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Created July 4, 2024 06:40
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* name:
* Selection on observables and conditional parallel trends
clear all
capture log close
set seed 12345
* Define dgp
cap program drop dgp
program define dgp
* 1,000 workers (25 per state), 40 states, 4 groups (250 per group), 6 years
* First create the states
quietly set obs 40
gen state = _n
* Generate 1000 workers. These are in each state. So 25 per state.
quietly expand 25
bysort state: gen worker=runiform(0,5)
label variable worker "Unique worker fixed effect per state"
quietly egen id = group(state worker)
* Generate Covariates (Baseline values)
gen age = rnormal(35, 10)
gen gpa = rnormal(2.0, 0.5)
* Center Covariates (Baseline)
sum age, meanonly
qui replace age = age - r(mean)
sum gpa, meanonly
qui replace gpa = gpa - r(mean)
* Generate Polynomial and Interaction Terms (Baseline)
gen age_sq = age^2
gen gpa_sq = gpa^2
gen interaction = age * gpa
* Treatment probability increases with age and decrease with gpa
gen propensity = 0.3 + 0.3 * (age > 0) + 0.2 * (gpa > 0)
gen treat = runiform() < propensity
* Generate the years
quietly expand 6
sort state
bysort state worker: gen year = _n
* years 1987 -- 1992
replace year = 1986 + year
* Post-treatment
gen post = 0
qui replace post = 1 if year >= 1991
* Generate treatment dates
gen treat_date = 0
replace treat_date = 1991 if treat==1
* Generate fixed effect with control group making 10,000 more at baseline
qui gen unit_fe = 40000 + 10000 * (treat == 0)
* Generate Potential Outcomes with Baseline and Year Difference
gen e = rnormal(0, 1500)
qui gen y0 = unit_fe + 100 * age + 1000 * gpa + e if year == 1987
qui replace y0 = unit_fe + 1000 + 150 * age + 1500 * gpa + e if year == 1988
qui replace y0 = unit_fe + 2000 + 200 * age + 2000 * gpa + e if year == 1989
qui replace y0 = unit_fe + 3000 + 250 * age + 2500 * gpa + e if year == 1990
qui replace y0 = unit_fe + 4000 + 300 * age + 3000 * gpa + e if year == 1991
qui replace y0 = unit_fe + 5000 + 350 * age + 3500 * gpa + e if year == 1992
* Covariate-based treatment effect heterogeneity
gen y1 = y0
replace y1 = y0 + 1000 + 250 * age + 1000 * gpa if year >= 1991
* Treatment effect
gen delta = y1 - y0
label var delta "Treatment effect for unit i (unobservable in the real world)"
* Generate observed outcome based on treatment assignment
gen earnings = y0
qui replace earnings = y1 if treat == 1 & year >= 1991
* Generate a sample
quietly dgp
* Regression breaks
reg earnings treat##ib1990.year age gpa age_sq gpa_sq interaction, robust
* CSDID works
csdid earnings age gpa age_sq gpa_sq interaction, ivar(id) time(year) gvar(treat_date)
csdid_plot, group(1991)
* Monte-carlo simulation
cap program drop simulation
program define simulation, rclass
quietly dgp
// True ATT
gen true_att = y1 - y0
qui sum true_att if treat == 1 & year == 1991
return scalar att_1991 = r(mean)
qui sum true_att if treat == 1 & year == 1992
return scalar att_1992 = r(mean)
qui csdid earnings age gpa age_sq gpa_sq interaction, ivar(id) time(year) gvar(treat_date)
matrix b = e(b)
return scalar cs_pre1987 = b[1,1]
return scalar cs_pre1988 = b[1,2]
return scalar cs_pre1989 = b[1,3]
return scalar cs_post1991 = b[1,4]
return scalar cs_post1992 = b[1,5]
return scalar cs_att = (b[1,4] + b[1,5]) / 2
// OLS
