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Last active March 22, 2023 10:57
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Solr block join filtering example
$ cd <solr distribution>
$ bin/solr start
$ bin/solr create -c demo
$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/update?commitWithin=3000 -d '{delete:{query:"*:*"}}'
$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/update?commitWithin=3000 -d '
{id : book1, type_s:book, title_t : "The Way of Kings", author_s : "Brandon Sanderson",
cat_s:fantasy, pubyear_i:2010, publisher_s:Tor, bin_s: bar,
_childDocuments_ : [
{ id: book1_c1, type_s:review, review_dt:"2015-01-03T14:30:00Z",
stars_i:5, author_s:yonik,
comment_t:"A great start to what looks like an epic series!",
bin_s: foo
{ id: book1_c2, type_s:review, review_dt:"2014-03-15T12:00:00Z",
stars_i:3, author_s:dan,
comment_t:"This book was too long.",
bin_s: bar
{id : book2, type_s:book, title_t : "Snow Crash", author_s : "Neal Stephenson",
cat_s:sci-fi, pubyear_i:1992, publisher_s:Bantam, bin_s: baz,
_childDocuments_ : [
{ id: book2_c1, type_s:review, review_dt:"2015-01-03T14:30:00Z",
stars_i:5, author_s:yonik,
comment_t:"Ahead of its time... I wonder if it helped inspire The Matrix?",
bin_s: foo
{ id: book2_c2, type_s:review, review_dt:"2015-04-10T9:00:00Z",
stars_i:2, author_s:dan,
comment_t:"A pizza boy for the Mafia franchise? Really?",
bin_s: foo
{ id: book2_c3, type_s:review, review_dt:"2015-06-02T00:00:00Z",
stars_i:4, author_s:mary,
comment_t:"Neal is so creative and detailed! Loved the metaverse!",
bin_s: baz
{id : book3, type_s:book, title_t : "Snow Crash 2", author_s : "Neal Stephenson",
cat_s:sci-fi, pubyear_i:1995, publisher_s:Bantam, bin_s: foo,
_childDocuments_ : [
{ id: book3_c1, type_s:review, review_dt:"2015-01-03T14:30:00Z",
stars_i:1, author_s:yonik,
comment_t:"Yet another lame sequel",
bin_s: foo
$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/query -d 'q=cat_s:(fantasy OR sci-fi)&fl=*,[child parentFilter=type_s:book]'
"q":"cat_s:(fantasy OR sci-fi)",
"fl":"*,[child parentFilter=type_s:book]"}},
"title_t":["The Way of Kings"],
"author_s":"Brandon Sanderson",
"comment_t":["A great start to what looks like an epic series!"],
"comment_t":["This book was too long."],
"title_t":["Snow Crash"],
"author_s":"Neal Stephenson",
"comment_t":["Ahead of its time... I wonder if it helped inspire The Matrix?"],
"comment_t":["A pizza boy for the Mafia franchise? Really?"],
"comment_t":["Neal is so creative and detailed! Loved the metaverse!"],
"title_t":["Snow Crash 2"],
"author_s":"Neal Stephenson",
"comment_t":["Yet another lame sequel"],
Note: the fq is only applied to the parent documents, if it applied to child documents book1 wouldn't show up because yonik reviews has bins_s of foo:
$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/query -d 'q=%2bcat_s:(sci-fi OR fantasy) %2b_query_:"{!parent which=type_s:book} %2bauthor_s:(mary yonik)"&fq=bin_s:(baz bar)&fl=*'
"q":"+cat_s:(sci-fi OR fantasy) +_query_:\"{!parent which=type_s:book} +author_s:(mary yonik)\"",
"fq":"bin_s:(baz bar)"}},
"title_t":["The Way of Kings"],
"author_s":"Brandon Sanderson",
"title_t":["Snow Crash"],
"author_s":"Neal Stephenson",
You would need to set an upfront query clause inside of the blockjoin query to provide the desired result:
$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/query -d 'q=%2bcat_s:(sci-fi OR fantasy) %2b_query_:"{!parent which=type_s:book} %2bbin_s:(baz bar) %2bauthor_s:(mary yonik)"&fq=bin_s:(baz bar)&fl=*'
"q":"+cat_s:(sci-fi OR fantasy) +_query_:\"{!parent which=type_s:book} +bin_s:(baz bar) +author_s:(mary yonik)\"",
"fq":"bin_s:(baz bar)"}},
"title_t":["Snow Crash"],
"author_s":"Neal Stephenson",
We can simplify the redundent filter by using parameter substitution:
$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/query -d 'q=%2bcat_s:(sci-fi OR fantasy) %2b_query_:"{!parent which=type_s:book} ${binFilter} %2bauthor_s:(mary yonik)"&fq=${binFilter}&fl=*&binFilter=%2bbin_s:(baz bar)'
We can cache the binFilter query results by using the `filter()` query method:
$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/query -d 'q=%2bcat_s:(sci-fi OR fantasy) %2b_query_:"{!parent which=type_s:book} %2bfilter(${binFilter}) %2bauthor_s:(mary yonik)"&fq=${binFilter}&fl=*&binFilter=%2bbin_s:(baz bar)'
We can get rid of the nested `_query_` syntax and specify the query in the parent block join query definition:
$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/query -d 'q=%2bcat_s:(sci-fi OR fantasy) %2b{!parent which=type_s:book v="%2bfilter(${binFilter}) %2bauthor_s:(mary yonik)"}&fq=${binFilter}&fl=*&binFilter=%2bbin_s:(baz bar)'
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