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Last active December 21, 2015 03:49
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Save sdboyer/6245440 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
graph algo for calculating a TSL based on a DAG, but respecting optimal groupings
namespace Gliph;
class DirectedAdjacencyGraph {
protected $vertices;
protected $vertexTypes;
public function __construct() {
$this->vertices = new \SplObjectStorage();
public function addVertex($vertex) {
if (!$this->hasVertex($vertex)) {
$this->vertices[$vertex] = new \SplObjectStorage();
public function addDirectedEdge($from, $to) {
public function removeVertex($vertex) {
$this->eachVertex(function($v, $outgoing) use ($vertex) {
if ($outgoing->contains($vertex)) {
public function removeEdge($from, $to) {
public function eachAdjacent($vertex, $callback) {
foreach ($this->vertices[$vertex] as $e) {
call_user_func($callback, $e);
public function eachVertex($callback) {
$this->fev(function ($v, $outgoing) use ($callback) {
call_user_func($callback, $v, $outgoing);
public function eachEdge($callback) {
$edges = array();
$this->fev(function ($from, $outgoing) use (&$edges) {
foreach ($outgoing as $to) {
$arr = new \SplFixedArray(2);
$arr[0] = $from;
$arr[1] = $to;
$edges[] = $arr;
foreach ($edges as $edge) {
call_user_func($callback, $edge);
public function hasVertex($vertex) {
return $this->vertices->contains($vertex);
protected function fev($callback) {
foreach ($this->vertices as $vertex) {
$outgoing = $this->vertices->getInfo();
$callback($vertex, $outgoing);
* Returns the transpose of this graph.
* A transpose is identical to the current graph, except that
* its edges have had their directionality reversed.
* Also sometimes known as the 'reverse' or 'converse'.
* @return DirectedAdjacencyGraph
public function transpose() {
$graph = new self();
$this->eachEdge(function($edge) use (&$graph) {
$graph->addDirectedEdge($edge[1], $edge[0]);
return $graph;
public function getCycles() {
$tarjan = new Tarjan();
$scc = $tarjan->getCycles($this);
return $scc->count() > 0 ? $scc : FALSE;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
// Set up some dummy vertices
$a = new stdClass(); $a->val = 'a';
$b = new stdClass(); $b->val = 'b';
$c = new stdClass(); $c->val = 'c';
$d = new stdClass(); $d->val = 'd';
$e = new stdClass(); $e->val = 'e';
$f = new stdClass(); $f->val = 'f';
$g = new stdClass(); $g->val = 'g';
$h = new stdClass(); $h->val = 'h';
$i = new stdClass(); $i->val = 'i';
$j = new stdClass(); $j->val = 'j';
// Connect them into an acyclic graph
$graph2 = new Gliph\DirectedAdjacencyGraph();
$graph2->addDirectedEdge($c, $f);
$graph2->addDirectedEdge($d, $g);
$graph2->addDirectedEdge($c, $a);
$graph2->addDirectedEdge($e, $b);
$graph2->addDirectedEdge($f, $e);
$graph2->addDirectedEdge($g, $e);
$graph2->addDirectedEdge($h, $j);
$graph2->addDirectedEdge($i, $b);
$graph2->addDirectedEdge($j, $b);
// Create an incidence graph representing the optimal groupings
$ggraph = new \Gliph\IncidenceGraph();
$group1 = new stdClass();
$group1->vertices = array($a, $b, $c, $d);
$group2 = new stdClass();
$group2->vertices = array($e, $f, $g);
$group3 = new stdClass();
$group3->vertices = array($h, $i, $j);
$group1->inDegrees = $group2->inDegrees = $group3->inDegrees = array();
$groups = array($group1, $group2, $group3);
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$vertices = array();
foreach ($group->vertices as $vertex) {
$vertices = !empty($vertices) ? $vertices : $group->vertices;
$vertices = array_splice($vertices, array_search($vertex, $vertices), 1);
foreach ($vertices as $adjacent) {
$ggraph->addEdge($vertex, $adjacent);
// traverse, then dump the results
$tsl = grouped_depth_first_search($graph2->transpose(), $ggraph, $b);
$vertices = array();
foreach ($tsl as $vertex) {
$vertices[] = $vertex->val;
print "\nOutput:\n";
print implode(', ', $vertices);
function grouped_depth_first_search(\Gliph\DirectedAdjacencyGraph $depgraph, \Gliph\IncidenceGraph $groupgraph, $start = NULL) {
// Create an initial set of vertices to enqueue.
$queue = new SplDoublyLinkedList();
if ($start === NULL) {
// No start vertex provided - find all appropriate ones.
$incomings = new SplObjectStorage();
$depgraph->eachEdge(function ($edge) use (&$incomings) {
if (!isset($incomings[$edge[1]])) {
$incomings[$edge[1]] = new \SplObjectStorage();
// Prime the queue with vertices that have no incoming edges.
$depgraph->eachVertex(function($vertex) use (&$queue, &$incomings, &$that) {
if (!$incomings->contains($vertex)) {
else {
$visiting = new SplObjectStorage();
$visited = new SplObjectStorage();
$tsl = new SplQueue();
// The DFS recursive search algorithm, in a closure
$visit = function($vertex) use ($depgraph, $groupgraph, &$visit, $visiting, $visited, $tsl) {
if (!$visiting->contains($vertex) && !$visited->contains($vertex)) {
// First, visit directed vertices expressed in the depgraph (standard DFS)
$depgraph->eachAdjacent($vertex, $visit);
// Then, visit undirected adjacent vertices from the group graph (special twist!)
$groupgraph->eachAdjacent($vertex, $visit);
while (!$queue->isEmpty()) {
$vertex = $queue->shift();
return $tsl;
namespace Gliph;
class IncidenceGraph {
protected $vertices;
public function __construct() {
$this->vertices = new \SplObjectStorage();
public function addVertex($vertex) {
if (!$this->hasVertex($vertex)) {
$this->vertices[$vertex] = new \SplObjectStorage();
public function addEdge($from, $to) {
public function removeVertex($vertex) {
foreach ($this->vertices[$vertex] as $adjacent) {
public function removeEdge($from, $to) {
public function eachAdjacent($vertex, $callback) {
foreach ($this->vertices[$vertex] as $adjacent) {
call_user_func($callback, $adjacent);
public function eachVertex($callback) {
$this->fev(function ($v, $adjacent) use ($callback) {
call_user_func($callback, $v, $adjacent);
public function eachEdge($callback) {
$edges = array();
$complete = new \SplObjectStorage();
$this->fev(function ($a, $adjacent) use (&$edges, &$complete) {
foreach ($adjacent as $b) {
if (!$complete->contains($b)) {
$edges[] = array($a, $b);
foreach ($edges as $edge) {
call_user_func($callback, $edge);
public function hasVertex($vertex) {
return $this->vertices->contains($vertex);
protected function fev($callback) {
foreach ($this->vertices as $vertex) {
$adjacent = $this->vertices->getInfo();
$callback($vertex, $adjacent);
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