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Forked from rvanbruggen/1-scm-background.txt
Created April 7, 2020 14:14
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Supply Chain Management Example in Neo4j
// Found article on
//Article by Sean P. Willems:
Table 2 Classifications Used to Label Every Stage in the Chains
Classifications label Activity
Dist_ A stage that distributes an item
Manuf_ A stage that manufactures or assembles an item
Part_ A stage that procures an item
Retail_ A stage that acts as a demand orgination point
Trans_ A stage that transports an item between stages
//full spreadsheet:
//google sheet:
//importing the dataset
create index on :SupplyChain(id);
create index on :Stage(name);
create index on :Stage(betweenness);
create index on :SIC(code);
create index on :Company(id);
create index on :StageClassification(name);
//load the companies
load csv with headers from "" as csv
merge (sic:SIC {code: toInt(csv.SIC_Code), desc: csv.SIC_Description})
merge (c:Company {id: toInt(csv.companyId)})
merge (ch:SupplyChain {id: toInt(csv.chainId)})
merge (c)-[:HAS_SIC]->(sic)
create (c)-[:HAS_CHAIN]->(ch);
//load the rels between the chain stages
load csv with headers from
"" as csv
merge (ss:Stage {name: csv.sourceStage, chainId: toInt(csv.chainId)})
merge (ds:Stage {name: csv.destinationStage, chainId: toInt(csv.chainId)})
create (ss)-[:PRECEDES]->(ds);
//create the STARTS_WITH and ENDS rels between the SupplyChain and the first and last chain stage
//create STARTS_WITH
load csv with headers from
"" as csv
match (sc:SupplyChain {id: toInt(csv.chainId)}), (ss:Stage {name: csv.sourceStage, chainId: toInt(csv.chainId)})
where not (()-[:PRECEDES]->(ss))
AND = ss.chainId
merge (sc)-[:STARTS_WITH]->(ss);
//create ENDS
match path = (sc:SupplyChain)-[:STARTS_WITH]->(startstage:Stage)-[:PRECEDES*]->(endstage:Stage)
where not ((endstage)-[:PRECEDES]->())
merge (sc)<-[:ENDS]-(endstage);
//load the detail of each Stage
load csv with headers from
"" as csv
match (s:Stage {chainId: toInt(csv.chainId), name: csv.Stage_Name})
set s.stageCost = toFloat(csv.stageCost)
set s.relDepth = toInteger(csv.relDepth)
set s.stageClassification = csv.stageClassification
set s.avgDemand = csv.avgDemand
set s.stdDevDemand = csv.stdDevDemand
set s.maxServiceTime = csv.maxServiceTime
set s.serviceLevel = csv.serviceLevel
set s.stageTime = toFloat(csv.stageTime)
set s.stdDev_stageTime = csv.stdDev_stageTime;
//split out the stageClassifications
match (s:Stage)
merge (sc:StageClassification {name: s.stageClassification})
create (s)-[:IS_A]->(sc);
//merge the two "Parts" stageClassifications
match (sc1:StageClassification {name:"Parts"}), (sc2:StageClassification {name:"Part"})
WITH head(collect([sc1,sc2])) as nodes
CALL apoc.refactor.mergeNodes(nodes,{properties:"combine", mergeRels:true}) yield node
set = "Parts"
return count(node);
//model in text
match (n)-[r]->(m)
return distinct labels(n), type(r), labels(m);
//model in visualization
call db.schema.visualization;
// data profiling and validation
match (n) return distinct labels(n), count(*);
match (n)-[r]->() return distinct type(r), count(*);
match p= (sc:SupplyChain)<-[:HAS_CHAIN]-(c:Company)-[HAS_SIC]->(s:SIC)
return p limit 25;
match (sc:SupplyChain {id:1})-[*..3]-(conn) return sc, conn limit 10;
// Some SCM queries
//depth of SC Network by traversing graph
match path = ((sc:SupplyChain)-[:STARTS_WITH|PRECEDES*]->(s:Stage))
where not ((s)-[:PRECEDES]->())
return distinct, (max(length(path))-1) as maxlength
order by maxlength desc;
//depth of SC network by reading stage properties
match (sc:SupplyChain)-->(s:Stage)
return distinct, max(s.relDepth) as maxlengthprop
order by maxlengthprop desc;
//how many start and end nodes
match (s1:Stage)<-[start:STARTS_WITH]-(sc:SupplyChain)
with sc, count(start) as starts
match (sc)<-[end:ENDS]-(s2)
return, starts, count(end);
//verify the number of endstages for a SupplyChain by counting the paths
match path = (:SupplyChain {id:12})-[:STARTS_WITH]->(startstage:Stage)-[:PRECEDES*]->(endstage:Stage)
where not ((endstage)-[:PRECEDES]->())
with distinct endstage
return count(endstage);
//Zooming in on chain nr 20 - different path lengths
match path = (:SupplyChain {id:20})-[:STARTS_WITH]->(startstage:Stage)-[:PRECEDES*]->(endstage:Stage)
where not ((endstage)-[:PRECEDES]->())
return distinct count(path), length(path);
//Visualizing the different path lengths for chain nr 20
match path = (:SupplyChain {id:20})-[:STARTS_WITH]->(startstage:Stage)-[:PRECEDES*]->(endstage:Stage)
where not ((endstage)-[:PRECEDES]->())
return path;
//Visualizing the paths with length = 8
//profile: Cypher version: CYPHER 3.5, planner: COST, runtime: SLOTTED. 4200 total db hits in 39 ms.
