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Created April 15, 2014 02:53
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hpgl-shapely_hatch - simple Shapely/HP-GL hatching function demo
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# hpgl-shapely_hatch - simple Shapely/HP-GL hatching function demo
# scruss — 2014-04-14 — WTFPL (srsly)
from shapely.geometry import box, MultiLineString, Point, LineString
from shapely.affinity import rotate, scale
from shapely import speedups
from math import sqrt
# enable Shapely speedups, if possible
if speedups.available:
def hatchbox(rect, angle, spacing):
returns a Shapely geometry (MULTILINESTRING, or more rarely,
GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) for a simple hatched rectangle.
rect - a Shapely geometry for the outer boundary of the hatch
Likely most useful if it really is a rectangle
angle - angle of hatch lines, conventional anticlockwise -ve
spacing - spacing between hatch lines
GEOMETRYCOLLECTION case occurs when a hatch line intersects with
the corner of the clipping rectangle, which produces a point
along with the usual lines.
(llx, lly, urx, ury) = rect.bounds
centre_x = (urx + llx) / 2
centre_y = (ury + lly) / 2
diagonal_length = sqrt((urx - llx) ** 2 + (ury - lly) ** 2)
number_of_lines = 2 + int(diagonal_length / spacing)
hatch_length = spacing * (number_of_lines - 1)
# build a square (of side hatch_length) horizontal lines
# centred on centroid of the bounding box, 'spacing' units apart
coords = []
for i in range(number_of_lines):
# alternate lines l2r and r2l to keep HP-7470A plotter happy ☺
if i % 2:
coords.extend([((centre_x - hatch_length / 2, centre_y
- hatch_length / 2 + i * spacing), (centre_x
+ hatch_length / 2, centre_y - hatch_length
/ 2 + i * spacing))])
coords.extend([((centre_x + hatch_length / 2, centre_y
- hatch_length / 2 + i * spacing), (centre_x
- hatch_length / 2, centre_y - hatch_length
/ 2 + i * spacing))])
# turn array into Shapely object
lines = MultiLineString(coords)
# Rotate by angle around box centre
lines = rotate(lines, angle, origin='centroid', use_radians=False)
# return clipped array
return rect.intersection(lines)
def plot_point(pt, pen):
print 'SP%d;PA%d,%d;PD;PU;' % (pen, int(pt.x), int(pt.y))
def plot_line(line, pen):
first = 1
pts = []
for (x, y) in line.coords:
if first == 1:
first = 0
print 'SP%d;PA%d,%d;PD;' % (pen, int(x), int(y))
pts.extend((int(x), int(y)))
print 'PA', ','.join(str(p) for p in pts), ';PU;'
def plot_multiline(multi, pen):
for i in multi.geoms:
plot_line(LineString(i.coords), pen)
def plot_poly(poly, pen):
plot_line(LineString(poly.exterior.coords), pen)
for i in poly.interiors:
plot_line(LineString(i.coords), pen)
# Drawing limits: (left 0; bottom 0; right 10300; top 7650)
# = Letter paper on HP-7470A
# draw a nice page box
page = box(0, 0, 10300, 7650)
innerpage = scale(page, xfact=0.99, yfact=0.99, origin='center')
hatching = hatchbox(page, 45, 100)
# construct crescent
circle = Point(5000, 4000).buffer(3000)
pt = Point(3500, 4000)
circle1 = pt.buffer(2000)
crescent = circle.difference(circle1).simplify(10.0)
crescent_hatch = crescent.intersection(hatching)
# construct a box with a hole in it
weebox = box(8000, 5000, 9500, 7000)
weehatch = hatchbox(weebox, -45, 40)
tbox = scale(weebox, xfact=0.95, yfact=0.95, origin='center')
tinybox = scale(weebox, xfact=0.5, yfact=0.5, origin='center')
holey = tbox.difference(tinybox)
# add fine hatching
holey_hatch = holey.intersection(weehatch)
# plot stuff ..
print 'IN;' # cheapo init code
plot_poly(page, 1) # outer page border
plot_poly(innerpage, 2) # inner page border
plot_point(pt, 2)
plot_multiline(crescent_hatch, 2) # draw hatching
plot_poly(crescent, 1) # draw crescent
plot_multiline(holey_hatch, 1)
plot_poly(holey, 2) # ... and hatched box
print 'SP;'
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scruss commented Apr 17, 2014

slightly improved code as a Python module now lives here: scruss/hpgl_shapely

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