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Last active March 27, 2024 14:16
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  • Save scruffyfox/f129c210becfca4786c45ab5304b3733 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save scruffyfox/f129c210becfca4786c45ab5304b3733 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
OnAction PayUser
Variable Global Load ChannelPoints
Param Copy ChannelPoints tmpChannelPoints
Param Subtract tmpChannelPoints {in2}
Variable Global Set ChannelPoints {tmpChannelPoints}
Variable Global Points {in1}_points
Param Copy {in1}_points temp
Param Add temp {in2}
Variable Global Set {in1}_points {temp}
If 1 {in3} == true
Chat Send "/me @{in1} You now have §{temp}. The bank now has §{ChannelPoints}."
OnTimer UserPrize 1100 0
Param Create loopIndex 0
List Empty Winners
List Count Chatters
If 1 {count} == 0
Loop 8 {count}
Random Number
If 5 {number} == 0
List Get Chatters {loopIndex}
List Contains Winners "@{value}"
If 2 {contains} == false
PayUser {value} 1000 false
List Add Winners "@{value}"
Param Add loopIndex 1
List Count Winners
If 2 {count} > 0
List Join Winners ", "
Chat Send "/me Congrats to winners {joined}, you have randomly won §1000!"
OnCommand e 0 !ledger !top !leaderboard
Variable Global Ledger
Chat Send "/me {ledger}"
OnCommand e 0 !bottom !loserboard
Variable Global Loser
Chat Send "/me {ledger}"
OnCommand e 0 !bank
Variable Global Load ChannelPoints
Chat Send "The bank currently has §{ChannelPoints} available"
OnCommand b 0 !resetbank
Variable Global Set ChannelPoints 1000000
Chat Send "The bank now has §1000000 available"
OnCommand e 0 !coins !wallet !balance !points
Variable Global Load ChannelPoints
If 3 {after} != ""
Variable Global Points {after}_points
Chat Send "/me @{after} currently has §{{after}_points}. The bank has §{ChannelPoints}."
Variable Global Points {user}_points
Chat Send "/me @{user} You currently have §{{user}_points}. The bank has §{ChannelPoints}."
OnCommand b 0 !setcoins
Variable Global Load ChannelPoints
Function 'var data = [after]; return {toUser: data.split(" ")[0], amount: parseInt(data.split(" ")[1])}'
Variable Global Set {toUser}_points {amount}
Chat Send "/me @{toUser} you now have §{amount}. The bank has §{ChannelPoints}."
OnCommand b 0 !loancoins !givecoins
PayUser {arg1} {arg2} true
OnCommand b 0 !tax
PayUser {arg1} -{arg2} true
OnCommand b 0 !taxcheck
Variable Global Tax
List Empty TaxUsers
List Import Taxers {tax}
List Join Taxers ", "
List Count Taxers
Param Create loopIndex 0
Loop 3 {count}
List Get Taxers {loopIndex}
PayUser {value} -5000
Param Add loopIndex 1
Chat Send "/me Sweeping tax legislation was just passed and the following were taxed §5000; {joined}"
OnAction CheckDeficit
Param Create user {in1}
Variable Global Load ChannelPoints
if 1 {ChannelPoints} > -100000
Variable Global Tax
List Empty TaxUsers
List Import Taxers {tax}
List Join Taxers ", "
List Count Taxers
Param Create loopIndex 0
Loop 3 {count}
List Get Taxers {loopIndex}
PayUser {value} -5000
Param Add loopIndex 1
Chat Send "/me @{user} has triggered a recession! The following were taxed §5000; {joined}"
OnChannelPoint "Buy coins for !slots"
PayUser {user} 1000 true
OnChannelPoint "Free Money"
Function 'return {amount: Math.floor((Math.random() + 10) * 250)}'
PayUser {user} {amount} true
OnChannelPoint "Lucky Dip"
Function 'return {amount: Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000), win: Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) >= 50}'
If 4 {win} == true
PayUser {user} {amount} false
Variable Global Load ChannelPoints
Chat Send '/me @{user} You won §{amount}! The bank how has §{ChannelPoints}'
Chat Send '/me @{user} You get nothing! You lose! Good day!'
