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Created September 6, 2010 10:22
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Scala solutions for the Coding Kata programming exercises
package org.codingkata.unit;
class MyKata extends BaseKataSolution {
* Revert a word in 'backward talk' to understand it
* @param word the backwards word
* @return the regular word
def revert(word: String) = word reverse
package org.codingkata.unit;
class MyKata extends BaseKataSolution {
def gcd(dividend: Int, divisor: Int): Int = (dividend % divisor) match {
case 0 => divisor
case x => gcd(divisor, x)
* Calculate the 'greatest common divisor'.
* @param number1 the first number ('numerator')
* @param number2 the second number ('denominator')
* @return GCD of number1 and number2
def calcGCD(n1: Int, n2: Int) = if (n1 == 0) n2 else gcd(n2, n1)
package org.codingkata.unit;
class MyKata extends BaseKataSolution {
* Calculate an element of the Fibonacci sequence
* @param n element number
* @return n-th element of the Fibonacci sequence
def fibonacci(n: Int): Int = n match {
case x if x <= 1 => x
case x => fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
package org.codingkata.unit;
class MyKata extends BaseKataSolution {
* Give an answer to the current game
* @param number current number in the game sequence
* @return appropriate answer to the current number
def answer(number: Int) = {
var answer = ""
if (number % 3 == 0) answer += "fizz"
if (number % 5 == 0) answer += "buzz"
if (answer == "") number.toString else answer
package org.codingkata.unit;
class MyKata extends BaseKataSolution {
* Issue the NASA countdown
* @param start number to start with
* @return array with numbers from 'start' to 0
def countdown(start: Int) = (for (i <- (start to 0 by -1)) yield new Integer(i)).toArray
package org.codingkata.unit;
class MyKata extends BaseKataSolution {
* Welcome a guest
* @param lastName the last name of the guest
* @param isWoman true if the guest is female
* @param isSir true if the guest was knighted by the queen
* @return issues welcome text to the guest
def welcome(lastName: String, isWoman: Boolean, isSir: Boolean) =
"Hello %s %s".format(if (isWoman) if (isSir) "Dame" else "Ms." else if (isSir) "Sir" else "Mr.", lastName)
package org.codingkata.unit;
class MyKata extends BaseKataSolution {
lazy val Slang = """\$([\w ]*)\$""".r
* Translate a slang text to a TV news-compatible text
* @param text string full of slang (e.g. 'I am $kewl$.')
* @param dictionary slang dictionary - in pairs, like {{slang, non-slang}, ...}
* @return the 'cleaned' text
def translate(text: String, slang: Array[Array[String]]) = {
lazy val dict = List.fromArray(slang).foldLeft(Map.empty[String, String])((d, s) => d + (s(0) -> s(1)))
Slang.replaceAllIn(text, m => dict(
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