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Created May 19, 2023 13:51
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Simple event study for a 2x2
* name:
* author: scott cunningham
* description: illustrating an event study with Stata
capture log close
use, clear
* Prepare the dataset
xtset sid year
drop if effyear==2005 | effyear==2007 | effyear==2008 | effyear==2009
drop post
gen post = 0
replace post = 1 if year>=2006
gen treat=0
replace treat=1 if effyear==2006
* Event study
tabulate year, gen(pre)
tabulate year, gen(post)
gen treated=0
replace treated=1 if effyear==2006 & year>=2006
reg l_homicide treat##ib2005.year, cluster(state)
matrix b = r(table)
local coef00 = b[1, 25]
local coef01 = b[1, 26]
local coef02 = b[1, 27]
local coef03 = b[1, 28]
local coef04 = b[1, 29]
local coef05 = b[1, 30]
local coef06 = b[1, 31]
local coef07 = b[1, 32]
local coef08 = b[1, 33]
local coef09 = b[1, 34]
local coef10 = b[1, 35]
local ll00 = b[5, 25]
local ll01 = b[5, 26]
local ll02 = b[5, 27]
local ll03 = b[5, 28]
local ll04 = b[5, 29]
local ll05 = b[5, 30]
local ll06 = b[5, 31]
local ll07 = b[5, 32]
local ll08 = b[5, 33]
local ll09 = b[5, 34]
local ll10 = b[5, 35]
local ul00 = b[6, 25]
local ul01 = b[6, 26]
local ul02 = b[6, 27]
local ul03 = b[6, 28]
local ul04 = b[6, 29]
local ul05 = b[6, 30]
local ul06 = b[6, 31]
local ul07 = b[6, 32]
local ul08 = b[6, 33]
local ul09 = b[6, 34]
local ul10 = b[6, 35]
set obs 11
gen year = _n + 1999
gen coef = .
gen ll = .
gen ul = .
replace coef = `coef00' in 1
replace coef = `coef01' in 2
replace coef = `coef02' in 3
replace coef = `coef03' in 4
replace coef = `coef04' in 5
replace coef = `coef05' in 6
replace coef = `coef06' in 7
replace coef = `coef07' in 8
replace coef = `coef08' in 9
replace coef = `coef09' in 10
replace coef = `coef10' in 11
replace ul = `ul00' in 1
replace ul = `ul01' in 2
replace ul = `ul02' in 3
replace ul = `ul03' in 4
replace ul = `ul04' in 5
replace ul = `ul05' in 6
replace ul = `ul06' in 7
replace ul = `ul07' in 8
replace ul = `ul08' in 9
replace ul = `ul09' in 10
replace ul = `ul10' in 11
replace ll = `ll00' in 1
replace ll = `ll01' in 2
replace ll = `ll02' in 3
replace ll = `ll03' in 4
replace ll = `ll04' in 5
replace ll = `ll05' in 6
replace ll = `ll06' in 7
replace ll = `ll07' in 8
replace ll = `ll08' in 9
replace ll = `ll09' in 10
replace ll = `ll10' in 11
twoway (rcap ul ll year, sort lcolor(black) lwidth(medium) lpattern(solid)) (scatter coef year, sort mcolor(black) msize(6-pt) msymbol(circle)), yline(0, lwidth(medthin) lpattern(solid) lcolor(blue)) xtitle(`"Year"') xline(2005.5, lwidth(medium) lpattern(dash) lcolor(blue)) xlabel(2000(1)2010) title(`"Ln(Homicides)"') legend(off)
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