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Created February 24, 2019 21:22
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chamfer_extrude - OpenSCAD operator module to approximate chamfered/tapered extrusion of a 2D path
module chamfer_extrude(height = 2, angle = 10, center = false) {
chamfer_extrude - OpenSCAD operator module to approximate
chamfered/tapered extrusion of a 2D path
(C) 2019-02, Stewart Russell (scruss) - CC-BY-SA
NOTE: generates _lots_ of facets, as many as
6 * path_points + 4 * $fn - 4
Consequently, use with care or lots of memory.
generates a 3D object 5 units high with top surface a
10 x 10 square with sides flaring down and out at 15
degrees with roughly rounded corners.
chamfer_extrude (
height = object height: should be positive
for reliable results ,
angle = chamfer angle: degrees ,
center = false|true: centres object on z-axis [ ,
$fn = smoothness of chamfer: higher => smoother
) ... 2D path(s) to extrude ... ;
$fn in the argument list should be set between 6 .. 16:
< 6 can result in striking/unwanted results
> 12 is likely a waste of resources.
Lower values of $fn can result in steeper sides than expected.
Extrusion is not truly trapezoidal, but has a very thin
(0.001 unit) parallel section at the base. This is a
limitation of OpenSCAD operators available at the time.
// shift base of 3d object to origin or
// centre at half height if center == true
translate([ 0,
(center == false) ? (height - 0.001) :
(height - 0.002) / 2 ]) {
minkowski() {
// convert 2D path to very thin 3D extrusion
linear_extrude(height = 0.001) {
// generate $fn-sided pyramid with apex at origin,
// rotated "point-up" along the y-axis
rotate(270) {
rotate_extrude() {
[ 0, 0.001 - height ],
[ height * tan(angle), 0.001 - height ],
[ 0, 0 ]
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scruss commented Sep 11, 2021

I suppose you could do it as the hull between to arbitrary thin polygons, but it wouldn't be easy or work in every situation

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