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Last active April 26, 2023 13:20
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* Simulation with heterogenous treatment effects, unconfoundedness and OLS estimation
clear all
program define het_te, rclass
version 14.2
syntax [, obs(integer 1) mu(real 0) sigma(real 1) ]
drop _all
set obs 5000
gen treat = 0
replace treat = 1 in 2501/5000
gen age = rnormal(25,2.5) if treat==1
replace age = rnormal(30,3) if treat==0
gen gpa = rnormal(2.3,0.75) if treat==0
replace gpa = rnormal(1.76,0.5) if treat==1
su age
replace age = age - `r(mean)'
su gpa
replace gpa = gpa - `r(mean)'
gen age_sq = age^2
gen gpa_sq = gpa^2
gen interaction=gpa*age
gen y0 = 15000 + 10.25*age + -10.5*age_sq + 1000*gpa + -10.5*gpa_sq + 500*interaction + rnormal(0,5)
gen y1 = y0 + 2500 + 100 * age + 1000*gpa
gen delta = y1 - y0
su delta // ATE = 2500
su delta if treat==1 // ATT = 1980
local att = r(mean)
scalar att = `att'
gen att = `att'
gen earnings = treat*y1 + (1-treat)*y0
* Regression 1: constant treatment effects, no quadratics
reg earnings treat age gpa, robust
local treat1=_b[treat]
scalar treat1 = `treat1'
gen treat1=`treat1'
* Regression 2: constant treatment effects, quadratics and interaction
reg earnings treat age age_sq gpa gpa_sq c.gpa#c.age, robust
local treat2=_b[treat]
scalar treat2 = `treat2'
gen treat2=`treat2'
* Regression 3: Heterogenous treatment effects, partial saturation
regress earnings i.treat##c.age##c.gpa, robust
local ate1=_b[1.treat]
scalar ate1 = `ate1'
gen ate1=`ate1'
* Obtain the coefficients
local treat_coef = _b[1.treat]
local age_treat_coef = _b[1.treat#c.age]
local gpa_treat_coef = _b[1.treat#c.gpa]
local age_gpa_treat_coef = _b[1.treat#c.age#c.gpa]
* Save the coefficients as scalars and generate variables
scalar treat_coef = `treat_coef'
gen treat_coef_var = `treat_coef'
scalar age_treat_coef = `age_treat_coef'
gen age_treat_coef_var = `age_treat_coef'
scalar gpa_treat_coef = `gpa_treat_coef'
gen gpa_treat_coef_var = `gpa_treat_coef'
scalar age_gpa_treat_coef = `age_gpa_treat_coef'
gen age_gpa_treat_coef_var = `age_gpa_treat_coef'
* Calculate the mean of the covariates
egen mean_age = mean(age), by(treat)
egen mean_gpa = mean(gpa), by(treat)
* Calculate the ATT
gen treat3 = treat_coef_var + ///
age_treat_coef_var * mean_age + ///
gpa_treat_coef_var * mean_gpa + ///
age_gpa_treat_coef_var * mean_age * mean_gpa if treat == 1
* Drop coefficient variables
drop treat_coef_var age_treat_coef_var gpa_treat_coef_var age_gpa_treat_coef_var mean_gpa mean_age
* Regression 4: Heterogenous treatment effects, full saturation
regress earnings i.treat##c.age##c.age_sq##c.gpa##c.gpa_sq, robust
local ate2=_b[1.treat]
scalar ate2 = `ate2'
gen ate2=`ate2'
* Obtain the coefficients
local treat_coef = _b[1.treat]
local age_treat_coef = _b[1.treat#c.age]
local age_sq_treat_coef = _b[1.treat#c.age_sq]
local gpa_treat_coef = _b[1.treat#c.gpa]
local gpa_sq_treat_coef = _b[1.treat#c.gpa_sq]
local age_age_sq_coef = _b[1.treat#c.age#c.age_sq]
local age_gpa_coef = _b[1.treat#c.age#c.gpa]
local age_gpa_sq_coef = _b[1.treat#c.age#c.gpa_sq]
local age_sq_gpa_coef = _b[1.treat#c.age_sq#c.gpa]
local age_sq_gpa_sq_coef = _b[1.treat#c.age_sq#c.gpa_sq]
local gpa_gpa_sq_coef = _b[1.treat#c.gpa#c.gpa_sq]
* Save the coefficients as scalars and generate variables
scalar treat_coef = `treat_coef'
gen treat_coef_var = `treat_coef'
scalar age_treat_coef = `age_treat_coef'
gen age_treat_coef_var = `age_treat_coef'
scalar age_sq_treat_coef = `age_sq_treat_coef'
gen age_sq_treat_coef_var = `age_sq_treat_coef'
scalar gpa_treat_coef = `gpa_treat_coef'
gen gpa_treat_coef_var = `gpa_treat_coef'
scalar gpa_sq_treat_coef = `gpa_sq_treat_coef'
