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Created February 24, 2016 21:19
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import Rx from 'rx'
import Firebase from 'firebase'
const FbStream = (ref,evtName)=>
Rx.Observable.create( obs=> ref.on( evtName, (snap)=>obs.onNext(snap) ) )
const AddedStream = ref=>
FbStream(ref,'child_added').map( snap => acc => ({[snap.key()]:snap.val(), ...acc}) )
const ChangedStream = ref=>
FbStream(ref,'child_changed').map( snap => acc => ({...acc, [snap.key()]:snap.val()}) )
const RemovedStream = ref=>
FbStream(ref,'child_removed').map( snap => acc => ({...acc, [snap.key()]:null}) )
const ValueStream = ref=>
FbStream(ref,'value').map( snap =>snap.val() )
const CollectionStream = ref =>
Rx.Observable.merge( AddedStream(ref), ChangedStream(ref), RemovedStream(ref) )
.scan( ((acc,op)=>op(acc)), {} )
.map( acc=> Object.keys(acc).map( x=>({$key:x,...acc[x]}) ) )
export const makeFirebaseDriver = fb => {
const subs = {}
const watch = (col,params)=>
subs[String(col+params)] || (subs[String(col+params)] = buildSub(col,params))
const buildSub = (col,params)=>
((typeof params == 'object') ? CollectionStream : ValueStream)( buildFbRef(col,params) )
const buildFbRef = (col, params)=>
((typeof params == 'object')) ? buildFbQuery(col,params) : fb.child(col).child(params)
const buildFbQuery = (col,{orderByChild})=>{
let ref=fb.child(col)
if (orderByChild) { ref = ref.orderByChild(orderByChild) }
return ref
return input$ => {
input$.subscribe( item=>fb.child('tasks').push(item) )
return ({watch})
export const POPUP = 'popup'
export const REDIRECT = 'redirect'
export const LOGOUT = 'logout'
export const makeFirebaseAuthDriver = fb => {
const auth$ = Rx.Observable.create( obs=> fb.onAuth( response=>obs.onNext(response) ) )
return input$ => {
input$.filter(({type})=>type==POPUP).subscribe( ({provider})=>{console.log('login'); fb.authWithOAuthPopup(provider)} )
input$.filter(({type})=>type==REDIRECT).subscribe( ({provider})=>fb.authWithOAuthRedirect(provider) )
input$.filter(({type})=>type==LOGOUT).subscribe( ()=>{console.log('logout'); fb.unauth()} )
return auth$
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