OBS SceneSource "Clips" youlose on
Delay 4
OBS SceneSource "Clips" youlose off
OnCommand bv 0 !wine
Chat Send "/me As a distinguished VIP, @{user} please help yourself to a glass of complimentary wine. 🍷"
OnCommand bvs 0 !soda
Chat Send "/me As a distinguished member of 2nd class, @{user} please help yourself to a can of complimentary soda. 🥤"
OnCommand e 0 !upgrade
Variable Global Points {user}_points
If 3 {{user}_points} >= 100000
Chat Send "/me Congratulations @{user}! welcome to the VIP lounge! Complimentary wine and cheese at your service with !wine"
PayUser {user} -100000 false
Chat Send "/me @{user} You do not have enough money to upgrade to 1st class. (requires §100,000. You have §{{user}_points})"
OnCommand b 0 !ticketsplease
Chat Send "/me Tickets please! 🎫 Have your tickets ready soon or you might be fined! (use the channel point, or !ticket)"
OnCommand b 0 !checktickets
Param Create loopIndex 0
List Empty Dodgers
List Count Chatters
If 1 {count} == 0
Loop 6 {count}
List Get Chatters {loopIndex}
Param Add loopIndex 1
List Index Tickets "{value}"
If 2 {index} < 0
List Add Dodgers "{value}"
PayUser {value} -5000 false
List Count Dodgers
If 2 {count} > 0
List Join Dodgers ", "
Chat Send "/me {joined}, you have been fined §5000 for travelling without a ticket"
OnCommand e 0 !gamble
Variable Global Points {user}_points
Function 'var p = Math.abs(parseInt([after].split(" ")[0])); return {invalid: (Math.abs(p) || 0) < 0 || (Math.abs(p) || 0) > parseInt({{user}_points}) && [after].split(" ")[0].indexOf("%") == -1};'
If 2 {invalid} == true
Chat Send "/me @{user} you do not have that much to gamble!"
If 2 {{user}_points} <= 0
Chat Send "/me @{user} you do not have any money. Buy coins via the Channel Point redemption."
Variable Global Load ChannelPoints
Function 'var input = [after].split(" ")[0]; var a = input.indexOf("%") > -1 ? Math.floor((Math.abs(parseInt(input)) / 100) * {{user}_points}) : parseInt(Math.abs(input)) || 100; var t = input == "all" ? {{user}_points} : a; var c = {ChannelPoints} > t; return {amount: t, win: Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) % 3 == 0, test: c}'
If 8 {win} == true
PayUser {user} {amount} false
Variable Global Load ChannelPoints
Chat Send "/me @{user} you gambled and won §{amount}! The bank now has §{ChannelPoints}"
Variable Global Load topscore
If 2 {amount} > {topscore}
Variable Global Set topscore {amount}
Variable Global Set topscore_user "{user}"
Skip 3
PayUser {user} -{amount} false
Variable Global Load ChannelPoints
Chat Send "/me @{user} you gambled and lost your §{amount}! The bank now has §{ChannelPoints}"
CheckDeficit {user}
OnCommand b 0 !resettop
Variable Global Set topscore_user "None"
Variable Global Set topscore 0
OnCommand e 0 !top
Variable Global Load topscore_user
Variable Global Load topscore
Chat Send "/me Top score of §{topscore} won by @{topscore_user}"
OnCommand e 0 !slots
Variable Global Points {user}_points
If 2 {{user}_points} <= 0
Chat Send "/me @{user} you do not have any money. Buy coins via the Channel Point redemption."
