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Created April 25, 2010 22:25
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Owari in Haskell
module Main where
import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Debug.Trace ( trace )
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
import Text.Printf ( printf )
data Player = Max | Min
deriving ( Eq, Show )
otherPlayer :: Player -> Player
otherPlayer Max = Min
otherPlayer Min = Max
data GameState = GameState
{ firstPlayer :: !Player
, player :: !Player
, board :: !(UArray Int Int)
, score :: !(Player -> Int)
, value :: !Int
instance Show GameState where
show gs = unlines [ printf "%s %d | %s" (marker 1) (score gs (otherPlayer $ firstPlayer gs)) (intercalate " " . reverse $ bowls (7, 12) gs)
, printf "%s %d | %s" (marker 2) (score gs (firstPlayer gs)) (intercalate " " $ bowls (1, 6) gs)
marker 1 = if firstPlayer gs /= player gs then ">" else " "
marker 2 = if firstPlayer gs == player gs then ">" else " "
bowls (f, l) = map (printf "%2d".snd) . filter (\(i, x) -> f <= i && i <= l) . assocs . board
instance Eq GameState where
a == b = board a == board b && player a == player b
&& firstPlayer a == firstPlayer b
instance Ord GameState where
compare a b = compare (value a) (value b)
data GameTree = Node { state :: !GameState
, nextStates :: !(Array Int GameTree)
, complete :: !Bool
| Invalid
| Empty
deriving ( Eq )
instance Ord GameTree where
compare a b
| a == Empty || a == Invalid = LT
| b == Empty || b == Invalid = GT
| otherwise = compare (state a) (state b)
newNode :: GameState -> GameTree
newNode gs = Node gs (listArray (1, 12) (repeat Empty)) False
isNode :: GameTree -> Bool
isNode (Node _ _ _) = True
isNode _ = False
getTreeValueString :: GameTree -> String
getTreeValueString Invalid = "X"
getTreeValueString Empty = "_"
getTreeValueString n = show . value . state $ n
instance Show GameTree where
show Empty = "-?-"
show Invalid = "-X-"
show n = unlines [ "Current:"
, intercalate "\n" . map ("\t"++) . lines . show $ state n
, "Next:"
, "\t" ++ (intercalate " " . reverse $ positions (7, 12) n)
, "\t" ++ (intercalate " " $ positions (1, 6) n)
positions (f, l) = map (printf "%2s" . getTreeValueString . snd)
. filter (\(i, x) -> f <= i && i <= l) . assocs . nextStates
initialState :: GameState
initialState = GameState
{ firstPlayer = Max
, player = Max
, board = listArray (1, 12) (repeat 4)
, score = const 0
, value = 0
doEmptyMove :: GameState -> GameState
doEmptyMove gs = gs { player = otherPlayer $ player gs
, value = score gs (otherPlayer $ player gs) - score gs (player gs)
doMove :: GameState -> Int -> Maybe GameState
doMove gs m
| isValidMove gs m = Just $ gs { player = newPlayer
, board = newBoard'
, score = newScore
, value = if newScore newPlayer >= 24 then 1000 else newValue
| otherwise = Nothing
newPlayer = otherPlayer $ player gs
-- indices of the bowls that were hit
hits :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
hits 0 _ = []
hits stones i = i : hits (stones-1) (normalizedIndex (i+1))
hit = hits (board gs ! m) (normalizedIndex (m+1))
-- indices of the bowls that were captured
captured = nub [i | i <- hit, board gs ! i == 1, i /= m]
newScore = \p -> if p == newPlayer
then score gs p
else score gs p + length captured + length (filter (`elem`captured) hit)
newBoard = board gs // ((m, 0) : [(i, 0) | i <- captured])
newBoard' = accum (+) newBoard [(i, 1) | i <- hit, i `notElem` captured]
