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Last active August 6, 2022 14:18
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  • Save scytacki/7bc2bf33c0fde7753fcc353de3c9f547 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save scytacki/7bc2bf33c0fde7753fcc353de3c9f547 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ManagedInteractive.where("legacy_ref_id is not null").where("updated_at < '2022-08-04'").count
Embeddable::OpenResponse.joins(:converted_interactive).where(is_half_width: true).count +
Embeddable::MultipleChoice.joins(:converted_interactive).where(is_half_width: true).count +
Embeddable::ImageQuestion.joins(:converted_interactive).where(is_half_width: true).count +
VideoInteractive.joins(:converted_interactive).where(is_half_width: true).count +
ImageInteractive.joins(:converted_interactive).where(is_half_width: true).count
def author_modified_count
ManagedInteractive.where("legacy_ref_id is not null").where("updated_at > '2022-08-04'").count
# mis_updated = []
def copy_half_width_setting
mis_processed = 0
mis_updated = 0
managed_interactives = ManagedInteractive.where("legacy_ref_id is not null").where("updated_at < '2022-08-04'").includes(:legacy_ref)
mis_to_process = managed_interactives.count
managed_interactives.find_in_batches(batch_size: 1000) { |batch|
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction {
batch.each { |mi|
if (mi.legacy_ref.is_half_width && !mi.is_half_width)
# Use update_column so the updated_at time is not changed
mi.update_column(:is_half_width, mi.legacy_ref.is_half_width)
mis_updated += 1
mis_processed += 1
puts "#{mis_processed} of #{mis_to_process} processed."
puts "Processed #{mis_processed} of #{mis_to_process}. #{mis_updated} updated"
# Result from authoring-migrate
# Processed 320839 of 320839. 313833 updated
# Result from authoring
# Processed 320796 of 320796. 313799 updated
# Generate CSV of what was modified this requires an array of mis_updated ids
# This isn't really feasible because it will be around 50 MB of text to copy
output = CSV.generate { |csv|
mis_updated.each_slice(100) { |mi_ids|
mis = ManagedInteractive.where(id: mi_ids)
mis.each{ |mi|
page = mi.interactive_page
activity = page&.lightweight_activity
next if !page || !activity
csv << [,
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