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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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CPS transformer (EOPL ch. 6)
-- import Text.Parsec
-- import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import Data.List (findIndex)
import Prelude hiding (exp)
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe
{-# NOINLINE varCnt #-}
varCnt :: IORef Int
varCnt = unsafePerformIO (newIORef 0)
{-# NOINLINE freshVar #-}
freshVar :: () -> String
freshVar() =
unsafePerformIO $ do
n <- readIORef varCnt
writeIORef varCnt (n+1)
return("v" ++ show n)
data InpExp = Const Int
| Var String
| Sub InpExp InpExp
| Eq0 InpExp
| If InpExp InpExp InpExp
| Let String InpExp InpExp
| Letrec [String] [[String]] [InpExp] InpExp
| Proc [String] InpExp
| Call InpExp [InpExp]
deriving Show
data SimpleExp = Const' Int
| Var' String
| Sub' SimpleExp SimpleExp
| Eq0' SimpleExp
| Proc' [String] TfExp
deriving Eq
instance Show SimpleExp where
show e =
case e of
Const' n -> show n
Var' s -> s
Sub' a b -> "(-" ++ show a ++ " " ++ show b ++ ")"
Eq0' a -> "(zero? " ++ show a ++ ")"
Proc' ids body -> "(lambda (" ++ unwords ids ++ ") " ++ show body ++ ")"
data TfExp = SimExp SimpleExp
| If' SimpleExp TfExp TfExp
| Let' String SimpleExp TfExp
| Letrec' [String] [[String]] [TfExp] TfExp
| Call' SimpleExp [SimpleExp]
deriving Eq
instance Show TfExp where
show e =
case e of
SimExp e' -> show e'
If' e1 e2 e3 -> "(if " ++ show e1 ++ " " ++ show e2 ++ " " ++ show e3 ++ ")"
Let' _id e1 e2 -> "(let ([" ++ _id ++ " " ++ show e1 ++ "]) " ++ show e2 ++ ")"
Letrec' names varss bodies recbody ->
"(letrec (" ++ unwords ["[" ++ nm ++ " (lambda (" ++ unwords vs ++ ") " ++ show bd ++ ")]"
| (nm, vs, bd) <- zip3 names varss bodies]
++ ") " ++ show recbody ++ ")"
Call' rator rands -> "(" ++ show rator ++ concat [" " ++ show d | d <- rands] ++ ")"
isSimple :: InpExp -> Bool
isSimple exp =
case exp of
(Const _) -> True
(Var _) -> True
(Sub a b) -> isSimple a && isSimple b
(Eq0 a) -> isSimple a
(Proc _ _) -> True
_ -> False
cpsSimple :: InpExp -> SimpleExp
cpsSimple exp =
case exp of
(Const n) -> Const' n
(Var s) -> Var' s
(Sub a b) -> Sub' (cpsSimple a) (cpsSimple b)
(Eq0 a) -> Eq0' (cpsSimple a)
(Proc ids body) -> Proc' (ids ++ ["k"]) (cpsExp body (Var' "k"))
e -> error $ "Naive: " ++ show e
cpsExps :: [InpExp] -> ([SimpleExp] -> TfExp) -> TfExp
cpsExps es builder = cpsRest es
where cpsRest :: [InpExp] -> TfExp
cpsRest exps =
case findIndex (not . isSimple) exps of
Nothing -> builder $ map cpsSimple exps
Just pos -> let var = freshVar()
in cpsExp (exps !! pos)
(Proc' [var] (cpsRest (take (pos - 1) exps
++ [Var var] ++
drop (pos + 1) exps)))
cpsExpCtx :: InpExp -> (SimpleExp -> TfExp) -> TfExp
cpsExpCtx exp ctx =
if isSimple exp then ctx (cpsSimple exp)
else let var = freshVar()
in cpsExp exp (Proc' [var] (ctx (Var' var)))
cpsExp :: InpExp -> SimpleExp -> TfExp
cpsExp exp k =
case exp of
Const n -> send2cont $ Const' n
Var n -> send2cont $ Var' n
Proc vars body -> send2cont $ Proc' (vars ++ ["k"]) (cpsExp body (Var' "k"))
Sub e1 e2 -> cpsExps [e1, e2] $ \[e1', e2'] -> send2cont $ Sub' e1' e2'
Eq0 e1 -> cpsExpCtx e1 $ \e1' -> send2cont $ Eq0' e1'
-- If e1 e2 e3 -> cpsExpCtx e1 $ \e1' -> If' e1' (cpsExp e2 k) (cpsExp e3 k)
If e1 e2 e3 -> cpsExpCtx e1 $ \e1' ->
if isIdFunc k || k == (Var' "k")
then If' e1' (cpsExp e2 k) (cpsExp e3 k)
else Let' "k" k (If' e1' (cpsExp e2 (Var' "k")) (cpsExp e3 (Var' "k")))
-- Let _id rhs body -> cpsExpCtx rhs $ \rhs' -> Let' _id rhs' (cpsExp body k)
Let _id rhs body -> cpsExp rhs (Proc' [_id] (cpsExp body k))
Call rator rands -> cpsExpCtx rator $ \rator' ->
cpsExps rands $ \rands' -> Call' rator' (rands' ++ [k])
Letrec names varss bodies recbody ->
Letrec' names [vars ++ ["k"] | vars <- varss]
[cpsExp body (Var' "k") | body <- bodies]
(cpsExp recbody k)
where isIdFunc (Proc' [v1] (SimExp (Var' v2))) = v1 == v2
isIdFunc _ = False
send2cont e = if isIdFunc k then SimExp e else Call' k [e]
cps :: InpExp -> TfExp
cps exp = cpsExpCtx exp SimExp
main :: IO ()
main = do
let test e = do writeIORef varCnt 0; print . cps $ e
test $ Var "x"
test $ Proc ["x"] (Call (Var "x") [Const 1])
test $ If (Call (Var "f") [Var "x"]) (Var "a") (Var "b")
test $ If (Var "x") (Call (Var "f") [Var "a"]) (Var "b")
test $ Proc ["x"] $ If (Call (Var "f") [Var "x"]) (Var "a") (Var "b")
test $ Proc ["x"] $ If (If (Var "x") (Call (Var "f") [Var "a"]) (Var "b")) (Var "c") (Var "d")
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