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Created April 3, 2020 23:22
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SIMD-friendly complex numbers with redundancy
/* example implementation -- not recommended for actual use, but it would work!
* (SIMD-friendly in principle; not shown)
* (probably not ideal for memory-bound workloads; uses 50% more space)
* based on two insights:
* - complex multiplication (a+bi)(c+di) with i^2 = -1 is equivalent to
* split-complex multiplication (a+bk)(c+dk) - 2*b*d with k^2 = +1
* - the split-complex numbers are isomorphic to the direct product R*R with the
* basis (1+k)/sqrt(2), (1-k)/sqrt(2), both idempotents, thus split-complex
* multiplication (a+bk)(c+dk) can be done by (a+b)(c+d) and (a-b)(c-d)
/* we use long, but could replace with double, char etc */
typedef struct {long a, b, c;} complex3;
complex3 encode3(long x, long y) {
complex3 ret = {.a = x + y, .b = x - y, .c = y << 1};
return ret;
/* addition, negation, subtraction all componentwise */
complex3 add3(complex3 l, complex3 r) {
return (complex3) {.a = l.a + r.a, .b = l.b + r.b, .c = l.c + r.c};
complex3 neg3(complex3 z) {
return (complex3) {.a = -z.a, .b = -z.b, .c = -z.c};
complex3 sub3(complex3 l, complex3 r) {
return add3(l, neg3(r));
/* the good part: multiplication via
* - one round of 3 multiplications (parallelizeable)
* - one one-bit bitshift (fast, I guess?)
* - one round of 3 subtractions (parallelizeable)
complex3 multiply3(complex3 l, complex3 r) {
long p[3] = {l.a * r.a, l.b * r.b, l.c * r.c >> 1};
return (complex3) {.a = p[0] - p[2], .b = p[1] - p[2], .c = p[0] - p[1]};
/* even norms and conjugates are pretty easy! */
long norm3(complex3 z) {
return (z.a*z.a + z.b*z.b) >> 1;
complex3 conj3(complex3 z) {
return (complex3) {z.b, z.a, -z.c};
complex3 scalardiv3(long k, complex3 z) {
return (complex3) {z.a / k, z.b / k, z.c / k};
complex3 divide3(complex3 l, complex3 r) {
return scalardiv3(norm3(r), multiply3(l, conj3(r)));
long real3(complex3 z) {
return (z.a + z.b) >> 1;
long imag3(complex3 z) {
return z.c >> 1;
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