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Created August 5, 2017 14:56
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Basic python irc bot that responds to irc server pings, can op/deop, voice/devoice, ban/unban, change topic, send notices, etc.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# - A simple Python IRC bot
# Authors: mrtux and OldCoder
# License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
# Revision: see git rev.
# Suggestions.
# These are just suggestions:
# 1. Limit lines to 70 characters (code or commands)
# 2. Indent using 4 spaces as opposed to tabs
# 3. Use some inline comments
# 4. Start to handle error cases
# 5. Change hard-coded constants to program parameters
# Overview.
# Victor Vortex is an IRC bot presently written in pure Python. He is
# compatible with Python 2 but has not been tested with Python 3.
# Import required libraries.
import re, socket, os
# Some constants.
zero = 0 # Zero
one = 1 # One
false = 0 # Boolean False
true = 1 # Boolean True
# Program parameters.
# botnick = Default nick
# bufsize = Input buffer size
# channel = Default IRC channel
# port = Default IRC port number
# server = Default IRC server hostname
# master = Owner of the bot
# uname = Bot username (NOT NICK!)
# realname = Bot's real name
botnick = "botnick"
bufsize = 2048
channel = "#channel"
port = 6667
server = ""
master = "botowner"
uname = "ircusername"
realname = "realname"
# Set up a brief-replies dictionary.
# This is used to implement brief replies to brief commands or remarks
# such as:
# VictorVortex, go away!
# or Hello, VictorVortex
Replies = dict()
Replies ['die' ] = "No, you"
Replies ['goodbye' ] = "I'll miss you"
Replies ['sayonara' ] = "I'll miss you"
Replies ['scram' ] = "No, you"
Replies ['shout' ] = "NO I WON'T"
Replies ['dance' ] = botnick + " dances"
Replies ['sing' ] = "Tra la la"
Replies ['hello' ] = "Hi"
Replies ['howdy' ] = "Hi"
Replies ['time' ] = "It is TIME for a RHYME"
Replies ['master' ] = master + " is my master"
Replies ['bacon' ] = "Give me some, please!"
Replies [botnick ] = "What do you want?"
# You can add more replies, like so:
# Replies['action] = "Reply"
# Subroutine.
# Name: ping
# Arguments: None
# Purpose: Responds to server Pings
def ping():
global ircsock
ircsock.send ("PONG :pingis\n")
# Subroutine.
# Name: sendmsg
# Arguments: chan = channel
# msg = message
# Purpose: Responds to server Pings
# Sends a specified message to a specified channel.
def sendmsg (chan, msg):
global ircsock
ircsock.send ("PRIVMSG "+ chan +" :"+ msg + "\n")
# Subroutine.
# Name: JoinChan
# Arguments: chan = channel
# Purpose: Joins a channel
def JoinChan (chan):
global ircsock
ircsock.send ("JOIN "+ chan +"\n")
# Subroutine.
# Name: ProcHello
# Arguments: None
# Purpose: Processes a Hello request
def ProcHello():
global ircsock
ircsock.send ("PRIVMSG "+ channel +" :Hello!\n")
# Main routine.
def Main():
global ircsock, Replies
# Set up a couple of reply patterns
pattern1 = '.*:(\w+)\W*%s\W*$' % (botnick)
pattern2 = '.*:%s\W*(\w+)\W*$' % (botnick)
# Create a network socket
ircsock = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Connect to server
ircsock.connect ((server, port))
# Authenticate
ircsock.send ("USER " + uname + " 2 3 " + realname + "\n")
# Assign nick
ircsock.send ("NICK "+ botnick + "\n")
# Auth to nickserv, uncomment this if needed and change password to the nickserv password
#ircsock.send ("PRIVMSG NickServ :identify password \n")
JoinChan (channel) # Join channel
while true: # Main loop
# Receive data from server
ircmsg = ircsock.recv (bufsize)
# Remove newlines
ircmsg = ircmsg.strip ('\n\r')
print ircmsg # Echo the input
# Let the bot be a little chatty
# Something like "Hello, Bot" ?
m1 = re.match (pattern1, ircmsg, re.I)
m2 = re.match (pattern2, ircmsg, re.I)
if ((m1 == None) and (m2 != None)): m1 = m2
if (m1 != None): # Yes
word = (1) # Word found
word = word.lower() # Make word lower case
# Print a reply
if (word in Replies):
sendmsg (channel, Replies [word])
# If the server pings us, then we've
# got to respond!
if ircmsg.find ("PING :") != -1:
if ircmsg.find (":!say ") != -1:
say_split = ircmsg.split ("!say ")
sendmsg (channel, say_split [1])
sendmsg (master, "Message sent: " + say_split [1])
if ircmsg.find ("!commands") != -1:
sendmsg (channel, "Commands:\n")
sendmsg (channel, "!say : Say stuff\n")
# welcome message
# if ircmsg.find ("JOIN " + channel) != -1:
# sendmsg (channel, "Hello!")
# lulz
if ircmsg.find ("XD") != -1:
sendmsg(channel, "Quit saying that! \n")
# change nick
if ircmsg.find (":!nick ") != -1:
str_split = ircmsg.split ("!nick ")
ircsock.send ("NICK "+ str_split [1] + "\n")
sendmsg (master, "Nick changed to " + str_split [1] + ".")
# send notice
if ircmsg.find (":!sendnotice ") != -1:
str_split = ircmsg.split ("!sendnotice ")
ircsock.send ("NOTICE " + channel + " " + str_split [1] + "\n")
sendmsg (master, "Notice sent! Notice: " + str_split [1])
# op and deop
if ircmsg.find ("!op") != -1:
str_split = ircmsg.split ("!op ")
ircsock.send ("MODE " + channel + " +o " + str_split [1] + "\n")
sendmsg (master, "Opped " + str_split [1] + ".")
if ircmsg.find ("!deop") != -1:
str_split = ircmsg.split ("!deop ")
ircsock.send ("MODE " + channel + " -o " + str_split [1] + "\n")
sendmsg (master, "Deopped " + str_split [1] + ".")
# voice
if ircmsg.find ("!voice") != -1:
str_split = ircmsg.split ("!voice ")
ircsock.send ("MODE " + channel + " +v " + str_split [1] + "\n")
sendmsg (master, "Voiced " + str_split [1] + ".")
if ircmsg.find ("!voice") != -1:
str_split = ircmsg.split ("!voice ")
ircsock.send ("MODE " + channel + " -v " + str_split [1] + "\n")
sendmsg (master, "Removed voice on " + str_split [1] + ".")
# set topic
if ircmsg.find ("!topic") != -1:
str_split = ircmsg.split ("!topic ")
ircsock.send ("TOPIC " + channel + " " + str_split [1] + "\n")
sendmsg (master, "Topic set to: " + str_split [1] + ".")
# Main program.
exit (zero) # Exit with success status
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