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Created August 18, 2020 01:43
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using System.Linq;
using ServiceStack;
using ServiceStack.Text;
public class MoveTypeTargets {
public HashSet<HexTile> walk = new HashSet<HexTile>();
public HashSet<HexTile> run = new HashSet<HexTile>();
public HashSet<HexTile> jump = new HashSet<HexTile>();
// if you treat these as immutable data objects theres also this sexy:
public static MoveTypeTargets None = new MoveTypeTargets();
public class AttackTypeTargets {
public HashSet<HexTile> cc = new HashSet<HexTile>();
public HashSet<HexTile> ra = new HashSet<HexTile>();
public class HexMap {
// ...
// keep same signature
public void GetActionableHexes(PTD turnData, HexTile tileToSelect, bool allowedToMove) // + a bunch of outs
//...allowedToAttack and allowedToMove are already defined and involve multiple domains
// allowedToMove should probably take into account !(isVanguard && unit.HQ) and other check in GetHexesForVanguard
AttackTypeTargets attacks = allowedToAttack ?
AttackTypeTargetsFor(turnData, unit, isStationary: turnData.something) : // aim++ cares
bool isEngaged = > 0;
MoveTypeTargets moves = allowedToMove ?
MoveTypeTargetsFor(turnData, unit, isEngaged, isVanguard: turnData.something) : // for vanguard calculation
ccAttackable =;
// etc
public AttackTypeTargets AttackTypeTargetsFor(PTD turnData, Unit unit, bool isStationary)
public MoveTypeTargets MoveTypeTargetsFor(PTD turnData, Unit unit, bool isEngaged, bool isVanguard) {
if (isVanguard) // return a fixed set of the first two rows - dynamic set of hexes with units
return new MoveTypeTargets {
run = VanguardHexesWithNoUnits(unit.owningPlayerId) // isnt this all derived from hexmap state?
return new MoveTypeTargets {
walk = isEngaged ?
HashSet<HexTile>.Empty :
(unit.jump > 0) ?
HexesInMoveRangeFor(turnData, unit, from: 1, length: 1) :
HexesInMoveRangeFor(turnData, unit, from: 1, length: unit.walk)
run = isEngaged ?
HashSet<HexTile>.Empty :
GetMoveableHexes(turnData, unit, from: unit.walk + 1, length:
jump = HexesInMoveRangeFor(turnData, unit, from: 1, length: unit.jump, ignoreTerrain: true)
public HashSet<HexTile> HexesInMoveRangeFor(PTD turnData, Unit unit, int from, int length, bool ignoreTerrain = false) =>
GetHexesInRange(unit.owningPlayerId, unit.hexTile,
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