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Created May 24, 2018 00:45
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Deconstruct the global stack of McSema into local stack frame
//===-- stack_deconstructor.cpp - Deconstruct the global stack into local stack
// frame ---===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements a pass that deconstruct the global stack shared by all
// the prcedures into local stack frames per procedure
#define DEBUG_TYPE "stack_deconstructor"
#include "stack_deconstructor.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PostOrderIterator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/IR/CFG.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/InstIterator.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h"
#include "llvm/IR/TypeBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/BasicBlockUtils.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Cloning.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
using namespace llvm;
STATISTIC(StaticParentAccessChecks, "Number of static parent stack accesses");
char stack_deconstructor::ID = 0;
static RegisterPass<stack_deconstructor>
"To partition global monolithic stack to per function stack frame");
cl::opt<std::string> EntryFuncion("mcsema_main", cl::desc("Specify the entry function to be called from the inline asm driver"), cl::value_desc("Function Name"), cl::Required);
/// Function : runOnModule
/// Purpose : Entry point for stack_deconstructor pass
bool stack_deconstructor::runOnModule(Module &M) {
Mod = &M;
ctx = &M.getContext();
// Initialize
int64_type = Type::getInt64Ty(*ctx);
int8_type = Type::getInt8Ty(*ctx);
ptr_to_int8_type = Type::getInt8PtrTy(*ctx);
ptr_to_int64_type = Type::getInt64PtrTy(*ctx);
mcsema_main = nullptr;
return true;
/// Function : deconstructStack
/// Purpose : Introduce local stack frame based on the stack size
/// approximated by max_stack_height pass. This includes
/// 1. Augment formal arguments of all the internal functions with parent stack
/// informations (like stack pointer and base pointer)
/// For each clonee function
/// 2. Create local stack pointers and replace all existing used of
/// RSP_val/RBP_val with them
/// 3. Augment the calls to internal functions with proper actual arguments
/// 4. Handle parent stack access
void stack_deconstructor::deconstructStack() {
Value *local_stack_start, *local_stack_end;
Value *rsp_ptr_alloca, *rbp_ptr_alloca;
// Extracting function approximate heights
for (Module::iterator FuncI = Mod->begin(), FuncE = Mod->end();
FuncI != FuncE; ++FuncI) {
Function *Func = &*FuncI;
if (Func->isIntrinsic() || Func->isDeclaration()) {
max_stack_height &max_stack_height_pass =
height_ty stack_height = max_stack_height_pass.get_stack_height();
assert(stack_height <= 0 && "stack height cannot be positive\n");
FunctionStackHeightMap[Func] = stack_height;
// Task 1
for (auto P : FunctionCloneMap) {
auto *oldFunc = P.first;
auto *newFunc = P.second;
local_stack_start = local_stack_end = rbp_ptr_alloca = nullptr;
if(oldFunc == mcsema_main) {
DEBUG(errs() << "========================\n Processing Function:"
<< oldFunc->getName()
<< "\n=================================\n");
createLocalStackFrame(*oldFunc, FunctionStackHeightMap[oldFunc],
&local_stack_start, &local_stack_end,
&rsp_ptr_alloca, &rbp_ptr_alloca);
augmentCall(*oldFunc, local_stack_start, local_stack_end, rsp_ptr_alloca, rbp_ptr_alloca);
modifyLoadsToAccessParentStack(*oldFunc, local_stack_start, local_stack_end);
DEBUG(errs() << "========================\n Processing Function:"
<< newFunc->getName()
<< "\n=================================\n");
createLocalStackFrame(*newFunc, FunctionStackHeightMap[oldFunc],
&local_stack_start, &local_stack_end,
&rsp_ptr_alloca, &rbp_ptr_alloca);
augmentCall(*newFunc, local_stack_start, local_stack_end, rsp_ptr_alloca, rbp_ptr_alloca);
modifyLoadsToAccessParentStack(*newFunc, local_stack_start,
/// Function : augmentFuntionSignature
/// Purpose : 1. Augment formal arguments of internal functions with parent
/// stack informations (like stack pointer and base pointer)
/// 2. Uses of cloned functions other that calls are replaced with
/// the clonee
/// 3. Do not clone the entry function mcsema_main
/// Example :
/// Convert define i32 @bar(i32) to
/// define i32 define i32 @bar.2(i32, i8* %_parent_stack_start_ptr_, i8*
/// %_parent_stack_end_ptr_, i8* %_parent_stack_rbp_ptr_)
void stack_deconstructor::augmentFuntionSignature() {
// Collect the functons to clone
std::vector<Function *> worklist;
