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Created March 25, 2021 10:24
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+UGen {
fadeChange {
|func, fadeTime=1, fadeClass=(XFade2)|
^[this].fadeChange(func, fadeTime, fadeClass)
fadeTrig {
|func, fadeTime=1, fadeClass=(XFade2)|
^[this].fadeTrig(func, fadeTime, fadeClass)
fadeSteps {
|func, stepSize=1, fadeClass=(LinXFade2), warp=0|
^[this].fadeSteps(func, stepSize, fadeClass, warp)
+ArrayedCollection {
fadeChange {
|func, fadeTime=1, fadeClass=(XFade2)|
var changed = this.collect {
if (s.rate == \control) {
s =;
}; +;
^(this * changed).fadeTrig(func, fadeTime, fadeClass);
fadeTrig {
|func, fadeTime=1, fadeClass=(XFade2)|
var trig, a, b, sig;
var meth = this.detect({ |s| s.rate == \audio }).notNil.if(\ar, \kr);
trig = Trig.perform(meth, this.sum, fadeTime);
trig = ToggleFF.perform(meth, trig);
a = Latch.perform(meth, this, 1 - trig);
b = Latch.perform(meth, this, trig);
a = func.value(*a);
b = func.value(*b);
^fadeClass.perform(a.rate.switch(\audio, \ar, \kr),
Delay1.perform(meth, Slew.perform(meth, trig, 1 / fadeTime, 1 / fadeTime)).linlin(0, 1, -1, 1)
fadeSteps {
|func, stepSize=1, fadeClass=(LinXFade2), warp=0|
var changed, a, b, sig, input, inputA, inputB, fade, isEvenStep;
input = this / stepSize;
inputB = input.ceil;
inputA = input.floor;
isEvenStep = inputA % 2;
#inputA, inputB =, [
[inputB, inputA],
[inputA, inputB]
fade = (input - inputA).abs;
fade = ControlSpec(0, 1, warp).map(fade);
a = func.(stepSize * inputA);
b = func.(stepSize * inputB);
^fadeClass.perform(a.rate.switch(\audio, \ar, \kr),
(fade * 2 - 1)
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