Function 'var emotes = ["scruff72Zoom", "scruff72FoxSpoon", "scruff72FoxSpin", "scruff72FoxSpun", "scruff72FoxSpan", "scruff72Wave", "scruff72Loki", "scruff72Happy"]; var i1 = emotes.length * Math.random() | 0; var i2 = emotes.length * Math.random() | 0; var i3 = emotes.length * Math.random() | 0; var slots = [emotes[i1], emotes[i2], emotes[i3]]; return {result: slots[0] + " | " + slots[1] + " | " + slots[2], win:[ Set(slots)].length == 2, jackpot: slots[0] == slots[1] && slots[1] == slots[2], emote: slots[0], emoteIndex1: i1, emoteIndex1: i2, emoteIndex1: i3, amount: 500 + (10 * i1 *i2 * i3)}'
If 7 {win} == true
PayUser {user} {amount} false
Chat Send "/me @{user} you rolled {result} and won §{amount}!"
Variable Global Load topscore
If 2 {amount} > {topscore}
Variable Global Set topscore {amount}
Variable Global Set topscore_user "{user}"
If 10 {jackpot} == true
Variable Global Load SlotsJackpot
PayUser {user} {SlotsJackpot} false
Chat Send "/me @{user} you rolled {result} and won a jackpot of §{SlotsJackpot}!"
Chat Send "!scroll {emote} {emote} {emote} JACKPOT! @{user} JACKPOT! {emote} {emote} {emote} "
Variable Global Set SlotsJackpot 0
Variable Global Load topscore
If 2 {SlotsJackpot} > {topscore}
Variable Global Set topscore {SlotsJackpot}
Variable Global Set topscore_user "{user}"
PayUser {user} -250 false
Chat Send "/me @{user} you rolled {result} and lost §250"
Variable Global Load SlotsJackpot
Param Copy SlotsJackpot tmpSlotsJackpot
Param Add tmpSlotsJackpot 250
Variable Global Set SlotsJackpot {tmpSlotsJackpot}
OnCommand e 0 !jackpot
Variable Global Load SlotsJackpot
Chat Send "/me Current jackpot for !slots is: §{SlotsJackpot}"
OnCommand b 0 !resetjackpot
Variable Global Set SlotsJackpot 0
OnCommand e 0 !predict
Variable Load Prediction
If 2 {Prediction} != 0
Chat Send "/me There is already a prediction going!"
Function 'var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); return { num: rand }'
Variable Set Prediction {num}
Chat Send "/me Will the next number be higher or lower than {num}? You have 60s to enter the bet with !higher or !lower. §250 entry fee"
Delay 60
Function 'var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); return { number: rand, higher: rand > {num}, lower: rand < {num} }'
Variable Load PredictionPool
List Empty Winners
If 4 {higher} == true
List Count PredictUsersHigher
Chat Send "/me Higher wins! the next number was {number}. §{PredictionPool} paying out to {count} users"
List Export PredictUsersHigher
List Import Winners "{PredictUsersHigher}"
If 4 {lower} == true
List Count PredictUsersLower
Chat Send "/me Lower wins! the next number was {number}. §{PredictionPool} paying out to {count} users"
List Export PredictUsersLower
List Import Winners "{PredictUsersLower}"
List Count Winners
If 5 {count} == 0
Chat Send "/me The bank wins!"
Variable Set Prediction 0
Variable Set PredictionPool 0
List Empty PredictUsersHigher
List Empty PredictUsersLower
Function 'return { "amount": Math.floor({PredictionPool} / {count}) }'
Loop 2 {count}
List Remove Winners
PayUser {value} {amount} false
Variable Set Prediction 0
Variable Set PredictionPool 0
List Empty PredictUsersHigher
List Empty PredictUsersLower
OnCommand e 0 !higher
List Contains PredictUsersHigher {user}
If 1 {contains} == true
List Contains PredictUsersLower {user}
If 1 {contains} == true
Variable Load Prediction
If 2 {Prediction} == 0
Chat Send "/me There is no prediction going. Use !predict to start a new game!"
List Add PredictUsersHigher {user}
Chat Send "/me @{user} has entered the draw by predicting higher!"