for (Module::iterator FuncI = Mod->begin(), FuncE = Mod->end();
FuncI != FuncE; ++FuncI) {
Function *Func = &*FuncI;
if (Func->getName() == EntryFuncion) {
mcsema_main = Func;
// Clone them
for (auto *oldFunc : worklist) {
// Do not clone functions whose definitions are not internal
if (oldFunc->isIntrinsic() || oldFunc->isDeclaration()) {
Function *newFunc = cloneFunctionWithExtraArgument(oldFunc);
FunctionCloneMap[oldFunc] = newFunc;
// Task 2
for (User *user : oldFunc->users()) {
assert((true == isa<CallInst>(user) || true == isa<Constant>(user)) &&
"Unhandled usage of a function");
if (isa<CallInst>(user)) {
DEBUG(llvm::errs() << *user << "\n");
Constant *const_ptr = ConstantExpr::getCast(Instruction::BitCast, newFunc,
/// Function : createLocalStackFrame
/// Purpose : Convert the following instructiions
/// Task 1:
/// %RSP_val = alloca i64
/// %RSP = getelementptr inbounds %struct.regs* %0, i64 0, i32 6
/// %7 = load i64* %RSP, !mcsema_real_eip !2
/// store i64 %7, i64* %RSP_val
/// TO
/// %RSP_ptr = alloca i8*
/// %RBP_ptr = alloca i8*
/// %_local_stack_start_ptr_ = alloca i8, i64 n
/// %_local_stack_end_ptr_ = gep inbounds i8, i8* %_local_stack_start_ptr_, i64
/// n
/// store i8* %_local_stack_end_ptr_ , i8** %RSP_ptr
/// Task 2:
/// Replace all uses of RSP_val with RSP_ptr
void stack_deconstructor::createLocalStackFrame(Function &F,
height_ty stackheight,
Value **stack_start,
Value **stack_end,
Value **rsp_ptr_alloca,
Value **rbp_ptr_alloca) {
// Check F's argumnets are augmented with parent stack rbp pointer.
Value *parent_stack_rbp_ptr = NULL;
for (Function::arg_iterator I = F.arg_begin(), E = F.arg_end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (I->getName() == "_parent_stack_rbp_ptr_") {
parent_stack_rbp_ptr = &*I;
// Performing Task 1
ConstantInt *stack_height = ConstantInt::get(int64_type, -1 * stackheight);
Instruction *I = &*(F.getEntryBlock().begin());
IRBuilder<> IRB(I);
*rsp_ptr_alloca =
IRB.CreateAlloca(ptr_to_int8_type, nullptr, "_RSP_ptr_");
*rbp_ptr_alloca = IRB.CreateAlloca(ptr_to_int8_type, nullptr, "_RBP_ptr_");
*stack_start =
IRB.CreateAlloca(int8_type, stack_height, "_local_stack_start_ptr_");
std::vector<Value *> indices;
*stack_end =
IRB.CreateInBoundsGEP(*stack_start, indices, "_local_stack_end_ptr_");
IRB.CreateStore(*stack_end, *rsp_ptr_alloca);
if (parent_stack_rbp_ptr)
IRB.CreateStore(parent_stack_rbp_ptr, *rbp_ptr_alloca);
// Performing Task 2
for (auto FI = F.begin(), FE = F.end(); FI != FE; ++FI) {
for (auto BBI = FI->begin(), BBE = FI->end(); BBI != BBE;) {
Instruction *I = &*BBI++;
if (shouldConvert(I)) {
DEBUG(errs() << "\n" << *I << "\n");
convert(I, *rsp_ptr_alloca, *rbp_ptr_alloca);
bool stack_deconstructor::shouldConvert(Instruction *I) {
// handle load
if (LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I)) {
Value *ptr_operand = LI->getPointerOperand();
if (ptr_operand->getName().equals("XSP") ||
ptr_operand->getName().equals("XBP")) {
return true;
// handle add sub
if (I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Add || I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Sub) {
Value *pointer_operand = I->getOperand(0);
Instruction *ptr_operand = dyn_cast<Instruction>(pointer_operand);
if(!ptr_operand) {
llvm::errs() << *I << "\tPtr Op: " << *ptr_operand <<"\n";
assert(ptr_operand && "stack_deconstructor::handle_add - Check out");
if ( (0 != convertMap.count(I->getOperand(0))) ||
(0 != convertMap.count(I->getOperand(1))) ) {
return true;
return false;
//handle Xor And Trunc ICmp Shl LShr
if (I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Xor || I->getOpcode() == Instruction::And) {
auto *op1 = I->getOperand(0);
auto *op2 = I->getOperand(1);
if (0 != convertMap.count(op1) || 0 != convertMap.count(op2)) {
return true;
return false;
if (I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Trunc ||
I->getOpcode() == Instruction::ICmp ||
I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Shl ||
I->getOpcode() == Instruction::LShr) {
auto *op1 = I->getOperand(0);
if (0 != convertMap.count(op1)) {
return true;
return false;
// handle int2ptr
if (I->getOpcode() == Instruction::IntToPtr) {
Value *int_operand = I->getOperand(0);
return (0 != convertMap.count(int_operand));
// handle store
if (StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(I)) {
Value *ptr_operand = SI->getPointerOperand();
Value *val_operand = SI->getValueOperand();
// Check1: Consider stores to RSP_val or RBP_val OR
// Check2: Ignore If value pointer of store is coming from load RSP or load
// Check3: Consider stores whose value pointers are already replaced (i.e.
