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Created March 2, 2020 14:44
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Styling documentation for Passenger apps

Styles documentation

This document will outline the attribute naming convention, style convention, and list of references and colour names for app theming.

Structure and Definitions


Colour references are the base data points for the app theming. All themes will reference either a colour reference, or a direct colour hex.

For each colour defined, there will be 3 variants. Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary. These usages will vary based on the context of the colour, for example, a text colour, secondary may be used as a lighter version of the defined colour, rather than as a 'state', where as for a button, the secondary colour would be used for the 'pressed' state.

Typically, primary will refer to the default state of a colour, secondary will refer to the pressed state, and tertiary the disabled state.

For each type of colour, there should be a 'text' version that will be guaranteed to work on the colour its referencing.

The naming convention is as follows:


part description values
What (optional) What the colour is used for. Default usage is "generic/background" so is omitted. text, or none
Type Describes the colour, example "accent", "primary" see below
Variant Is a variant of the colour These are used, depending on the colour, to describe a normal/selected/disabled state, or just 3 variations of the colour primary, secondary, tertiary

Currently the following colours are defined; (each colour has a primary/secondary/tertiary attribute defined)

name description
primary This is the primary colour, typically the main branding colour.
base1 This is the main colour, used for backgrounds
base2 This is a secondary colour to main, a slightly darker/lighter variant of base1
base3 This is a tertiary colour to main, possibly an invert of base1
info This is main colour used for info view (usually black)
caution This is main colour used for caution view (usually yellow/beige)
warning This is main colour used for warning view (usually orangish)
error This is main colour used for error view (usually red)
success This is main colour used for success view (usually green)
accent The accent colour for primary
alt_accent An alternative accent colour for primary. Used mainly for text on base1 and bordered buttons for when accent is too light.
shadow Shadow colour. primary is the start colour, secondary the end colour (for gradient)
window Window reference. This can either be a solid colour, or reference to a drawable
empty Empty window reference. This can either be a solid colour, or reference to a drawable
text_window This is text colour that should work for window
text_empty This is text colour that should work for empty
text_primary This is text colour that should work for primary
text_base1 This is the primary text colour, should work on base1
text_base2 This is a secondary text colour, should work on base2
text_base3 This is a colour defined for when 1 and 2 are not suitable. possibly could be an invert of text1
text_accent This is the text colour that works for accent
text_info This is the text colour that works for info
text_caution This is the text colour that works for caution
text_warning This is the text colour that works for warning
text_error This is the text colour that works for error
text_success This is the text colour that works for success


These styles are standard groupings of attributes. Although the specifics may differ, the general gist of the styles should be consistent.

The naming convention is loosely as follows:


There is no 'hard and fast' convention to the naming, so long as it makes sense and has the correct references to what it is.

part description
style denotes its a style reference
what (optional) What the style is for i.e. text, button
variant The style reference, such as title1, or primary

Currently the following styles are defined;

