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Created April 4, 2024 13:29
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* name:
* author: scott cunningham (baylor)
* description: illustrating bias with OLS and matching, and the bias adjustments for both.
* last updated: april 3 2024
capture log close
drop _all
set seed 1
set obs 5000
gen treat = 0
replace treat = 1 in 2501/5000
* Poor pre-treatment fit
gen age = rnormal(40,2.5) if treat==1
replace age = rnormal(27,3) if treat==0
gen gpa = rnormal(2.2,0.75) if treat==0
replace gpa = rnormal(1.6,0.5) if treat==1
* Visualize the imbalance
twoway (histogram age if treat==1, color(green)) ///
(histogram age if treat==0, ///
fcolor(none) lcolor(black)), legend(order(1 "Treated" 2 "Not treated" ))
twoway (histogram gpa if treat==1, color(blue)) ///
(histogram gpa if treat==0, ///
fcolor(none) lcolor(black)), legend(order(1 "Treated" 2 "Not treated" ))
su age
replace age = age - `r(mean)'
su gpa
replace gpa = gpa - `r(mean)'
* All combinations
gen age_sq = age^2
gen age_agesq = age*age_sq
gen agesq_agesq = age_sq^2
gen gpa_sq = gpa^2
gen gpa_gpasq = gpa*gpa_sq
gen gpasq_gpasq = gpa_sq^2
gen interaction = gpa*age
gen agegpa = age*gpa
gen age_gpasq = age*gpa_sq
gen gpa_agesq = gpa*age_sq
gen gpasq_agesq = age_sq*gpa_sq
gen y0 = 15000 + 10.25*age + -10.5*age_sq + 1000*gpa + -10.5*gpa_sq + 500*interaction + rnormal(0,5)
label variable y0 "Earnings if you do not get a masters"
gen y1 = y0 + 2500 + 100 * age + 3000 * gpa
label variable y1 "Earnings if you get a masters"
gen delta = y1 - y0
label variable delta "Causal effect of getting a masters on earnings"
su delta // ATE = 2500
su delta if treat==1 // ATT = 2267
local att = r(mean)
scalar att = `att'
gen att = `att'
gen earnings = treat*y1 + (1-treat)*y0
* Nearest neighbor matching without bias adjustment
teffects nnmatch (earnings age age_sq gpa gpa_sq interaction) (treat), atet nn(1) metric(euclidean)
* Nearest neighbor matching with bias adjustment
teffects nnmatch (earnings age age_sq gpa gpa_sq interaction) (treat), atet nn(1) metric(euclidean) biasadj(age age_sq gpa gpa_sq interaction)
* OLS regressions - this regression assumes "constant treatment effects" and the coefficient on treat is trying to estimate the ATE.
regress earnings age age_sq gpa gpa_sq interaction treat, robust
* Regression adjustment
teffects ra (earnings age age_sq gpa gpa_sq interaction) (treat), atet
* Regression adjustment "the long way". At its core, regression adjustment "interacts" the treatment variable with all of the covariates.
* First step is run the fully interacted regression.
#delimit ;
regress earnings i.treat##c.age
#delimit cr
local ate2=_b[1.treat]
scalar ate2 = `ate2'
gen ate2=`ate2'
* We got the ATE by looking just at the coefficient on treatment. But we can also get the ATT by multiplying each "treatment" coefficient (we have six treatment coefficients in our model) by the variable it's describing. Except you have to multiply it by the aveage value of the variable you're describing in the treatment group only. Because you're estimating the average treatment effect for the treatment group, you mulitiply each coefficient by that variable mean in the treatment group and add all together. If you code by hand, it is very easy to mess it up which is why we use "teffects ra", but I want to show you what it looks like (as it's very long)
* Second step is save each of those treatment coefficients. In Stata you save them as "local macros".
* Second obtain the coefficients
local treat_coef = _b[1.treat] // 1
local age_treat_coef = _b[1.treat#c.age] // 2
local agesq_treat_coef = _b[1.treat#c.age_sq] // 3
local gpa_treat_coef = _b[1.treat#c.gpa] // 4
local gpasq_treat_coef = _b[1.treat#c.gpa_sq] // 5
local age_gpa_coef = _b[1.treat#c.age#c.gpa] // 6
* Step three save those coefficients as scalars and then make variables.
scalar treat_coef = `treat_coef'
gen treat_coef_var = `treat_coef' // 1
scalar age_treat_coef = `age_treat_coef'
gen age_treat_coef_var = `age_treat_coef' // 2
scalar agesq_treat_coef = `agesq_treat_coef'
gen agesq_treat_coeff_var = `agesq_treat_coef' // 3
scalar gpa_treat_coef = `gpa_treat_coef'
gen gpa_treat_coef_var = `gpa_treat_coef' // 4
scalar gpasq_treat_coef = `gpasq_treat_coef'
gen gpasq_treat_coef_var = `gpasq_treat_coef' // 5
scalar age_gpa_coef = `age_gpa_coef'
gen age_gpa_coef_var = `age_gpa_coef' // 6
* Step four will now calculate the average value of each of the covariates (for example age or gpa or the interaction of age and gpa) for the treatment group only
su age if treat==1
local mean_age = `r(mean)'
gen mean_age = `mean_age'
su age_sq if treat==1
local mean_agesq = `r(mean)'
gen mean_agesq = `mean_agesq'
su gpa if treat==1
local mean_gpa = `r(mean)'
gen mean_gpa = `mean_gpa'
su gpa_sq if treat==1
local mean_gpasq = `r(mean)'
gen mean_gpasq = `mean_gpasq'
su interaction if treat==1
local mean_agegpa = `r(mean)'
gen mean_agegpa = `mean_agegpa'
* Step 5 is calculate or estimate the ATT using all that information (coefficient x sample means for treatment group added together)
gen treat4 = treat_coef_var + /// 1
age_treat_coef_var * mean_age + /// 2
agesq_treat_coeff_var * mean_agesq + /// 3
gpa_treat_coef_var * mean_gpa + /// 4
gpasq_treat_coef_var * mean_gpasq + /// 5
age_gpa_coef_var * mean_agegpa /// 6
sum delta if treat==1
sum treat4 // regression adjustment "the long way"
* Regression adjustment using teffects
teffects ra (earnings age age_sq gpa gpa_sq interaction) (treat), atet
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