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Last active December 23, 2015 00:19
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new grouper
* @file
* Contains \Drupal\Core\Asset\AssetGraph.
namespace Drupal\Core\Asset;
use Gliph\Graph\DirectedAdjacencyGraph;
* An extension of the DirectedAdjacencyGraph concept designed specifically for
* Drupal's asset management use case.
* Drupal allows for two types of sequencing declarations:
* - Dependencies, which guarantee that dependent asset must be present and
* that it must precede the asset declaring it as a dependency.
* - Ordering, which can guarantee that asset A will be either preceded or
* succeeded by asset B, but does NOT guarantee that B will be present.
* The impact of a dependency can be calculated myopically (without knowledge of
* the full set), as a dependency inherently guarantees the presence of the
* other vertex in the set.
* For ordering, however, the full set must be inspected to determine whether or
* not the other asset is already present. If it is, a directed edge can be
* declared; if it is not.
* This class eases the process of determining what to do with ordering
* declarations by implementing a more sophisticated addVertex() mechanism,
* which incrementally sets up (and triggers) watches for any ordering
* declarations that have not yet been realized.
class AssetGraph extends DirectedAdjacencyGraph {
public function addVertex($vertex) {
parent::addVertex($vertex); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
* @file
* Contains \Drupal\Core\Asset\CssCollectionGrouperNouveaux.
namespace Drupal\Core\Asset;
use Gliph\Traversal\DepthFirst;
use Gliph\Visitor\DepthFirstBasicVisitor;
use Drupal\Core\Asset\AssetGraph;
* Groups CSS assets.
class CssCollectionGrouperNouveaux implements AssetCollectionGrouperInterface {
* @var AssetLibraryRepository
protected $repository;
* An array of optimal groups for the assets currently being processed.
* This is ephemeral state; it is only stored as an object property in order
* to avoid doing certain processing twice.
* @var array
protected $optimal;
* @var \SplObjectStorage;
protected $optimal_lookup;
public function __construct(AssetLibraryRepository $repository) {
$this->repository = $repository;
* Groups a collection of assets into logical groups of asset collections.
* @param array $assets
* An asset collection.
* @return array
* A sorted array of asset groups.
public function group(array $assets) {
$tsl = $this->getOptimalTSL($assets);
// TODO replace with CssCollection
// TODO ordering suddenly matters here...problem?
$processed = array();
$last_key = FALSE;
foreach ($tsl as $asset) {
$key = $this->optimal_lookup->contains($asset) ? $this->optimal_lookup[$asset] : FALSE;
if ($key !== $last_key) {
$processed[] = $aggregate = new CssAggregateAsset(); // TODO implement CSSAggregateAsset
return $processed;
* Gets a topologically sorted list that is optimal for grouping.
* @param array $assets
* @return array
* A linear list of assets that will enable optimal groupings.
* @throws \LogicException
protected function getOptimalTSL(array $assets) {
// We need to define the optimum minimal group set, given metadata
// boundaries across which aggregates cannot be safely made.
$this->optimal = array();
// Also create an SplObjectStorage to act as a lookup table on an asset to
// its group, if any.
$this->optimal_lookup = new \SplObjectStorage();
// Finally, create a specialized directed adjacency list that will capture
// sequencing information.
$graph = new AssetGraph();
foreach ($assets as $asset) {
foreach ($this->repository->resolveDependencies($asset) as $dependency) {
$graph->addDirectedEdge($asset, $dependency);
$k = $this->getGroupKey($asset);
if ($k === FALSE) {
// Record no optimality information for ungroupable assets; they will
// be visited normally and rearranged as needed.
if (!isset($this->optimal[$k])) {
// Create an SplObjectStorage to represent each set of assets that would
// optimally be grouped together.
$this->optimal[$k] = new \SplObjectStorage();
$this->optimal[$k]->attach($asset, $k);
$this->optimal_lookup->attach($asset, $this->optimal[$k]);
// First, transpose the graph in order to get an appropriate answer
$transpose = $graph->transpose();
// Next, check for cycles
if ($cycles = $transpose->getCycles()) {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Found %d cycles in CSS asset collection.', count($cycles)));
// Create a queue of start vertices to prime the traversal.
$queue = $this->createSourceQueue($graph, $transpose);
// Now, create the visitor and walk the graph to get an optimal TSL.
$visitor = new OptimallyGroupedTSLVisitor($this->optimal, $this->optimal_lookup);
DepthFirst::traverse($transpose, $visitor, $queue);
return $visitor->getTSL();
* Gets the grouping key for the provided asset.
