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Created September 14, 2014 14:43
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A Pen by Sean Dempsey.

I prefer Susyone

Just a short demo highlighting Codepen's new susy implementation. Still learning "susy" so I thought I'd show everyone how easy susyone is.

A Pen by Sean Dempsey on CodePen.


<div class="container">
<h1>I prefer Susy One</h1>
<p>Resize The viewport! Block content changes "at-breakpoint".</p>
<div class="block"></div>
<div class="block"></div>
<div class="block"></div>
<div class="block"></div>
<div class="block"></div>
<div class="block"></div>
<div class="block"></div>
<div class="block"></div>
<div class="block"></div>
<div class="block"></div>
<div class="block"></div>
<div class="block"></div>
@import "compass/css3";
@import 'susyone';
@import url(;
@include border-box-sizing;
@include establish-baseline;
@function pxtoem($px, $base: $base-font-size) {
@return ($px / $base) + 0em;
$gutter-width: 1em;
$container-width: pxtoem(1200px);
$iphone-portrait: pxtoem(320px);
$iphone-landscape: pxtoem(480px);
$six-forty: pxtoem(640px);
$ipad-portrait: pxtoem(768px);
$ipad-landscape: pxtoem(1024px);
$twelve-eighty: pxtoem(1280px);
$fourteen-hundred: pxtoem(1400px);
$blue: #1f7482;
$cream: #faf0e0;
$emerald: #048f69;
$colors: (
body-bg: $blue,
body-copy: $cream,
block-bg: $emerald,
block-border: darken($emerald, 20%)
body {
background-color: map-get($colors, body-bg);
color: map-get($colors, body-copy);
font-family: 'Source Code Pro', sans-serif;
h1 {
font-size: pxtoem(40px);
h2 {
font-size: pxtoem(28px);
&:after {
content: "Viewport < 768";
@include at-breakpoint($ipad-portrait) {
&:after {
content: 'Viewport > 768 && Viewport < 1280';
@include at-breakpoint($twelve-eighty) {
&:after {
content: 'Viewport >= 1280';
.container {
@include container;
.block {
background-color: map-get($colors, block-bg);
border: 2px solid map-get($colors, block-border);
@include transition(width 0.75s ease);
&:after {
content:"We're all 100% width";
@include at-breakpoint($ipad-portrait) {
@include span-columns(4,12);
@include nth-omega(3n);
&:after {
content:"We're three columns wide!";
@include at-breakpoint($twelve-eighty) {
@include remove-nth-omega(3n);
@include span-columns(1, 12);
&:after {
content:"We're one column wide!";
p {
background-color: map-get($colors, block-bg);
border: 2px solid map-get($colors, block-border);
margin-bottom: $gutter-width;
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