name description
style_text The main text style - used for all text styles by default. Uses base1 and text1
style_text_window Text style that will work on window
style_text_base1 Text style that will work on base1
style_text_base2 Text style that will work on base2
style_text_base3 Text style that will work on base3
style_text_accent The accent text style - used for displaying text on a accent
style_text_info The info text style - used for displaying text on a info
style_text_caution The caution text style - used for displaying text on a caution
style_text_warning The warning text style - used for displaying text on a warning
style_text_success The success text style - used for displaying text on a success
style_text_error The error text style - used for displaying text on a error
style_text_title1 Title1 style (like h1)
style_text_title2 Title2 style (like h2)
style_text_title3 Title3 style (like h3)
style_text_subtitle Subtitle style
style_text_heading Heading style (for smaller headings)
style_text_caption Caption style
style_text_body Body text style (for copy text)
style_input Main input style
style_input_floating Floating style input (explore screen)
style_button Main button style. Defaults using base1 and text1
style_button_transparent A transparent button using text1
style_button_transparent_accent A transparent button using accent for text colour
style_button_transparent_info Transparent info style button using text_info
style_button_transparent_caution Transparent caution style button using text_caution
style_button_rounded A rounded style button using base1 and text1
style_button_info Info tinted style button using info and text_info
style_button_info_bordered A bordered info style button using text_info for the text and border
style_button_caution Caution tinted style button using caution and text_caution
style_button_accent A button that uses accent and text_accent
style_button_accent_invert A button that uses accent as the text colour and text_accent as the background colour
style_button_accent_rounded Rounded accent button using accent and text_accent
style_button_accent_bordered A bordered accent style button using accent and text_accent
style_button_accent_bordered_invert A bordered button that uses text_accent for text and border. Should work on an accent background
style_card Card style (with bottom shadow and paddings)
style_section_header Section header view that uses primary_secondary for background and text_primary for text
style_navigation The style reference for navigation drawer
style_navigation_item The style reference for navigation drawer item
style_info The style reference for info view block
style_caution The style reference for caution view block
style_warning The style reference for warning view block
style_error The style reference for error view block
style_success The style reference for success view block

In-depth style definitions


textColor: text_base1_primary
lineSpacingMultiplier: 1.2
fontFamily: regular_font
textSize: 16sp


fontFamily: medium_font
maxLines: 1
textSize: 24sp


fontFamily: medium_font
maxLines: 1
textSize: 20sp


fontFamily: medium_font
maxLines: 1
textSize: 18sp


fontFamily: regular_font
maxLines: 1
textSize: 18sp


textColor: text_base1_tertiary
textSize: 14sp


textColor: text_base2_primary
textSize: 16sp
lineSpacingMultiplier: 1.4


fontFamily: medium_font
textColor: text_base2_primary
textSize: 18sp
textSizeMax: 18sp
textSizeMin: 14sp


background: primary_secondary
maxLines: 1
padding: 12dp
fontFamily: medium_font
fontStyle: bold
textColor: text_primary
textSize: 18sp


Themes are android specific and will possibly not translate between platforms, but are a means to change defined attrs on a view-by-view basis (for e.g to allow for a different divider on navigation)

Each view style should have an empty defined theme to allow for overriding. Should match the style attr name but with theme instead of style


part description
theme denotes its a theme reference
what (optional) What the style is for i.e. text, button
variant The style reference, such as title1, or primary


  1. theme_card
  2. theme_section_header
  3. theme_navigation
  4. theme_info
  5. theme_caution
  6. theme_warning
  7. theme_error
  8. theme_success

Android theming structure

In Android there are 4 main components to "styles"


These are attribute definitions. These will be the human names for the defined style attributes, for example;

  1. text_primary
  2. text_accent
  3. accent

These attributes are defined so that when an android Style is created, you can set these properties to be what they correspond to within that style, for example, text_primary could be set to black for the main app Style, and white for a 'dark' Style.

These attributes can then be referenced in other Styles (which then views will inherit from) or directly on a view.


These colours are just colour definitions. They should be defined for each operator, then referenced for the attr that it corresponds to, for example;

<item name="bybus_primary">yellow</item> <item name="passenger_primary">blue</item>

which can then be set for each Style

<style name="Default">
	<item name="text_primary">@color/passenger_primary</item>

<style name="ByBusDefault">
	<item name="text_primary">@color/bybus_primary</item>

This allows you to only reference text_primary when you want a text colour for primary and will select the right colour based on the current set Style


Styles are defined in android, like style sheets, to define set properties to reduce duplication. They can have a parent style that they further inherit properties from.

In these styles, you would set each attr to what ever colour they need to for that operator. The default style should be fully defined for each attr as the "base passenger" style that will fallback to if an attr isnt defined for a particular style.


Themes in android are defined like styles, but behave differently. Themes are used to set properties, but will affect every sub-view within its hierarchy. Generally in these "themes" you should redefine the attr attributes, and save property definitions for Style (such as padding, margin, etc)

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