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lab01 / PoIntQu@l!ty

CONUSER / PoIntQu@l!ty

Part 1 - Creating a new product in implementer


  • I have just received an email from JIRA with the task to create a new product.
  • I can click on the link to launch the JIRA ticket and see the details of this requirement.
  • In the description I see there are 4 steps for this item:
    • Create a business specification
    • Create a product definition
    • Create a new screen
    • Test the end result
  • The business specification has already been attached, so I'll start with creating the product definition.
  • I'll log in as home office user to complete the product implementation.
  • Now I'll open the product definition tool for POINT IN.

Product definition

  • In this section I will create a new product which supports parent-child inheritance. (2a, 2d)
  • First I'll choose the hierarchy definition screen.
  • The screen consists of 3 sections:
    • The Writing Companies section shows me all of the companies that I have defined.
    • Under that is a list of all the Product Templates which are already defined in the system.
    • To the right is the Product Definition viewer where I see all of the products that are actually implemented.
  • To begin adding the new mobile home line of business, I'll choose Add line of business in the product template viewer.
  • After selecting the name of the new line of business I'll submit and enter my JIRA number, or package number, to connect my workflow and additionally enter a sequence number for history tracking.
  • Once I submit the change, I can see the new LOB in the product template list. For the sake of time I will copy an existing product template from the homeowners line of business, which I can do with a simple copy and paste operation.
  • Expanding the new LOB I can see that those templates have been copied over.
  • Next I will add a new Animal Liability coverage by entering its name and submitting the change.
  • At this point I have created the new line of business and added a new coverage for mobile home.
  • Now I need to add it to the product definition. To do so, I'll select a location and company combination, and then choose South Carolina as the state for this implementation.
  • Again this is accomplished through a copy and paste from the template to the state node in the product definition.
  • Now I can traverse the nodes again and verify that the new LOB has been successfully added to the definition.
  • At this point I have created a new product, added a new coverage, and attached it to a state, company, and location combination.
  • Next I need to define the rules that will govern rating of this new product. (2c)

Rating Rules

  • From the main configuration screen I'll choose Algorithms and Ratekeys, where I again see the Product Definition panel.
  • I can navigate through the key nodes to find my new LOB and this time choose Rating Rules.
  • The right-hand panel opens and since this is a new product, no rules are defined. I can expand the Add Rating Rule section, enter a rule number 10, a name INIT PREM VALUES, a level of Basic Contract, and add it to the new product.
  • Once I add the rule, it is enqueued for addition and I can click the Save button to commit the new rule.
  • I can add steps for the rule by choosing the Add algo screen.
    • I am taken to a screen where I can add steps that will be executed when this product is rated.
    • I'll just add a simple algorithm that moves 50 into the policy premium. To do that I'll enter a sequence number, choose a literal type, a first rate field as *FIFTY, an operation of Move, and in the result direct it to an Attribute called POLICY PREMIUM at the Policy level.
    • Upon adding the algorithm it is enqueued for addition and I will use the Save button to commit the change.
    • This process allows us to add steps to a rule, either one at a time or in bulk.
  • I've finished adding a rule to the new product. Finally I need to get the package for this new product so that it can be implemented to subsequent databases.

Package Generation

  • Back to the main configuration screen, I will use EzTracker to manage product configuration work packages. (2e)
  • It provides several options like providing a package number, pulling a package, and seeing the list of pulled or active packages.
  • I'll choose package number and note that my current package of 148 is already selected from my JIRA entry.
  • Since I want to pull this package, I'll choose the pull option and provide my package number. I request the pull and get a confirmation.
  • Now that the pull is complete, I'll log on to the server. From there I can verify that that package pull has been created.
  • I'll navigate to the designated folder and here I can see the SQL script representing the changes I made for the new product.
  • This completes the product definition demonstration; next I will make the required screen changes.

