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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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plot binary tree like a boss
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List (intercalate)
data Tree a = Tree {left :: Tree a, right :: Tree a, val :: a}
| Nil deriving (Eq)
instance (Eq a, Show a) => Show (Tree a) where
show = toString
genPosTree :: (Show a, Eq a) => Tree a -> Int -> Tree (a, Int, Int, Maybe Int, Maybe Int)
genPosTree Nil _ = Nil
genPosTree (Tree lt rt v) w =
let (lt', lp, w') = if lt == Nil
then (Nil, Nothing, w)
else let lt' = genPosTree lt w
(__, lp, w', _, _) = val lt'
in (lt', Just lp, w')
(rt', rp, w'') = if rt == Nil
then (Nil, Nothing, w'+1)
else let rt' = genPosTree rt (w'+2)
(__, rp, w'', _, _) = val rt'
in (rt', Just rp, w'')
tp = ((fromMaybe w lp + fromMaybe (w'+1) rp) `div` 2)
w''' = max w'' (tp + (length . show) v)
in Tree lt' rt' (v, tp, w''', lp, rp)
valToStr :: Show a => Int -> [Tree (a, Int, Int, Maybe Int, Maybe Int)] -> String
valToStr l (Tree _ _ (v, p, _, _, _):xs) =
let more = replicate (p - l) ' ' ++ show v
in more ++ valToStr (l + length more) xs
valToStr _ [] = ""
posToDiag :: Show a => Int -> [Tree (a, Int, Int, Maybe Int, Maybe Int)] -> String
posToDiag l (Tree lt rt (v, tp0, _, lp, rp):xs) =
let -- modify position to show in middle
tp = tp0 + ((`div`2) . length . show $ v)
-- left
more = case lp of Nothing -> ""
Just p -> let (Tree _ _ (v, _, _, _, _)) = lt
lp' = p + ((`div`2) . length . show $ v)
in replicate (lp' - l) ' ' ++ "." ++
replicate (tp - (lp'+1)) '-' ++ "^"
l' = l + length more
-- right
more' = case rp of Nothing -> ""
Just p -> let (Tree _ _ (v, _, _, _, _)) = rt
rp' = p + ((`div`2) . length . show $ v)
in (if l' == tp+1
then ""
else replicate (tp - l') ' ' ++ "^")
++ replicate (rp' - (tp+1)) '-' ++ "."
in more ++ more' ++ posToDiag (l' + length more') xs
posToDiag _ [] = ""
bfsToStr :: (Eq a, Show a) => [Tree (a, Int, Int, Maybe Int, Maybe Int)] -> [String]
bfsToStr [] = []
bfsToStr l = let childs = filter (Nil /=) . concatMap (\t -> [left t, right t]) $ l
in valToStr 0 l : posToDiag 0 l : bfsToStr childs
toString :: (Eq a, Show a) => Tree a -> String
toString t = intercalate "\n" . filter (not . null) . bfsToStr $ [t']
where t' = genPosTree t 0
main :: IO ()
main = do
let t = Tree (Tree (Tree Nil Nil 444444444)
(Tree (Tree Nil Nil 9) Nil 7)
(Tree Nil (Tree Nil Nil 7777777) 3)
print $ genPosTree t 0
print t
{- outputs:
2 3
.--^---. ^.
4 7 7
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