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Learning Object Oriented Python

I wrote this as a guide for a financial analyst friend of mine looking to learn Python. He is already fairly well versed in doing Project Euler problems in Ruby. All italicized text is for the benefit of any other readers, such as yourself.

Each section is divided into a short resource (10 minutes or less), a long resource (days to weeks or more), and a challenge.


So what you're looking to do is to be able to recreate financial models in code. And other types of models. This is a noble pursuit.

scshepard /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11 — forked from amandabee/

Git is a version control system. Github is a proprietary hosting service that manages central git repositories. A git repository doesn't have to be public, but there are some great free hosts available if you do want to make your work available. Github, obviously, or Gitorious, especially if you're offended by github's ugly gender politics. Github's GUI is much nicer than any generalized Git GUI's I've seen, which is a vote for using Github, but it really doesn't matter.

So here are a few good reasons you should use git to manage teaching materials:

  • Greg Wilson explains it pretty well to a Python conference. You have to listen to him talk about a few other things first, but the whole talk is interesting so go ahead.

Any newsroom with an

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, element
import urllib2, re
# Read the HTML from the webpage on Wikipedia stats and convert to soup
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen('').read())
# Look for all the paragraphs with 2014
_p = soup.findAll('b',text=re.compile('2014'))
<!-- solution 1, 117b, inspired by -->
<button onclick="new Audio('data:audio/wav;base64,UklGRl9vT19XQVZFZm10IBAAAAABAAEAQB8AAEAfAAABAAgAZGF0YU'+Array(1e3).join(123)).play()">Beep</button>
<!-- Solution 2, 124b, inspired by -->
<button onclick="with(o=(A=new AudioContext).createOscillator()){connect(A.destination);start(0);s=stop||noteOff;setTimeout('o.stop(0)',500)}">Boop</button>

Trello CSS Guide

“I perfectly understand our CSS. I never have any issues with cascading rules. I never have to use !important or inline styles. Even though somebody else wrote this bit of CSS, I know exactly how it works and how to extend it. Fixes are easy! I have a hard time breaking our CSS. I know exactly where to put new CSS. We use all of our CSS and it’s pretty small overall. When I delete a template, I know the exact corresponding CSS file and I can delete it all at once. Nothing gets left behind.”

You often hear updog saying stuff like this. Who’s updog? Not much, who is up with you?

This is where any fun you might have been having ends. Now it’s time to get serious and talk about rules.

Writing CSS is hard. Even if you know all the intricacies of position and float and overflow and z-index, it’s easy to end up with spaghetti code where you need inline styles, !important rules, unused cruft, and general confusion. This guide provides some architecture for writing CSS so it stays clean and ma

#!/usr/bin/env python
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, params, children):
self.params = params
self.children = children
class IfNode(Node):
scshepard /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21 — forked from max-mapper/

experimental zip stream parsing

using punzip, which uses mount-url and yauzl

problem: theres a 500mb ZIP with a few CSVs in it, but you only care about one of the files and dont want to download the whole thing and have to unzip the whole zip just to get the one file

  1. brew install osxfuse (or however you install fuse on your OS)
  2. npm install punzip csv-parser -g
  3. punzip --entry=2 | csv-parser --separator=$'\t'