// present in convertMap)
// Check 1
if (ptr_operand->getName().equals("XSP") ||
ptr_operand->getName().equals("XBP")) {
// Check 2
if (isLoadOfImp(val_operand, "RSP") || isLoadOfImp(val_operand, "RBP")) {
return false;
return true;
// Check 3
if (0 != convertMap.count(val_operand)) {
return true;
return false;
// handle call
if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I)) {
Function *F = CI->getCalledFunction();
if (!F || F->getIntrinsicID() != Intrinsic::uadd_with_overflow) {
return false;
Value *op1 = CI->getArgOperand(0);
if (false == isLoadOfImp(op1, "XSP") &&
false == isLoadOfImp(op1, "XBP")) {
//assert(0 == convertMap.count(op1) && "CHECK");
// %117 = load i64, i64* %RSP_val
// %.lcssa = phi i64 [ %117, %block_0x1f ]
//%uadd211 = tail call { i64, i1 } @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i64(i64 %.lcssa, i64 16)
return false;
assert(0 != convertMap.count(op1) &&
"Call Inst: The pointer operand should already get converted.");
return true;
// handle extract
if (ExtractValueInst *EI = dyn_cast<ExtractValueInst>(I)) {
Value *op1 = EI->getOperand(0);
return (0 != convertMap.count(op1));
if (PHINode *PI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(I)) {
unsigned incomingValues = PI->getNumIncomingValues();
for(unsigned i = 0 ; i < incomingValues; i++) {
Value *val = PI->getIncomingValue (i);
if (0 != convertMap.count(val)) {
return true;
return false;
// Handle unsupported: Debug Purpose only
auto numOperand = I->getNumOperands();
for(unsigned i = 0 ; i < numOperand; i++) {
Value *op = I->getOperand(i);
if(0 != convertMap.count(op)) {
llvm::errs() << "Unsupported: " << *I << "\n";
assert(0 == convertMap.count(op) && "Unsupported Instruction\n");
return false;
void stack_deconstructor::convert(Instruction *I, Value *rsp_ptr_alloca,
Value *rbp_ptr_alloca) {
switch (I->getOpcode()) {
case Instruction::Load:
handle_load(I, rsp_ptr_alloca, rbp_ptr_alloca);
case Instruction::Store:
handle_store(I, rsp_ptr_alloca, rbp_ptr_alloca);
case Instruction::Add:
case Instruction::Sub:
case Instruction::ExtractValue:
case Instruction::Call:
case Instruction::IntToPtr:
case Instruction::PHI:
//case Instruction::And:
case Instruction::Trunc:
case Instruction::ICmp:
case Instruction::Xor:
case Instruction::And:
case Instruction::Shl:
case Instruction::LShr:
llvm::errs() << *I << "\n";
assert(0 && "Unexpected Instruction to be converted");
/// Purpose: Helper function to convert (load i64, i64* RSP_val) to
/// (load i8*, i8** RSP_ptr)
/// This transmation is useful to make alias analysis effective.
void stack_deconstructor::handle_load(Instruction *I, Value *rsp_ptr_alloca,
Value *rbp_ptr_alloca) {
LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I);
IRBuilder<> IRB(LI);
Instruction *new_load = nullptr;
Value *ptr_operand = LI->getPointerOperand();
if (ptr_operand->getName().equals("XSP")) {
new_load = IRB.CreateLoad(rsp_ptr_alloca, "_load_rsp_ptr_");
} else {
new_load = IRB.CreateLoad(rbp_ptr_alloca, "_load_rbp_ptr_");
recordConverted(LI, new_load, false, false);
// Case I:
// %1 = load i64, i64* %RSP_val
// %2 = add i64 %1, 16
// store i64 %2, i64* %RSP_val
// While processing store, the add inst has already been converted to
// gep; so check convertMap.contains(store::value_operand) and its agep
// Case II: pop rbp
// %1 = inttoptr i64 %0 to i64* ; %O is an offset from %RSP_val
// %2 = load i64, i64* %1
// store i64 %2, i64* %RBP_val
// At int2ptr inst we create a bitcast and replace all used of int2ptr with
// that.
// So convertMap.contains(store::value_operand) is false and we will convert
// the result of load to
// i8* ptr and store it in i8** RBP_ptr
// Case III:
// %1 = load i64, i64* RSP_val
// %2 = add i64 %1, C
// %3 = inttoptr i64 %2 to i64*
// store i64 %val , i64* %3
// This store will be processed by handle_store only if
// convertMap.contains(%val) == true
// Nevertheless, inttoptr will be converted to i8* bitcast and its uses will be
// replaced.