* @param $asset
* @return bool|string
* @throws \UnexpectedValueException
protected function getGroupKey($asset) {
// The browsers for which the CSS item needs to be loaded is part of the
// information that determines when a new group is needed, but the order
// of keys in the array doesn't matter, and we don't want a new group if
// all that's different is that order.
if ($asset instanceof StylesheetFileAsset) {
// Compose a string key out of the set of relevant properties.
// TODO - currently ignoring group, which is used in the current implementation. wishful thinking? maybe, maybe not.
// TODO media has been pulled out - needs to be handled by the aggregator, wrapping css in media queries
$k = $asset->isPreprocessable()
? implode(':', array('file', $asset['every_page'], implode('', $asset['browsers'])))
return $k;
else if ($asset instanceof StylesheetStringAsset) {
// String items are always grouped.
// TODO use the term 'inline' here? do "string" and "inline" necessarily mean the same?
$k = implode(':', 'string', implode('', $asset['browsers']));
return $k;
else if ($asset instanceof StylesheetExternalAsset) {
// Never group external assets.
$k = FALSE;
return $k;
else {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Unknown CSS asset type "%s" somehow made it into the CSS collection during grouping.', get_class($asset)));
* Creates a queue of starting vertices that will facilitate an ideal TSL.
* @param AssetGraph $graph
* @param AssetGraph $transpose
* @return \SplQueue $queue
* A queue of vertices
protected function createSourceQueue(AssetGraph $graph, AssetGraph $transpose) {
$reach_visitor = new DepthFirstBasicVisitor();
// Find source vertices (outdegree 0) in the original graph
$sources = DepthFirst::find_sources($graph, $reach_visitor);
// Traverse the transposed graph to get reachability data on each vertex
DepthFirst::traverse($transpose, $reach_visitor, clone $sources);
// Sort vertices via a PriorityQueue based on total reach
$pq = new \SplPriorityQueue();
foreach ($sources as $vertex) {
$pq->insert($vertex, count($reach_visitor->getReachable($vertex)));
// Dump the priority queue into a normal queue
// TODO maybe gliph should support pq/heaps as a queue type on which to operate?
$queue = new \SplQueue();
foreach ($pq as $vertex) {
return $queue;
* @file
* Contains \Drupal\Core\Asset\OptimallyGroupedTSLVisitor.
namespace Drupal\Core\Asset;
use Gliph\Visitor\DepthFirstVisitorInterface;
* DepthFirst visitor intended for use with a asset data that will select the
* optimal valid TSL, given a preferred grouping of vertices.
class OptimallyGroupedTSLVisitor implements DepthFirstVisitorInterface {
* @var array
protected $tsl;
* @var array
protected $groups;
* @var \SplObjectStorage
protected $vertexMap;
* Creates a new optimality visitor.
* @param array $groups
* An array of SplObjectStorage, the contents of each representing an
* optimal grouping.
* @param \SplObjectStorage $vertex_map
* A map of vertices to the group in which they reside, if any.
public function __construct($groups, \SplObjectStorage $vertex_map) {
$this->tsl = array();
$this->groups = $groups;
$this->vertexMap = $vertex_map;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function onInitializeVertex($vertex, $source, \SplQueue $queue) {}
* {@inheritdoc}
public function onBackEdge($vertex, \Closure $visit) {
// TODO: Implement onBackEdge() method.
* {@inheritdoc}
public function onStartVertex($vertex, \Closure $visit) {
// If there's a record in the vertex map, it means this vertex has an
// optimal group. Remove it from that group, as it being here means it's
// been visited.
if ($this->vertexMap->contains($vertex)) {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function onExamineEdge($from, $to, \Closure $visit) {}
* Here be the unicorns.
* Once the depth-first traversal is done for a vertex, rather than
* simply pushing it onto the TSL and moving on (as in a basic depth-first
* traversal), if the finished vertex is a member of an optimality group, then
* visit all other (unvisited) members of that optimality group.
* This ensures the final TSL has the tightest possible adherence to the
* defined optimal groupings while still respecting the DAG.
public function onFinishVertex($vertex, \Closure $visit) {
// TODO this still isn't quite optimal; it can split groups unnecessarily. tweak a little more.
// TODO explore risk of hitting the 100 call stack limit
if ($this->vertexMap->contains($vertex)) {
foreach ($this->vertexMap[$vertex] as $vertex) {
$this->tsl[] = $vertex;
* Returns the TSL produced by a depth-first traversal.
* @return array
* A topologically sorted list of vertices.
public function getTSL() {
return $this->tsl;
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