qui reg earnings treat##ib1990.year age gpa age_sq gpa_sq interaction, robust
return scalar ols_pre1987 = _b[1.treat#1987.year]
return scalar ols_pre1988 = _b[1.treat#1988.year]
return scalar ols_pre1989 = _b[1.treat#1989.year]
return scalar ols_post1991 = _b[1.treat#1991.year]
return scalar ols_post1992 = _b[1.treat#1992.year]
// OLS overall ATT
qui reg earnings post##treat age gpa age_sq gpa_sq interaction, robust
return scalar ols_att = _b[]
simulate att_1991 = r(att_1991) ///
att_1992 = r(att_1992) ///
cs_pre1987 = r(cs_pre1987) ///
cs_pre1988 = r(cs_pre1988) ///
cs_pre1989 = r(cs_pre1989) ///
cs_post1991 = r(cs_post1991) ///
cs_post1992 = r(cs_post1992) ///
cs_att = r(cs_att) ///
ols_pre1987 = r(ols_pre1987) ///
ols_pre1988 = r(ols_pre1988) ///
ols_pre1989 = r(ols_pre1989) ///
ols_post1991 = r(ols_post1991) ///
ols_post1992 = r(ols_post1992) ///
ols_att = r(ols_att), ///
reps(100) seed(12345): simulation
// Summarize results
// Store results
save ./step4d.dta, replace
* Plot results
use ./step4d.dta, clear
* Calculate means and standard deviations for OLS variables
summarize ols_pre1987
local ols_pre1987_mean = r(mean)
local ols_pre1987_sd = r(sd)
summarize ols_pre1988
local ols_pre1988_mean = r(mean)
local ols_pre1988_sd = r(sd)
summarize ols_pre1989
local ols_pre1989_mean = r(mean)
local ols_pre1989_sd = r(sd)
summarize ols_post1991
local ols_post1991_mean = r(mean)
local ols_post1991_sd = r(sd)
summarize ols_post1992
local ols_post1992_mean = r(mean)
local ols_post1992_sd = r(sd)
* Calculate means and standard deviations for CSDID variables
summarize cs_pre1987
local cs_pre1987_mean = r(mean)
local cs_pre1987_sd = r(sd)
summarize cs_pre1988
local cs_pre1988_mean = r(mean)
local cs_pre1988_sd = r(sd)
summarize cs_pre1989
local cs_pre1989_mean = r(mean)
local cs_pre1989_sd = r(sd)
summarize cs_post1991
local cs_post1991_mean = r(mean)
local cs_post1991_sd = r(sd)
summarize cs_post1992
local cs_post1992_mean = r(mean)
local cs_post1992_sd = r(sd)
summarize att_1992
local true_att_1991 = r(mean)
summarize att_1991
local true_att_1992 = r(mean)
* Create a new dataset for plotting
set obs 5
* Define the years
gen year = 1987 + _n - 1
replace year = 1991 if _n == 4
replace year = 1992 if _n == 5
* True ATT values
gen truth = 0
replace truth = `true_att_1991' if year == 1991
replace truth = `true_att_1992' if year == 1992
* OLS means and confidence intervals
gen ols_mean = .
gen ols_ci_lower = .
gen ols_ci_upper = .
replace ols_mean = `ols_pre1987_mean' in 1
replace ols_mean = `ols_pre1988_mean' in 2
replace ols_mean = `ols_pre1989_mean' in 3
replace ols_mean = `ols_post1991_mean' in 4
replace ols_mean = `ols_post1992_mean' in 5
replace ols_ci_lower = ols_mean - 1.96 * `ols_pre1987_sd' in 1
replace ols_ci_lower = ols_mean - 1.96 * `ols_pre1988_sd' in 2
replace ols_ci_lower = ols_mean - 1.96 * `ols_pre1989_sd' in 3
replace ols_ci_lower = ols_mean - 1.96 * `ols_post1991_sd' in 4
replace ols_ci_lower = ols_mean - 1.96 * `ols_post1992_sd' in 5
replace ols_ci_upper = ols_mean + 1.96 * `ols_pre1987_sd' in 1
replace ols_ci_upper = ols_mean + 1.96 * `ols_pre1988_sd' in 2
replace ols_ci_upper = ols_mean + 1.96 * `ols_pre1989_sd' in 3
replace ols_ci_upper = ols_mean + 1.96 * `ols_post1991_sd' in 4
replace ols_ci_upper = ols_mean + 1.96 * `ols_post1992_sd' in 5
* CSDID means and confidence intervals
gen csdid_mean = .
gen csdid_ci_lower = .
gen csdid_ci_upper = .