// Case IV:
// %1 = load i64, i64* %RSP_val
// store i64 %1, i64* %RDI_val
// This store will be processed by handle_store as convertMap.contains(%1) ==
// true
// The instruction convertMap[%1] is appended with 'int2ptr convertMap[%1] to
// elementtypeof(%RDI_val)'
// Example:
// ; push rbp ; mov rsp -> rbp
// %1 = load i64, i64* %RBP_val
// %2 = load i64, i64* %RSP_val
// %3 = add i64 %1, -8
// %4 = inttoptr i64 %3 to i64*
// store i64 %1, i64* %4, !mcsema_real_eip !2
// store i64 %3, i64* %RBP_val, !mcsema_real_eip !3
// After transform:
// %1 = load i64, i64* %RBP_val, !mcsema_real_eip !2
// %_load_rbp_ptr_ = load i8*, i8** %_RBP_ptr_
// %_load_rsp_ptr_ = load i8*, i8** %_RSP_ptr_
// %_new_gep_ = getelementptr i8, i8* %_load_rsp_ptr_, i64 -8
// %_allin_new_bt_ = bitcast i8* %_new_gep_ to i64*
// %_new_ptr2int_ = inttoptr i8* %_load_rbp_ptr_ to i64
// store i64 %_new_ptr2int_, i64* %_allin_new_bt_
// store volatile i8* %_new_gep_, i8** %_RBP_ptr_
void stack_deconstructor::handle_store(Instruction *I, Value *rsp_ptr_alloca,
Value *rbp_ptr_alloca) {
StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(I);
Value *ptr_operand = SI->getPointerOperand();
Value *val_operand = SI->getValueOperand();
IRBuilder<> IRB(SI);
Value *inst_before_store = nullptr;
Instruction *new_store = nullptr;
bool erase_old_store;
if (ptr_operand->getName().equals("XSP") ||
ptr_operand->getName().equals("XBP")) {
if (0 != convertMap.count(val_operand)) {
Value *new_val_operand = convertMap[val_operand];
bool acceptable_val_operand = isa<GetElementPtrInst>(new_val_operand) || isa<LoadInst> (new_val_operand);
if(!acceptable_val_operand) {
llvm::errs() << *SI << "\tValue: " << *val_operand << "\t Ptr: " << *ptr_operand << "\n";
assert(0 && "stack_deconstructor::handle_store -> check");
inst_before_store = new_val_operand;
} else {
inst_before_store =
IRB.CreateIntToPtr(val_operand, ptr_to_int8_type, "_new_int2ptr_");
if (ptr_operand->getName().equals("XSP")) {
new_store =
IRB.CreateStore(inst_before_store, rsp_ptr_alloca, "_new_store_");
} else if (ptr_operand->getName().equals("XBP")) {
new_store =
IRB.CreateStore(inst_before_store, rbp_ptr_alloca, "_new_store_");
erase_old_store = false;
} else {
// Means convertMap.contains(val_operand) = true
Value *converted_value_operand = convertMap[val_operand];
Type *value_operand_type = val_operand->getType();
Type *converted_value_operand_type = converted_value_operand->getType();
assert(true == converted_value_operand_type->isPointerTy() &&
"All the transofrmed types must be pointer types");
assert(true == value_operand_type->isIntegerTy() &&
"Increemental check failed");
inst_before_store = IRB.CreatePtrToInt(converted_value_operand,
value_operand_type, "_new_ptr2int_");
new_store = IRB.CreateStore(inst_before_store, ptr_operand, "_new_store_");
erase_old_store = true;
recordConverted(SI, new_store, false, erase_old_store);
void stack_deconstructor::handle_add(Instruction *I) {
IRBuilder<> IRB(I);
Value *new_ptr_operand = nullptr;
Value *C = nullptr;
if(0 != convertMap.count(I->getOperand(0))) {
new_ptr_operand = convertMap[I->getOperand(0)];
C = I->getOperand(1);
} else {
new_ptr_operand = convertMap[I->getOperand(1)];
C = I->getOperand(0);
if(false == isa<Constant>(C)) {
//llvm::errs() << *I << "\n";
//assert(isa<Constant>(C) && "handle_add: Not a constant\n");
auto *new_gep = IRB.CreateGEP(new_ptr_operand, C, "_new_gep_");
recordConverted(I, new_gep, false, false);
void stack_deconstructor::handle_sub(Instruction *I) {
IRBuilder<> IRB(I);
//BinaryOperator *BI = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(I);
Type *Ty = I->getType();
Value *ptr_operand = I->getOperand(0);
Value *new_ptr_operand = convertMap[ptr_operand];
Value *op = I->getOperand(1);
ConstantInt *C = dyn_cast<ConstantInt> (op);
assert(C && "Sub oerand not a constant int!!\n");
int64_t sub_int_op = C->getSExtValue();
Constant *gep_int_op = ConstantInt::get(Ty, -1*sub_int_op);
