
join,<string> - join array with string
push,<string> - append string to end of array
pop - remove string from end of array
foreach,<func>[|func]... - apply function(s) separated by pipe (|) to each array element
add,<integer> - add integer arg to value
pad,<integer> - pad integer value with zeros, to width argument
create index in cwd cbird -update
find exact duplicates cbird -update -dups -show
find near duplicates cbird -update -similar -show
find near duplicates (video) cbird -update -p.alg video -p.dht 7 -p.vtrim 1000 -similar -show
group photo sets by month cbird -select-type 1 -group-by exif#Photo.DateTimeOriginal#month -folders -show
browse items, 16 per page cbird -select-all -max-per-page 16 -show
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