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Created December 14, 2023 08:37
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// XMP parsing requires:
// Quarks.install("XML"); [in supercollider]
// brew install exiftool [in terminal]
+SoundFile {
exiftoolPath {
extractMarkers {
if (File.exists(this.xmpPath) || File.exists(this.exiftoolPath)) {
} {
switch (headerFormat)
{"AIFF"} { ^this.extractMarkersAiff() }
{"WAV"} { ^this.extractMarkersWav() }
xmpPath {
var pathName = PathName(path);
^(pathName.pathOnly +/+ pathName.fileNameWithoutDoubleExtension ++ ".xmp");
xmpDoc {
var docStr, result;
if ('DOMDocument'.asClass.notNil) {
if (File.exists(this.xmpPath)) {
result = DOMDocument(this.xmpPath);
} {
if (File.exists(this.exiftoolPath)) {
"% -xmp -b \"%\"".format(this.exiftoolPath, path.standardizePath),
{ |success| docStr = success },
{ |error| "Error calling exiftool: %".format(error).warn },
1024 ** 2
if (docStr.notNil) {
result = DOMDocument().parseXML(docStr)
extractMarkersWav {
var cueRe, markerList, cueStrings, headerString;
cueRe = "Cue ID :\\s*(\\d+)\\s*Pos :\\s*(\\d+)";
headerString = this.readHeaderAsString;
cueStrings = headerString.findRegexp(cueRe);
if((cueStrings.size % 3) == 0, {
| cue |
var label, id = cue[1][1];
label = headerString.findRegexp("labl :\\s*" ++ id.asString ++ " : (.*?)\n");
label = (label.size == 2).if({ label[1][1] }, id);
\position: cue[2][1].asInteger,
\label: label
"Unexpected result searching for cue markers".warn;
extractMarkersAiff {
var cueRe, markerList, cueStrings, headerString;
cueRe = "(Mark ID\\s*:\\s*([0-9]+).*?Position\\s*:\\s*([0-9]+).*?Name\\s*:\\s*(.*?)\n)";
headerString = this.readHeaderAsString;
cueStrings = headerString.findRegexp(cueRe);
if((cueStrings.size % 5) == 0, {
| cue |
var label, position;
label = cue[4][1];
position = cue[3][1];
\position: position.asInteger,
\label: label
"Unexpected result searching for cue markers".warn;
extractMarkersXMP {
var xmpDoc;
var results = [], errors = [];
xmpDoc = this.xmpDoc;
if (xmpDoc.notNil) {
xmpDoc.getElementsByTagName("xmpDM:markers").do {
markers.getElement("rdf:Seq") !? {
|seq| {
try {
results = results.add(
position: item.getElement("xmpDM:startTime") !? _.getText.asInteger,
duration: item.getElement("xmpDM:duration") !? _.getText.asInteger,
label: item.getElement("xmpDM:name") !? _.getText,
} {
errors = errors.add(item.format)
if (errors.size > 0) {
"Problems parsing xmp marker items:".warn;;
} {
Error("Could not find XMP sidecar file (%), or embedded xmp (%) cannot be parsed.".format(this.xmpPath, path)).throw;
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