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Last active April 21, 2023 00:13
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Video notes on "Vue NYC - Component Tests with Vue.js - Matt O'Connell"

Video notes on "Vue NYC - Component Tests with Vue.js - Matt O'Connell"

It is good but could use some clarification and revision 5 years later...

Reasons to test:

  1. Confidence/Removal of Fear to Change Code
  • The product that rhymes with "Packer" is a good example of this. Devs are afraid to touch the code and when we do, more regressions have arisen.
  1. Code Quality
    • Good testing -> higher code quality
      • SRP
      • Modular
      • Forces you to think about what my component really is doing?
  2. Tests are good documentation

Issue: Do not reach for the implementation detail



it('hides the logOut button if the user is not logged in', () => {
  expect(wrapper.findByInnerText('Log Out')).to.exist()
  wrapper.setProps({loggedIn: false}))
  expect(wrapper.findByInnerText('Log Out'))


I disagree on #1... it is not testing the framework (vue)!

Input: myProp Output: DOM

We are not testing vue! Perhaps a non contrived example would be better:

it('displays the full name', () => {

I agree on #2, prop validation is vue framework and we shouldn't test that.

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