Part 2 - Screen changes and Insurance Rules

Copying and updating screens

  • Now I will create screens for the new product, modify their layout, and add fields using the Canvas tool, which allows for GUI changes to much of the presentation layer. (1a, 1b, 1c)
  • First I use the Copy tool so that I can quickly duplicate homeowners screens for the new mobile home product.
  • I copy HomeOwnersCombined to MobileHomeOwnersCombined
    • When it opens in the editor I'll make a few changes for mobile home:
    • Change Type of Construction to Construction
    • Change Year of Construction to Year Manufactured
    • Delete the Pool on Premises field.
    • Using the drag and drop tool pallette, I can add a new field with the label Tie Down, and change it to a radio button with Yes and No option available.
    • Now I can save my changes and return to the canvas home page.
  • Then I copy HomeOwnersCoverage to MobileHomeOwnersCoverage
    • I will make a few changes for the new LOB. In this case I'll just remove some Homeowners-specific fields:
    • HO1731 Applies
    • HO1732 Applies
    • HO1733 Applies
    • HO15 Applies
    • Inflation Guard
    • Now I can save my changes and return to the canvas home page.
    • I'll add a security restriction for the Tie Down field so that it is hidden from users in the Agent role.
      • To do that, I'll open MobileHomeOwnersCombined again and select the Tie Down field.
      • In the User Security panel I'll select the User Group as ROLE_AGENT and a Field Masking of Invisible.

Creating a new coverage screen

  • For the final part of this process I will create a coverage page for a new Animal Liability item.
  • Back to the Canvas home page I choose the editor tool again and this time use the plus icon to add a new page.
  • I'll change the page name to Animal Liability Coverage.
  • Next I will add several fields to capture data for my new coverage:
    • I'll drag in the first field and change the label to Animal Breed (PPEC_TEXT_1) and set the type to Dropdown. It will be used to capture the type of animal being covered. For this example I'll just add 3 dog breeds:
      • Boxer with the code BX
      • Pit Bull with the code PB
      • and Labrador with the code LR
    • For the second field I'll use the label Animal Weight (PPEC_USER_NUMBER_1) and make it a numeric entry field.
    • Lastly another field with the label Animal Age (PPEC_USER_NUMBER_2) and make it a numeric entry field.
  • Now I can save my changes.

Adding a rule

  • While I'm on this page I will also create a business rule using the graphical insurance rules editor. (1d)
  • Clicking the gear icon gives me the option of editing rules for the load or save events. I'll choose On Save.
  • The rules editor opens for me in a new tab. Since this is a new page, it has a simple workflow with no active rules.
  • I want to show an edit based on entry in my new fields, so I expand the Standard Logical Shapes menu and drag in the Decision Plus shape.
  • In the properties for that shape, I can choose the dog breed PPEC_TEXT_1 attribute I added to the screen in canvas.
  • I want to restrict this rule to the Pit Bull breed so I set Operand1 to equals and Value1 to PB.
  • Next I'll add another rule to this shape and choose weight PPEC_USER_NUMBER_1 attribute so that I can make a decision based on the weight of the animal. I pick is greater than for Operand1 and 30 for Value1. So this shape will evaluate to true if the breed is a pit bull and the entered weight is greater than 30 pounds.
  • Now that the rules are done for this shape I'll give it a meaningful name like Animal Weight.
  • I need to trigger a decision based on the result of the rules. To do that I'll open the Validation Shapes section and drag in a Status shape.
  • The type is defaulted to Error, which is what I want, so I'll enter a code and a descriptive message telling the user what happened, like Pitbulls cannot be over 30 pounds.
  • Finally I'll wire up the shapes so that the workflow is correct.
  • Narrate the connection process
  • Now I can save my model and publish it. I'll see this in action during my policy entry.

