This template runs mqtt for use with home automation
With the latest version of mosquitto a single config is required to enable it to listen. You can do this by mapping thevconfig in a volume mount as per normal. However in this version i have implemented configs as these are available to the whole swarm
none, this published default port of 1883 (if you need port 9001 then you already know why and how to modify this example :-) )
None, by default this template will result in a single replica. This is for home network so no addtioanl scale or redundancy needed in my usecase.
version: "3.8"
image: eclipse-mosquitto
- source: mqtt_config
target: /mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf
- 1883:1883
external: true
the data store in the cofig looks like this :-) Use the portainer UI to create a config - note once created they cannot be edited (they have to be destroyed and recreated and configs in use by a stack cannot be deleted. As such best used for config data you don't want to change very often.
listener 1883
allow_anonymous true
I'm a big fan of EMQT. Did you ever try it ?