# subtract 250 from the user, or allow them to bet a custom amount?
PayUser {user} -250 false
Variable Load PredictionPool
Param Copy PredictionPool tmpPredictionPool
Param Add tmpPredictionPool 250
Variable Set PredictionPool {tmpPredictionPool}
OnCommand e 0 !lower
List Contains PredictUsersHigher {user}
If 1 {contains} == true
List Contains PredictUsersLower {user}
If 1 {contains} == true
Variable Load Prediction
If 2 {Prediction} == 0
Chat Send "/me There is no prediction going. Use !predict to start a new game!"
List Add PredictUsersLower {user}
Chat Send "/me @{user} has entered the draw by predicting lower!"
# subtract 250 from the user, or allow them to bet a custom amount?
PayUser {user} -250 false
Variable Load PredictionPool
Param Copy PredictionPool tmpPredictionPool
Param Add tmpPredictionPool 250
Variable Set PredictionPool {tmpPredictionPool}
OnCommand b 0 !stock
List Global "vend_{arg1}" on
List Add vend_{arg1} "{arg2}"
Chat Send "/me stocks the {arg1} {index} shelf with {arg2}"
OnCommand e 0 !snacks !snack !vend !vending !vendingmachine !buy
Function 'var n = Number("{after}".replace(/[^0-9]/g, "")); return {row: "{arg1}".replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, "").toUpperCase(), idx: isNaN(n) ? -1 : n}'
If 9 {after} == ""
Random Number 0 100
If 2 {number} < 20
RandomTicket {user}
Random Equal "Param Create row 'A'" "Param Create row 'B'" "Param Create row 'C'" "Param Create row 'D'"
List Count vend_{row}
Random Number 1 {count}
Param Create idx {number}
Param Subtract idx 1
If 3 {idx} == -1
List Count vend_{row}
Random Number 0 {count}
Param Create idx {number}
List Get vend_{row} {idx}
If 2 {index} == -1
Chat Send "/me Nothing found for {row} {idx}"
Chat Send "/me @{user} punches {row}{idx} into the vending machine and purchases a {value} for §100. Yum!"
PayUser {user} -100 false
OnAction RandomTicket
Random Number 0 100
If 7 {number} < 25
Random Number 5000 10000
Chat Send "/me @{in1} You purchased a scratch card and won §{number}!"
PayUser {in1} {number} false
If 3 {number} < 50
Random Number 1000 5000
Chat Send "/me @{in1} You purchased a lotto ticket and won §{number}!"
PayUser {in1} {number} false
Random Number 1000 5000
Chat Send "/me @{in1} You purchased a lotto ticket and lost §{number}!"
PayUser {in1} -{number} false
OnChannelPoint "Ticket"
List Global Tickets on
List Index Tickets {user}
If 2 {index} >= 0
Chat Send "/me @{user} you already have a ticket!"
List Add Tickets {user}
PayUser {user} -1000 false
Chat Send "/me Thank you for purchasing a ticket for §1000 @{user}"
OnChannelPoint "Upgrade to First Class"
Variable Global Points {user}_points
If 3 {{user}_points} >= 100000
Chat Send "/me Congratulations @{user}! welcome to the VIP lounge! Complimentary wine and cheese at your service with !wine"
PayUser {user} -100000 false
Chat Send "/me @{user} You do not have enough money to upgrade to 1st class. (requires §100,000. You have §{{user}_points})"
OnCommand e 0 !ticket
List Global Tickets on
List Index Tickets {user}
If 2 {index} >= 0
Chat Send "/me @{user} you already have a ticket!"
List Add Tickets {user}
PayUser {user} -1000 false
Chat Send "/me Thank you for purchasing a ticket for §1000 @{user}"
OnChannelPoint "First"
Chat Send "/me @{user} congratulations on being first!"
Variable Global Load ChannelPoints
Param Copy ChannelPoints tmpChannelPoints
Param Subtract tmpChannelPoints 1000
Variable Global Set ChannelPoints {tmpChannelPoints}
Variable Global Points {user}_points
Param Copy {user}_points temp
Param Add temp 1000
Variable Global Set {user}_points {temp}
Chat Send "/me @{user} You now have §{temp}"
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