Part 3 - Creating a Mobile Home policy

  • Now that I have implemented the line of business and customized my screens, I can enter a new mobile home policy.
  • Since this is a new product I can add it to my app list from the system menu. I choose the Add Apps section and find my new MHO Policy item.
  • The change to my personal home page is saved in my profile and I can scroll down to find the application I added.
  • Clicking the MHO Policy icon starts my entry of a new policy.
  • On the first screen I provide some required entry:
    • State: South Carolina
    • Agency: 13051
    • Policy Type: HO2
    • Address: 1 MAIN STREET, Columbia, 29223
    • Insured: WILLIAM NELSON
  • Clicking the next button creates the new mobile home policy for me and takes me to the Property screen.
    • Here I can see the changes I made for this line of business in the Canvas tool. Note that Type of Construction is now Construction, and Year of Construction is Year Manufactured.
    • I'll enter the Construction as Aluminum and the Year Manufactured as 2000
    • Occupancy: Owner Primary Res
    • Number of Families: 1
    • Then I'll fill out the other required fields on the page:
    • Inside city: yes
    • Distance to fire station: yes
    • Distance to hydrant: no
    • Responding fire dept: AIKEN
    • The Protection class field is filled by a third party integration
    • Territory: Richland
  • The next button will save my data and take me to the coverage screen.
    • I'll first add my coverage limits.
    • Next the alarms that are present in the mobile home.
    • And finally I can find the new Animal Liability coverage that I added in the previous steps. The entry fields I created appear and allow me to capture the information for the new coverage.
    • To see my rule in action, I'll choose Pit Bull as the breed and enter a weight greater than 30 pounds. When I submit the coverage I can see the error message I entered earlier and the coverage will not be added.
    • Now I'll choose the Animal Liability coverage again and enter valid values.
    • Once I submit, I see that the new coverage has been added.
  • Now that my policy entry is complete I'll show the online debugging tool.


  • I'll trigger debugging for this policy, which will allow for regression testing and "what if" analysis (2f). I will copy my policy number and have the debugging tool wait for that policy key.
  • Back on my policy page I request a rate. Since it is looking for this specific policy key, the online debugging tool will intercept the request and allow me to debug it graphically.
  • It shows me that my current step is INIT REINS SWITCH, my sequence number, and the first field value.
  • Now I can step through the rating and observe the values at each phase of the process.
  • Once I'm satisfied with the results I can click the Zoom button to complete the process and see my premium displayed in my policy window.
  • I can also review the policy DEC which is embedded as a PDF document.

Part 4 - Navigation workflow changes in canvas

  • For the next demo in this section, I'll show how the navigation order of the screens can easily be changed, allowing me to manage my workflows and business processes. (1e)
  • Note that in the tab order of this policy, the flow goes Applicant, Property, Coverage.
  • I'll return to the Canvas home page and choose the Navigation Editor tool.
  • The navigation order is by line of business and entry type, so I'll choose MHO_Policy
  • The resulting screen shows me a list of the possible tabs and their order. To change the order, I can simply drag and drop Coverage before Property.
  • Now I save the changes and return to my policy entry window. I'll copy my policy number.
  • Returning to the home page, I'll search for the policy we just entered.
  • After selecting that policy, I can open it again.
  • Note that the Coverage screen is now before the Property screen in the tab order.

Part 5 - Work In Process

  • Now I will create and manage manual and system-generated tasks. (1f)
  • To create a new business task, I will navigate to the Home page and select Work in Process from the available apps.
  • I'll choose Add Activity.
  • This new activity will be for underwriters to define underwriting guidelines for the new Mobile Home Line of business.
  • I'll select the group as Underwriting.
  • I set the Activity Title to Define underwriting guidelines for Mobile Home.
  • Now I'll set the Start date and estimated end date.
  • Activity Effort is set to 10.
  • Next I'll go to Assignment tab
  • There I can change the assignment if needed; in this case the default is fine.
  • Finally I'll return to the Detail tab and click Add to complete the process.

Part 6 - Rate Impact Analysis

  • We are over time but let’s quickly look at product profitability analysis. (2g)
  • I have already made the rate changes for Homeowners, so I will navigate to the Rate Impact Analysis screen from the system menu to do the analysis.
  • First I set my selection criteria:
    • Line of Business: Homeowners
    • State: South Carolina
    • Issuing/Master Company as DXC Preferred
    • Effective Date of today
    • Number of policies as 20
    • Then I click submit
  • At this point, it starts searching for the policies based on the search criteria, applies new rates, and publishes a report to show the impact of rate changes on each policy.
  • Once it says All Done, I click to Back to Search Results
  • I'll choose the most recent item in the list and click the link.
  • This downloads the latest log as a CSV file which I can open in Excel.
  • I'll expand the columns and now you can see impact of rate changes on the policies. There will be change in premium shown based on rate changes.

That concludes sections 1 – 3 of the critical capabilities; next Elaine Dionne will demonstrate section 4, Billing.

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