gen gpa_sq_treat_coef_var = `gpa_sq_treat_coef'
scalar age_age_sq_coef = `age_age_sq_coef'
gen age_age_sq_coef_var = `age_age_sq_coef'
scalar age_gpa_coef = `age_gpa_coef'
gen age_gpa_coef_var = `age_gpa_coef'
scalar age_gpa_sq_coef = `age_gpa_sq_coef'
gen age_gpa_sq_coef_var = `age_gpa_sq_coef'
scalar age_sq_gpa_coef = `age_sq_gpa_coef'
gen age_sq_gpa_coef_var = `age_sq_gpa_coef'
scalar age_sq_gpa_sq_coef = `age_sq_gpa_sq_coef'
gen age_sq_gpa_sq_coef_var = `age_sq_gpa_sq_coef'
scalar gpa_gpa_sq_coef = `gpa_gpa_sq_coef'
gen gpa_gpa_sq_coef_var = `gpa_gpa_sq_coef'
* Calculate the mean of the covariates
egen mean_age = mean(age), by(treat)
egen mean_age_sq = mean(age_sq), by(treat)
egen mean_gpa = mean(gpa), by(treat)
egen mean_gpa_sq = mean(gpa_sq), by(treat)
* Calculate the ATT
gen treat4 = treat_coef_var + ///
age_treat_coef_var * mean_age + ///
age_sq_treat_coef_var * mean_age_sq + ///
gpa_treat_coef_var * mean_gpa + ///
gpa_sq_treat_coef_var * mean_gpa_sq + ///
age_treat_coef_var * mean_age * age_age_sq_coef + ///
age_treat_coef_var * mean_age * age_gpa_coef + ///
age_treat_coef_var * mean_age * age_gpa_sq_coef + ///
age_sq_treat_coef_var * mean_age_sq * age_sq_gpa_coef + ///
age_sq_treat_coef_var * mean_age_sq * age_sq_gpa_sq_coef + ///
gpa_treat_coef_var * mean_gpa * gpa_gpa_sq_coef if treat == 1
* Drop coefficient variables
drop treat_coef_var age_treat_coef_var age_sq_treat_coef_var gpa_treat_coef_var gpa_sq_treat_coef_var ///
age_age_sq_coef_var age_gpa_coef_var age_gpa_sq_coef_var age_sq_gpa_coef_var age_sq_gpa_sq_coef_var gpa_gpa_sq_coef_var
gen agegpa=age*gpa
* Matching model 1
teffects nnmatch (earnings age gpa) (treat), atet nn(1) metric(maha)
mat b=e(b)
local match1 = b[1,1]
scalar match1=`match1'
gen match1=`match1'
* Matching model 2
teffects nnmatch (earnings age gpa) (treat), atet nn(1) metric(maha) biasadj(age gpa)
mat b=e(b)
local match2 = b[1,1]
scalar match2=`match2'
gen match2=`match2'
* Matching model 3
teffects nnmatch (earnings age gpa age_sq gpa_sq agegpa) (treat), atet nn(1) metric(maha)
mat b=e(b)
local match3 = b[1,1]
scalar match3=`match3'
gen match3=`match3'
* Matching model 4
teffects nnmatch (earnings age gpa age_sq gpa_sq agegpa) (treat), atet nn(1) metric(maha) biasadj(age age_sq gpa gpa_sq agegpa)
mat b=e(b)
local match4 = b[1,1]
scalar match4=`match4'
gen match4=`match4'
collapse (max) att treat1 treat2 ate1 ate2 treat3 treat4 match1 match2 match3 match4
simulate att treat1 treat2 ate1 ate2 treat3 treat4 match1 match2 match3 match4, reps(1000): het_te
** Regressions ATE
* Figure1: Control for age and gpa
kdensity _sim_2, xtitle(Estimated ATE) xline(2500, lwidth(medthick) lpattern(dash) lcolor(blue) extend) xlabel(2500 2717) xline(2717, lwidth(med) lpattern(solid) lcolor(red) extend) subtitle(Saturated w/ age gpa and interactions) ytitle("") title("") note("")
graph save "Graph" "./figures/sim2.gph", replace
* Figure2: Control for age and gpa, polynomials and interactions
kdensity _sim_3, xtitle(Estimated ATE) xline(2500, lwidth(medthick) lpattern(dash) lcolor(blue) extend) xlabel(2500 2389) xline(2389, lwidth(med) lpattern(solid) lcolor(red) extend) subtitle(Saturated w/ age gpa polynomials and interactions) ytitle("") title("") note("")
graph save "Graph" "./figures/sim3.gph", replace
* Figure3: Saturate age and gpa
kdensity _sim_4, xtitle(Estimated ATE) xline(2500, lwidth(medthick) lpattern(dash) lcolor(blue) extend) xlabel(2500 2532) xline(2532, lwidth(med) lpattern(solid) lcolor(red) extend) subtitle(Saturated w/ age gpa and interactions) ytitle("") title("") note("")
graph save "Graph" "./figures/sim4.gph", replace
* Figure4: Saturate age and gpa, polynomials and interactions