auto *new_gep = IRB.CreateGEP(new_ptr_operand, gep_int_op, "_new_gep_");
recordConverted(I, new_gep, false, false);
void stack_deconstructor::handle_int2ptr(Instruction *I) {
IRBuilder<> IRB(I);
Type *type = I->getType();
Value *ptr_operand = I->getOperand(0);
Value *new_ptr_operand = convertMap[ptr_operand];
auto *new_bt = IRB.CreateBitCast(new_ptr_operand, type, "_allin_new_bt_");
recordConverted(I, new_bt, true, false);
void stack_deconstructor::handle_call(Instruction *I) {
IRBuilder<> IRB(I);
CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I);
Value *op1 = CI->getArgOperand(0);
// Value *op2 = CI->getArgOperand(1);
Type *op1_type = op1->getType();
auto *new_ptr_int =
IRB.CreatePtrToInt(convertMap[op1], op1_type, "_new_ptr2int_");
Instruction *op1_I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(op1);
recordConverted(op1_I, new_ptr_int, true, false);
void stack_deconstructor::handle_extractval(Instruction *I) {
IRBuilder<> IRB(I);
Value *op1 = I->getOperand(0);
recordConverted(I, convertMap[op1], false, false);
void stack_deconstructor::handle_phi(Instruction *I) {
IRBuilder<> IRB(I);
PHINode *PI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(I);
unsigned incomingValues = PI->getNumIncomingValues();
// Obtain the new Type of PHINode
Type *Ty = nullptr;
bool all_incoming_vals_converted = true;
for(unsigned i = 0 ; i < incomingValues; i++) {
Value *orig_val = PI->getIncomingValue (i);
if (0 != convertMap.count(orig_val)) {
auto *converted_val = convertMap[orig_val];
Ty = converted_val->getType();
} else {
all_incoming_vals_converted = false;
if(true == all_incoming_vals_converted) {
auto *new_phi = IRB.CreatePHI(Ty, incomingValues);
for(unsigned i = 0 ; i < incomingValues; i++) {
auto *orig_val = PI->getIncomingValue (i);
auto *converted_val = convertMap[orig_val];
new_phi->addIncoming(converted_val, PI->getIncomingBlock(i));
recordConverted(PI, new_phi, false, false);
} else {
auto *new_phi = IRB.CreatePHI(Ty, incomingValues);
for(unsigned i = 0 ; i < incomingValues; i++) {
auto *orig_val = PI->getIncomingValue (i);
if(0 != convertMap.count(orig_val)) {
auto *converted_val = convertMap[orig_val];
Value *new_val =
IRB.CreatePtrToInt(converted_val, PI->getType(), "_trans_p2i_");
new_phi->addIncoming(new_val, PI->getIncomingBlock(i));
} else {
new_phi->addIncoming(orig_val, PI->getIncomingBlock(i));
recordConverted(PI, new_phi, false, false);
void stack_deconstructor::handle_int_operators(Instruction *I) {
IRBuilder<> IRB(I);
if(Instruction::Xor == I->getOpcode() || Instruction::And == I->getOpcode()) {
auto *op1 = I->getOperand(0);
auto *op2 = I->getOperand(1);
auto *new_op1 = op1;
auto *new_op2 = op2;
if(0 != convertMap.count(op1)) {
auto *converted_op1 = convertMap[op1];
if(converted_op1->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
new_op1 =
IRB.CreatePtrToInt(converted_op1, op1->getType(), "_trans_p2i_");
if(0 != convertMap.count(op2)) {
auto *converted_op2 = convertMap[op2];
if(converted_op2->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
new_op2 =
IRB.CreatePtrToInt(converted_op2, op2->getType(), "_trans_p2i_");
Value *new_val = nullptr;
if(Instruction::Xor == I->getOpcode()) {
new_val = IRB.CreateBinOp(Instruction::Xor, new_op1,
new_op2, "_trans_xor_");
} else {
new_val = IRB.CreateBinOp(Instruction::And, new_op1,
new_op2, "_trans_xor_");
Instruction *new_inst = dyn_cast<Instruction>(new_val);
recordConverted(I, new_inst, true, false);
} else if (Instruction::Trunc == I->getOpcode()) {
auto *op1 = I->getOperand(0);
auto *new_op1 = op1;
if(0 != convertMap.count(op1)) {
auto *converted_op1 = convertMap[op1];
if(converted_op1->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
new_op1 =
IRB.CreatePtrToInt(converted_op1, op1->getType(), "_trans_p2i_");
auto *new_val = IRB.CreateTrunc(new_op1, I->getType(), "_trans_trunc_");
Instruction *new_inst = dyn_cast<Instruction>(new_val);
recordConverted(I, new_inst, true, false);
} else if (Instruction::ICmp == I->getOpcode()) {