match path = (:SupplyChain {id:20})-[:STARTS_WITH]->(startstage:Stage)-[:PRECEDES*]->(endstage:Stage)
where not ((endstage)-[:PRECEDES]->()) and length(path) = 8
return path;
//Visualizing the paths with length = 8 with ENDS check
//profile: Cypher version: CYPHER 3.5, planner: COST, runtime: SLOTTED. 2138 total db hits in 11 ms.
match path = (sc:SupplyChain {id:20})-[:STARTS_WITH]->(startstage:Stage)-[:PRECEDES*]->(endstage:Stage)-[:ENDS]-(sc)
where length(path) = 9
return path;
//look at cost of paths
match (sc:SupplyChain {id:8})-[:STARTS_WITH]->(startstage:Stage)
with startstage,sc
match path = (startstage)-[:PRECEDES*]->(endstage:Stage)
where (endstage)-[:ENDS]->(sc)
with path, reduce(sum=0, x in nodes(path) | sum+x.stageTime) as totalTime,
reduce(sum=0, y in nodes(path) | sum+y.stageCost) as totalCost
return totalTime, totalCost, [x in nodes(path) | id(x)]
order by totalTime asc
limit 10;
//Calculate the betweenness scores
:param label => ("Stage");
:param relationshipType => ("PRECEDES");
:param limit => (100);
:param config => ({concurrency: 8, direction: "Outgoing", writeProperty: "betweenness"});
CALL algo.betweenness($label, $relationshipType, $config);
MATCH (node:Stage)
WHERE not(node[$config.writeProperty] is null)
RETURN node, node[$config.writeProperty] AS score
LIMIT $limit;
//take a look at the nodes with the highest betweenness
MATCH (s:Stage)
ORDER BY s.betweenness DESC
MATCH path = ((sc:SupplyChain)-[:STARTS_WITH|PRECEDES|ENDS*]->(s))
where s in nodes(path)
with sc,s
limit 1
match path = (sc)-[:STARTS_WITH]->(startstage:Stage)-[:PRECEDES*]->(endstage:Stage)-[:ENDS]->(sc)
return path, s
limit 100;
//take a look at the nodes with the highest betweenness in a particular supply chain
MATCH path = ((sc:SupplyChain {id:19})-[:STARTS_WITH|PRECEDES*]->(s))
where s in nodes(path)
with sc,s
match (s)
with s,sc
order by s.betweenness DESC
limit 1
with s, sc
match path = (sc)-[:STARTS_WITH]->(startstage:Stage)-[:PRECEDES*]->(endstage:Stage)-[:ENDS]->(sc)
return path, s
limit 100
//take a look at the degree of the nodes with the highest betweenness
MATCH path = ((sc:SupplyChain {id:19})-[:STARTS_WITH|PRECEDES|ENDS*]->(s))
where s in nodes(path)
with sc,s
match (s)
return distinct, as degree, s.betweenness as betweenness
order by betweenness DESC
limit 10
//take a look at the betweenness of the nodes ordered by degree
MATCH path = ((sc:SupplyChain {id:19})-[:STARTS_WITH|PRECEDES|ENDS*]->(s))
where s in nodes(path)
with sc,s
match (s)
return distinct, as degree, s.betweenness as betweenness
order by degree DESC
limit 10
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