kdensity _sim_5, xtitle(Estimated ATE) xline(2500, lwidth(medthick) lpattern(dash) lcolor(blue) extend) xlabel(2500 2500) xline(2500, lwidth(med) lpattern(solid) lcolor(red) extend) subtitle(Saturated w/ age gpa polynomials and interactions) ytitle("") title("") note("")
graph save "Graph" "./figures/sim5.gph", replace
graph combine ./figures/sim2.gph ./figures/sim3.gph ./figures/sim4.gph ./figures/sim5.gph, title(OLS Estimates of ATE with heterogenous treatment effects) note(Four kernel density plots of estimated coefficients from 1000 simulations)
graph save "Graph" "./figures/combined_kernels_ate.gph", replace
graph export ./figures/combined_kernels_ate.jpg, as(jpg) name("Graph") quality(90) replace
** Regressions ATT
* Figure3: saturated treatment with age gpa and interactions
kdensity _sim_6, xtitle(Estimated ATT) xline(1980, lwidth(medthick) lpattern(dash) lcolor(blue) extend) xlabel(1980 1746) xline(1746, lwidth(med) lpattern(solid) lcolor(red) extend) subtitle(Saturated w/ age gpa and interactions) ytitle("") title("") note("")
graph save "Graph" "./figures/sim6.gph", replace
* Figure4: saturated treatment with age gpa polynomials and interactions
kdensity _sim_7, xtitle(Estimated ATT) xline(1980, lwidth(medthick) lpattern(dash) lcolor(blue) extend) xlabel(1980 1972) xline(1972, lwidth(med) lpattern(solid) lcolor(red) extend) subtitle(Saturated w/ age gpa polynomials and interactions) ytitle("") title("") note("")
graph save "Graph" "./figures/sim7.gph", replace
graph combine ./figures/sim6.gph ./figures/sim7.gph, title(OLS Estimates of ATT with heterogenous treatment effects) note(Two kernel density plots of estimated coefficients from two regressions and 1000 simulations)
graph save "Graph" "./figures/combined_kernels_att.gph", replace
graph export ./figures/combined_kernels_att.jpg, as(jpg) name("Graph") quality(90) replace
** Matching
* Figure5: Matching without bias adjustment
kdensity _sim_8, xtitle(Estimated ATT) xline(1980, lwidth(medthick) lpattern(dash) lcolor(blue) extend) xlabel(1980 2007) xline(2007, lwidth(med) lpattern(solid) lcolor(red) extend) subtitle(Age and GPA and no bias adjustment) ytitle("") title("") note("")
graph save "Graph" "./figures/sim_8.gph", replace
* Figure6: Matching with bias adjustment
kdensity _sim_9, xtitle(Estimated ATT) xline(1980, lwidth(medthick) lpattern(dash) lcolor(blue) extend) xlabel(1980 1998) xline(1998, lwidth(med) lpattern(solid) lcolor(red) extend) subtitle(Age and GPA and bias adjustment) ytitle("") title("") note("")
graph save "Graph" "./figures/sim_9.gph", replace
* Figure8: Matching without bias adjustment
kdensity _sim_10, xtitle(Estimated ATT) xline(1980, lwidth(medthick) lpattern(dash) lcolor(blue) extend) xlabel(1980 2007) xline(2007, lwidth(med) lpattern(solid) lcolor(red) extend) subtitle(Age and GPA polynomials and no bias adjustment) ytitle("") title("") note("")
graph save "Graph" "./figures/sim_10.gph", replace
* Figure9: Matching with bias adjustment
kdensity _sim_11, xtitle(Estimated ATT) xline(1980, lwidth(medthick) lpattern(dash) lcolor(blue) extend) xlabel(1980 1980) xline(1980, lwidth(med) lpattern(solid) lcolor(red) extend) subtitle(Age and GPA polynomials and bias adjustment) ytitle("") title("") note("")
graph save "Graph" "./figures/sim_11.gph", replace
graph combine ./figures/sim_8.gph ./figures/sim_9.gph ./figures/sim_10.gph ./figures/sim_11.gph, title(Matching with Minimized Maha on Age and GPA) note(Four kernel density plots of estimated ATT from 1000 simulations)
graph save "Graph" "./figures/combined_kernels_maha.gph", replace
graph export ./figures/combined_kernels_maha.jpg, as(jpg) name("Graph") quality(90) replace
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