ICmpInst *IC = dyn_cast<ICmpInst>(I);
auto *op1 = IC->getOperand(0);
auto *new_op1 = op1;
if(0 != convertMap.count(op1)) {
auto *converted_op1 = convertMap[op1];
if(converted_op1->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
new_op1 =
IRB.CreatePtrToInt(converted_op1, op1->getType(), "_trans_p2i_");
Value *new_val = nullptr;
if(IC->isEquality()) {
new_val = IRB.CreateICmpEQ(new_op1, IC->getOperand(1), "_trans_icmp_eq_");
} else {
new_val = IRB.CreateICmpNE(new_op1, IC->getOperand(1), "_trans_icmp_ne_");
Instruction *new_inst = dyn_cast<Instruction>(new_val);
recordConverted(IC, new_inst, true, false);
} else if (Instruction::Shl == I->getOpcode()) {
BinaryOperator *BI = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(I);
auto *op1 = BI->getOperand(0);
auto *new_op1 = op1;
if(0 != convertMap.count(op1)) {
auto *converted_op1 = convertMap[op1];
if(converted_op1->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
new_op1 =
IRB.CreatePtrToInt(converted_op1, op1->getType(), "_trans_p2i_");
Value *new_val = IRB.CreateShl(new_op1, BI->getOperand(1), "_trans_shl_eq_");
Instruction *new_inst = dyn_cast<Instruction>(new_val);
recordConverted(BI, new_inst, true, false);
/// Function : augmentCall
/// Purpose : For each CallInst (to mcsema generated functions), add extra
/// actual arguments
/// %_local_stack_start_ : points to the start of parent frame
/// %_local_stack_end_ : point to the end of parent stack frame
/// %_rbp_ptr_ : point to the rbp pointer of parent frame
/// Also the corresponding called function are augmented with extra
/// formal arguments.
void stack_deconstructor::augmentCall(Function &F, Value *local_stack_start,
Value *local_stack_end,
Value *rsp_ptr_alloca,
Value *rbp_ptr_alloca) {
for (auto FI = F.begin(), FE = F.end(); FI != FE; ++FI) {
for (auto BBI = FI->begin(), BBE = FI->end(); BBI != BBE;) {
Instruction *I = &*BBI++;
if (CallInst *ci = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I)) {
IRBuilder<> IRB(ci);
Value *calledValue = ci->getCalledValue();
Function *oldFunc = dyn_cast<Function>(calledValue);
Value *newCallee = NULL;
if (oldFunc) {
// We will be augmenting only those calls whose definitions
// are cloned. Ex. we should not augment printf
if (0 == FunctionCloneMap.count(oldFunc)) {
//This could be functions like strcmp or llvm.ctpop
// For functions like strcmp, fix the rsp pointer by 8
auto FuncName = oldFunc->getName();
if(false == FuncName.startswith("llvm.")) {
std::vector<Value *> arguments;
for (auto &args : ci->arg_operands()) {
CallInst *new_ci = IRB.CreateCall(oldFunc, arguments);
auto *rsp_fix = IRB.CreateLoad(rsp_ptr_alloca, "_rsp_fix_");
auto *gep_fix =
IRB.CreateGEP(rsp_fix, ConstantInt::get(int64_type, 8) , "_gep_fix_");
IRB.CreateStore(gep_fix, rsp_ptr_alloca);
recordConverted(ci, new_ci);
newCallee = FunctionCloneMap[oldFunc];
} else {
// calledValue is a function pointer
Type *type = calledValue->getType();
FunctionType *funcTy =
assert(funcTy != nullptr && "Must be a function type");
// Augment the old function pointer type to promoted type
std::vector<Type *> ArgTypes;
FunctionType::param_iterator PI = funcTy->param_begin();
FunctionType::param_iterator PE = funcTy->param_end();
for (; PI != PE; PI++) {
FunctionType *newTy =
FunctionType::get(ci->getType(), ArgTypes, false);
// Create a bitcast of the old function pointer to promoted type
newCallee = IRB.CreateBitCast(calledValue, newTy->getPointerTo());
std::vector<Value *> arguments;
for (auto &args : ci->arg_operands()) {
auto *new_load_rbp = IRB.CreateLoad(rbp_ptr_alloca, "_load_rbp_ptr_");
auto *new_load_rsp = IRB.CreateLoad(rsp_ptr_alloca, "_load_rsp_ptr_");
CallInst *new_ci = IRB.CreateCall(newCallee, arguments);
auto *rsp_fix = IRB.CreateLoad(rsp_ptr_alloca, "_rsp_fix_");
auto *gep_fix =
IRB.CreateGEP(rsp_fix, ConstantInt::get(int64_type, 8) , "_gep_fix_");
IRB.CreateStore(gep_fix, rsp_ptr_alloca);
recordConverted(ci, new_ci);
} // end if(CallInst ...)