normalizedIndex i = (i-1) `mod` 12 + 1
newValue = newScore (otherPlayer $ player gs) - newScore (player gs)
advanceTree :: GameTree -> Int -> GameTree
advanceTree gt m = nextStates gt ! m
isValidMove :: GameState -> Int -> Bool
isValidMove gs m
| player gs == firstPlayer gs = 1 <= m && m <= 6 && board gs ! m /= 0
| player gs /= firstPlayer gs = 7 <= m && m <= 12 && board gs ! m /= 0
canMove :: GameState -> Bool
canMove gs = any (isValidMove gs) [1..12]
-- AI
completeNode :: GameTree -> GameTree
completeNode Empty = Empty
completeNode Invalid = Invalid
completeNode (Node s ns c)
| canMove s = let ns' = listArray (1, 12) $ map (maybe Invalid newNode . doMove s) [1..12]
in Node s ns' True
| otherwise = Node s (listArray (1, 12) $ newNode (doEmptyMove s) : repeat Invalid) True
ensureDepth :: Int -> GameTree -> GameTree
ensureDepth _ Empty = Empty
ensureDepth _ Invalid = Invalid
ensureDepth 0 gt = gt
ensureDepth d gt
| complete gt = Node (state gt) (amap (ensureDepth (d-1)) (nextStates gt)) True
| otherwise = ensureDepth d (completeNode gt)
nodesIn :: GameTree -> Int
nodesIn Empty = 0
nodesIn Invalid = 0
nodesIn (Node _ ns _) = 1 + sum (map nodesIn $ elems ns)
minimax :: Int -> GameTree -> GameTree
minimax _ Empty = Empty
minimax _ Invalid = Invalid
minimax 0 gt = gt
minimax d gt
| complete gt = let nts = amap (minimax (d-1)) (nextStates gt)
newValue = maximum . map ((0-).value.state)
. filter isNode $ elems nts
in Node ((state gt) { value = newValue }) nts True
| otherwise = minimax d (completeNode gt)
bestMove :: GameTree -> Int
bestMove gt = fst . minimumBy (compare `on` snd) . filter (isNode.snd) . assocs $ nextStates gt
alphabeta :: Int -> GameTree -> GameTree
alphabeta d gt = go d gt (-1000) 1000
go :: Int -> GameTree -> Int -> Int -> GameTree
go _ Empty _ _ = Empty
go _ Invalid _ _ = Invalid
go 0 gt _ _ = gt
go d gt a b
| complete gt = let nts = accum (\_ x -> x) (nextStates gt) (goChildren (filter (isNode.snd) . assocs $ nextStates gt) a)
newValue = maximum . map ((0-).value.state)
. filter isNode $ elems nts
in Node ((state gt) { value = newValue }) nts True
| otherwise = go d (completeNode gt) a b
goChildren :: [(Int, GameTree)] -> Int -> [(Int, GameTree)]
goChildren [] _ = []
goChildren ((i, t):ts) a = let nt = go (d-1) t (-b) (-a)
a' = (0-) . value . state $ nt
in (i,nt) : if (b <= a')
then ts
else goChildren ts a'
-- UI
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Shall I go first? [y/n]"
ans <- getLine
if ans == "y"
then gameLoop 1 11 (newNode initialState { player = Max })
else gameLoop 1 11 (newNode initialState { player = Max })
gameLoop :: Int -> Int -> GameTree -> IO ()
gameLoop moveNum depth gt = do
let s = state gt
if score s (firstPlayer s) >= 24
then do
printf "First player WON\n\nFinal state:\n"
print s
else if score s (otherPlayer $ firstPlayer s) >= 24
then do
printf "Second player WON\n\nFinal state:\n"
print s
else do
printf "Computing (%d)...\n" (depth + moveNum `div` 4)
let gt' = alphabeta (depth + moveNum `div` 4) gt
bm = bestMove gt'
print gt'
if canMove s
then do
printf "I recommend you move %d\n\n" bm
m <- getMove
gameLoop (moveNum+1) depth $ advanceTree gt' m
else do
printf "You can't move\n"
gameLoop (moveNum+1) depth $ advanceTree gt' 1 -- empty move
getMove :: IO Int
getMove = do
printf "What is your move?\n"
m <- return . read =<< getLine
if isValidMove (state gt) m
then return m
else do
printf "Invalid move: %d\n" m
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