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Last active January 12, 2017 15:52
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NCFB Demo 2017

Tues, Jan 17th 1400-1500

Demo from MKT staging: (base1 / Policy$)

Homepage (7m)

  • Maximize browser
  • Login as home office base1 / Policy$
  • IOC Qualification page
    • LexisNexis prequal page added after login as an option.
    • Answering "No" disables data from LexisNexis but we can still log in
  • Show app icons, enter quote search to refresh charts, hide Report Viewer
  • Talk about dashboard
  • Pull down system menu, re-add Report Viewer
  • Describe bottom dynamic HTML panel
  • Search and grid capabilities: expand (and restore), column selection and grouping, sorting, filter, CSV export

Policy Flow (7m)

  • Create new HP SC quote
  • Typeahead client search for smith
  • Describe header and dropdown menus
  • Page level actions and next/prev
  • Tab navigation and completion indicators
  • Enter Year of Construction, Responding Fire Dept, Territory
  • Navigate to Coverage
  • Show just time rules page from system menu
  • Show bookmarks menu and collapsible sections
  • Enter Deductible, Cov A - Dwelling Limit, Cov E - Liability Limit, Cov F - Medical Limit
  • Rate the Quote
  • Copy policy number

Agent View (?m)

  • Login agent view agtuser / Policy$
  • Fewer active apps
  • Different color scheme, 2 column layout
  • Iteration comment
  • Message center (Describe whole message center here only and keep mentioning this is Agency Link requirement)
    • Message center item from system menu will be an overview screen in the future, do not use
    • Mention accessing through communications menu within a policy (don't use for changes)
    • Show access through index icon
    • Post Message to the policy
    • Show referral/declination reasons
    • Printing either set of messages (must choose each print tab)
    • Quote Not Taken, show status change and removal of actions on index
    • Re-open the quote
  • Navigate to Coverage screen, talk to Replacement Cost

Consumer View (5m)

  • Login as consumer conuser / Policy$
  • Start new HO quote
  • Enter valid required data including Coverage Amount and quote
  • Show premium categories
  • Show agent finder, mention flag in agent setup

Canvas (5m)

  • Login as home office base1 / Policy$
  • Open previous policy and navigate to Property screen, open canvas using the cog icon
  • Basic capabilities
    • Drag and drop, delete
    • Adding new field
    • Undo/redo
    • Properties menus
  • Show views for other form factors: desktop and phone
  • Launch Rules designer
  • Show revision history and mention SVN
  • Show JSON and describe storage format
  • Hide a field to transition into security
    • Add User Security rule to Surcharge for ROLE_WEBSECURITY invisible
    • Re-navigate to Property and note missing field

Security (8m)

  • All lists can be easily filtered
  • Users are logins into the system
    • Describe info panels
    • Assigned roles to be used for restrictions
    • Assigned agents are for PIJ rating, note the all agents check
    • Password expiry and locked are not implemented
  • Restrictions
    • Note that restrictions are mostly included except for specific keys
    • Add (and remove) a restriction with a specific key
  • Roles link users and restrictions
    • Each role is assigned a list of users, and a list of restrictions
    • Note copy role functionality
  • Note that new functions can be integrated without coding
  • Remove the Surcharge restriction

Canvas Extras (8m)

  • Navigation ordering
    • Open canvas main screen from home
    • Open a HP quote in incognito, show the next/prev tabbing order
    • Navigation editor, HP_Quote
    • Move Prequalification after General (this is the Property screen)
    • New incognito to demo new flow
    • Cleanup: Reset the order
  • New fields for controlling bookmark, collapse and label name for insured and for other users
    • Login incognito as administrator first and show screen with titles
    • Use the cog to open canvas
    • Search for HomeOwnersCoverage
    • Click on a section and note additional fields for insured text
    • New icognito login as insured conuser / Policy$
    • Show change in titles
  • Theme configuration
    • Incognito, sign in as insured conuser / Policy$, note single column theme and progress bar nav
    • Click Theme Configuration and choose ROLE_INSURED
      • Controls Template : form_controls_1column => form_controls
      • Modal Controls Template : modal_form_controls_1column => modal_form_controls
      • Navigation Control : ProgressBar => NavigationTab
      • Color Theme : theme_1column => csctheme
    • Relog as insured. Note home office theme and tab control for navigation.
    • Cleanup: Restore the insured theme
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