} // end for
} // end for
// At this point erase all the replcaed instrcutions
/// Function : modifyLoadsToAccessParentStack
/// Purpose : Add a runtime check for each load
/// to check if the pointer dereferenced pointer to pointing to
/// parent stack
// Algorithm:
/// Let PTR : Pointer to be dereferenced
/// LocalEnd : Top address of the local stack
/// ParentEnd : Top address of the parent stack
/// ParentStart : Bottom address of the parent stack
/// condition1 : (PTR points to higher address than LocalEnd) : PTR > LocalEnd
/// condition2 (not within parent stack limits ): (PTR > ParentEnd || PTR < ParentStart)
/// condition3 : ParentStart + (PTR - LocalEnd) < ParentEnd
/// Case I: PTR is a local stack pointer
/// Satisfies:
/// !condition1
/// Conclusion:
/// Dereference PTR
/// Case II: PTR is a parent stack pointer computed w.r.t local RSP/RBP as PTR =
/// RSP/RBP + C
/// Satisfies:
/// condition1
/// condition2
/// // NOTE: PTR is on a different address space because of different stack array used for
/// // each function, so PTR will not fall within the parent stack limits
/// condition3 : ParentStart + (PTR - LocalEnd) < ParentEnd
// // LHS of the condition is the effective address in the parnet stack frame. And that should
// // lie within the parnet stack bounds.
/// Conclusion:
/// Dereference (ParentStart + (PTR - LocalEnd))
/// Case III: PTR is a direct parent stack pointer
/// Satisfies:
/// condition1
// // as layout of parent stack address is above that of local stack address
/// !condition2
/// Conclusion:
/// Dereference PTR
/// Case IV: PTR is a direct parent to global or heap
/// Satisfies:
/// condition1 or !condition1 // as layout of heap could be anywhere
/// condition2
/// !condition3
/// Conclusion:
/// Dereference PTR
/// So IF condition1 && condition2 && condition3 ==> Dereference
/// (ParentStart + (PTR - LocalEnd))
/// Else Dereference PTR
void stack_deconstructor::modifyLoadsToAccessParentStack(
Function &F, Value *local_stack_start, Value *local_stack_end) {
Value *parent_stack_start = NULL;
Value *parent_stack_end = NULL;
for (Function::arg_iterator I = F.arg_begin(), E = F.arg_end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (I->getName() == "_parent_stack_end_ptr_") {
parent_stack_end = &*I;
if (I->getName() == "_parent_stack_start_ptr_") {
parent_stack_start = &*I;
// If not a generated function, return
if (NULL == parent_stack_end)
std::vector<Instruction *> intr_to_be_transfomed;
// Collect all the Loads/Stores to be transformed
for (auto FI = F.begin(), FE = F.end(); FI != FE; ++FI) {
for (auto BBI = FI->begin(), BBE = FI->end(); BBI != BBE;) {
Instruction *I = &*BBI++;
if (shouldConvertForParentStackAccess(I)) {
for (Instruction *I : intr_to_be_transfomed) {
DEBUG(errs() << "\nEvaluate for Parent Access: " << *I << "\n");
LoadInst *li = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I);
Value *ptr_operand = li->getPointerOperand();
auto *head_bb = I->getParent();
Type *ptr_operand_type = ptr_operand->getType();
IRBuilder<> IRB(I);
auto *ptr_to_int =
IRB.CreatePtrToInt(ptr_operand, int64_type, "_ptr_to_int_");
auto *local_end_to_int =
IRB.CreatePtrToInt(local_stack_end, int64_type, "_local_end_to_int_");
auto *ptr_operand_bt =
IRB.CreateBitCast(ptr_operand, ptr_to_int8_type, "_ptr_bt_");
auto *local_end_bt =
IRB.CreateBitCast(local_stack_end, ptr_to_int8_type, "_local_end_bt_");
auto *parent_end_bt = IRB.CreateBitCast(parent_stack_end, ptr_to_int8_type,
auto *parent_start_bt = IRB.CreateBitCast(
parent_stack_start, ptr_to_int8_type, "_parent_start_bt_");
auto *offset = IRB.CreateBinOp(Instruction::Sub, ptr_to_int,
local_end_to_int, "_offset_above_rbp_");
auto *potential_parent_address =
IRB.CreateGEP(parent_start_bt, offset, "_pot_address_in_parent_stack_");
auto *cond1 = IRB.CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT, ptr_operand_bt,
local_end_bt, "_cond1_");
auto *cond2_1 = IRB.CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT, ptr_operand_bt,
parent_end_bt, "_cond2_1_");
auto *cond2_2 = IRB.CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT, ptr_operand_bt,
parent_start_bt, "_cond2_2_");
auto *cond2 = IRB.CreateBinOp(Instruction::Or, cond2_1, cond2_2, "_cond2_");
