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Last active June 7, 2023 02:22
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Using fluent selection in a "controlled" manner
import { IObjectWithKey, Selection, SelectionMode } from '@fluentui/react';
import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
/** Options interface for the `useControlledFluentSelection` hook. */
export interface ControlledSelectionOptions<T> {
/** The currently selected items. */
selectedItems: T[];
/** Optional selection mode. */
selectionMode?: SelectionMode;
/** Event handler called when the selected items change. */
onSelectionChanged?: (selectedItems: T[]) => void;
/** Get key function passed to the Fluent selection object. */
getKey: (item: T) => string;
* This hook lets you use control the state used by the Fluent selection
* object. This let's you more easily do things like programmatically change the
* selected items in a `DetailsList`, while also keeping a state variable in
* sync with a user selection on the table itself.
* @example
* const [selectedThings, setSelectedThings] = useState<Thing[]>([]);
* const selection = useControlledFluentSelection({
* selectedItems: selectedThings,
* onSelectionChanged: setSelectedThings,
* getKey: (thing) =>,
* });
* function someHandler() {
* setSelectedThings([someThing]); // Details list will update
* }
* return <DetailsList selection={selection} ... />
export function useControlledFluentSelection<T>(options: ControlledSelectionOptions<T>) {
const { selectedItems, selectionMode, onSelectionChanged, getKey } = options;
const onSelectionChangedRef = useRef(onSelectionChanged);
const getKeyRef = useRef(getKey);
const shouldCallChangeHandlerRef = useRef(true);
const selectionRef = useRef(
new Selection({
getKey: (item: IObjectWithKey) => getKeyRef.current(item as T),
onSelectionChanged: () => {
if (shouldCallChangeHandlerRef.current) {
onSelectionChangedRef.current?.(selectionRef.current.getSelection() as T[]);
// Save the latest callbacks so they're available to the Fluent Selection
useEffect(() => {
onSelectionChangedRef.current = onSelectionChanged;
getKeyRef.current = getKey;
}, [onSelectionChanged, getKey]);
// Sync selectedItems to the Fluent Selection
useEffect(() => {
// We don't want the selection object to call `onSelectionChanged` for
// these updates because it creates an infinite loop.
shouldCallChangeHandlerRef.current = false;
if (selectedItems.length > 0 && selectedItems.length === selectionRef.current.getItems().length) {
} else {
for (const item of selectedItems) {
selectionRef.current.setKeySelected(getKeyRef.current(item), true, false);
shouldCallChangeHandlerRef.current = true;
}, [selectedItems]);
return selectionRef.current;
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