replace csdid_mean = `cs_pre1987_mean' in 1
replace csdid_mean = `cs_pre1988_mean' in 2
replace csdid_mean = `cs_pre1989_mean' in 3
replace csdid_mean = `cs_post1991_mean' in 4
replace csdid_mean = `cs_post1992_mean' in 5
replace csdid_ci_lower = csdid_mean - 1.96 * `cs_pre1987_sd' in 1
replace csdid_ci_lower = csdid_mean - 1.96 * `cs_pre1988_sd' in 2
replace csdid_ci_lower = csdid_mean - 1.96 * `cs_pre1989_sd' in 3
replace csdid_ci_lower = csdid_mean - 1.96 * `cs_post1991_sd' in 4
replace csdid_ci_lower = csdid_mean - 1.96 * `cs_post1992_sd' in 5
replace csdid_ci_upper = csdid_mean + 1.96 * `cs_pre1987_sd' in 1
replace csdid_ci_upper = csdid_mean + 1.96 * `cs_pre1988_sd' in 2
replace csdid_ci_upper = csdid_mean + 1.96 * `cs_pre1989_sd' in 3
replace csdid_ci_upper = csdid_mean + 1.96 * `cs_post1991_sd' in 4
replace csdid_ci_upper = csdid_mean + 1.96 * `cs_post1992_sd' in 5
twoway (scatter truth year, mcolor(maroon) msize(6-pt) msymbol(lgx) mlabcolor() mfcolor(cranberry) mlwidth(medthick)) ///
(scatter ols_mean year, mcolor(navy) msize(6-pt)) ///
(line ols_mean year, lcolor(blue) lwidth(medthick)) ///
(rcap ols_ci_lower ols_ci_upper year, lcolor(blue) lpattern(dash)), ///
title("OLS vs Truth Event Study") ///
subtitle("Additive controls specification") ///
note("DGP uses conditional parallel trends and all controls included. 1000 Monte Carlo simulations.") ///
legend(order(1 "Truth" 2 "OLS")) ///
xline(1990.5, lpattern(dash) lcolor(gray))
graph export "/Users/scunning/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox-MixtapeConsulting/scott cunningham/0.1 Mixtape Consulting/Substack/Code/step4d_ols.png", as(png) name("Graph") replace
twoway (scatter truth year, mcolor(maroon) msize(6-pt) msymbol(lgx) mlabcolor() mfcolor(cranberry) mlwidth(medthick)) ///
(scatter csdid_mean year, mcolor(saddle) msize(6-pt)) ///
(line csdid_mean year, lcolor(brown) lwidth(medthick)) ///
(rcap csdid_ci_lower csdid_ci_upper year, lcolor(brown) lpattern(dash)), ///
title("CS vs Truth Event Study") ///
subtitle("Doubly Robust specification") ///
note("DGP uses conditional parallel trends and all controls included. Estimated with csdid." "1000 Monte Carlo simulations.") ///
legend(order(1 "Truth" 2 "CS")) ///
xline(1990.5, lpattern(dash) lcolor(gray))
graph export "/Users/scunning/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox-MixtapeConsulting/scott cunningham/0.1 Mixtape Consulting/Substack/Code/step4d_cs.png", as(png) name("Graph") replace
* Shift years slightly to avoid overlap
gen year_ols = year - 0.1
gen year_csdid = year
* Plotting
twoway (scatter truth year, mcolor(maroon) msize(6-pt) msymbol(lgx) mlabcolor() mfcolor(cranberry) mlwidth(medthick)) ///
(scatter ols_mean year_ols, mcolor(navy) msize(6-pt)) ///
(line ols_mean year_ols, lcolor(blue) lwidth(medthick)) ///
(rcap ols_ci_lower ols_ci_upper year_ols, lcolor(blue)) ///
(scatter csdid_mean year_csdid, mcolor(saddle) msize(6-pt)) ///
(line csdid_mean year_csdid, lcolor(brown) lwidth(medthick) lpattern(dash)) ///
(rcap csdid_ci_lower csdid_ci_upper year_csdid, lcolor(brown) lpattern(dash)), ///
title("Event Study: OLS, CSDID, and Truth") ///
note("DGP uses conditional parallel trends. OLS includes additive controls; CS uses double robust." "No differential timing. 1000 Monte Carlo simulations.") ///
legend(order(1 "Truth" 3 "OLS" 6 "CS") ///
label(1 "Truth" ) ///
label(2 "OLS" ) ///
label(3 "CS" )) ///
xline(1990.5, lpattern(dash) lcolor(gray))
* Export the graph
graph export "/Users/scunning/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox-MixtapeConsulting/scott cunningham/0.1 Mixtape Consulting/Substack/Code/step4d_combined.png", as(png) name("Graph") replace
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