auto *cond3 = IRB.CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_ULE, potential_parent_address,
parent_end_bt, "_cond4_");
auto *cond1_n_cond2 =
IRB.CreateBinOp(Instruction::And, cond1, cond2, "_cond1_n_cond2_");
auto *cond1_n_cond2_n_cond3 = IRB.CreateBinOp(
Instruction::And, cond1_n_cond2, cond3, "_cond1_n_cond2_cond3_");
TerminatorInst *ti =
SplitBlockAndInsertIfThen(cond1_n_cond2_n_cond3, I, false);
auto *then_bb = ti->getParent();
// Populate the Then Basic Block
DEBUG(Constant *printf_func = printf_prototype(*ctx, Mod); IRB.CreateCall(
"Accessing Parent Stack [" +
std::to_string(StaticParentAccessChecks++) + "]\n",
// Constant *printf_func = printf_prototype(*ctx, Mod); IRB.CreateCall(
// printf_func,
// geti8StrVal(*Mod,
// "Accessing Parent Stack [" +
// std::to_string(StaticParentAccessChecks++) + "]\n",
// "_debug_parent_stack_"));
auto *parent_address =
IRB.CreateGEP(parent_start_bt, offset, "_address_in_parent_stack_");
auto *parent_address_bt = IRB.CreateBitCast(
parent_address, ptr_operand_type, "_address_in_parent_stack_bt_");
// Polulate the Tail Basic Block
auto *new_phi = IRB.CreatePHI(ptr_operand_type, 2);
new_phi->addIncoming(ptr_operand, head_bb);
new_phi->addIncoming(parent_address_bt, then_bb);
Instruction *new_load = NULL;
new_load = IRB.CreateLoad(new_phi, "_new_load_");
recordConverted(li, new_load);
// At this point erase all the replcaed instrcutions
bool stack_deconstructor::shouldConvertForParentStackAccess(Instruction *I) {
if (LoadInst *li = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I)) {
auto *ptr_operand = li->getPointerOperand();
StringRef str = ptr_operand->getName();
if (str.empty() || StringRef::npos != str.find("_allin_")) {
return true;
return false;
Function *stack_deconstructor::cloneFunctionWithExtraArgument(Function *F) {
std::vector<Type *> ArgTypes;
ValueToValueMapTy VMap;
for (Function::const_arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
I != E; ++I) {
// extra argument
// Create a new function type considering the extra argument
FunctionType *FTy =
FunctionType::get(F->getFunctionType()->getReturnType(), ArgTypes,
// Create the new function...
Function *NewF = Function::Create(FTy, F->getLinkage(), F->getName());
// Loop over the arguments, copying the names of the mapped arguments over...
Function::arg_iterator DestI = NewF->arg_begin();
for (Function::const_arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
I != E; ++I) {
VMap[&*I] = &*DestI;
SmallVector<ReturnInst *, 8> Returns; // Ignore returns cloned.
CloneFunctionInto(NewF, F, VMap, false, Returns, "");
return NewF;
void stack_deconstructor::recordConverted(Instruction *From, Value *To,
bool replaceUses, bool erase) {
convertMap[From] = To;
if (erase)
if (replaceUses) {
DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "\tConvert :" << *From << " --> " << *To << "\n");
void stack_deconstructor::eraseReplacedInstructions() {
for (Instruction *E : ToErase)
for (Instruction *E : ToErase)
Constant *stack_deconstructor::printf_prototype(LLVMContext &ctx, Module *mod) {
FunctionType *printf_type = TypeBuilder<int(char *, ...), false>::get(ctx);
Constant *func = mod->getOrInsertFunction(
"printf", printf_type,
AttributeSet().addAttribute(mod->getContext(), 1U, Attribute::NoAlias));
if (!func) {
assert(0 && "getOrInsertFunction returned non function");
return func;
Constant *stack_deconstructor::geti8StrVal(Module &M, std::string str,
Twine const &name) {
Constant *strConstant = ConstantDataArray::getString(*ctx, str.c_str());
GlobalVariable *GVStr =
new GlobalVariable(M, strConstant->getType(), true,
GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, strConstant, name);
Constant *zero = Constant::getNullValue(IntegerType::getInt32Ty(*ctx));
Constant *indices[] = {zero, zero};
Constant *strVal = ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(strConstant->getType(),
GVStr, indices, true);
return strVal;
bool stack_deconstructor::isLoadOfImp(Value *I, StringRef ptr_name) {
LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I);
if (!LI) {
return false;
Value *ptr_operand = LI->getPointerOperand();
if (ptr_operand->getName() != ptr_name) {
return false;
return true;
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