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Created August 2, 2010 22:49
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YUI.add('drag-gestures', function(Y) {
Y.log('Drag gesture support loaded', 'info', 'drag-gestures');
Y.DD.Drag.prototype._prep = function() {
Y.log('Using DD override prep to attach gesture events', 'info', 'drag-gestures');
this._dragThreshMet = false;
var node = this.get('node'), DDM = Y.DD.DDM;
node.addClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-draggable');
node.on('gesturemovestart', Y.bind(this._handleMouseDownEvent, this), {
minDistance: 0,
minTime: 0
// SATYEN - CHANGES: Matt fixed clearData, so shouldn't be required
// node.setData('dd', true);
node.on('gesturemoveend', Y.bind(this._handleMouseUp, this), { standAlone: true });
node.on('dragstart', Y.bind(this._fixDragStart, this));
// a) In general, it seems like you could move this to _setupListeners, same as you're doing for
// the non-gesture ddm-base impl. If not, some kind of _moveActived flag (could be shorter of course)
// on DDM as shown below. That way, we wouldn't need to worry about resetting it to false either.
// b) Aside from that, the only real change is to listen on the doc (again, as you're doing for the
// non-gesture ddm-base impl), instead of the node. Since you have standAlone:true, this is
// equivalent to what node.on("gesturemove") is doing under the hood anyway. It just makes it more
// explicit (and mirrors the non-gesture impl in ddm-base).
// c) You could also follow the same pattern for "gesturemoveend". However wasn't sure if there are any
// implications due to the fact that it uses "this", as in "this._handleMouseUp". Under the hood
// that instance method seems to call DDM._end() anyway, so maybe it could just call something
// directly on DDM, instead of going through this - like move does.
// d) TESTING:
// - With latest, and modifying sandbox, I tested sandbox/dd/index.php and that seems fine
// on the desktop (only 1 move listener added). However it's busted on the iphone emulator -
// figured that was something to do with the pending conditional loading stuff. delegate.php
// also seems to be broken (before my changes).
// - If I roll back to prior to the conditional stuff (yui3-2458), there's no drag-gestures of course,
// but a similar change in drag.js works fine, on both desktop and iphone emulator. Delegate also works.
// However, other loader/attach based stuff is broken. E.g. one of the two Y instances on
// sandbox/dd/index.php doesn't create drag instances. This was broken
// in d638a12fe1b2b8db03c67d7bad8c1bb30c3d8008 but *is* fixed in the latest.
if (!DDM._moveActivated) {
// SATYEN - CHANGES: Use doc, instead of node, just to be explicit, and mirror non-gesture impl.
// node.on('gesturemove', Y.throttle(Y.bind(DDM._move, DDM), DDM.get('throttleTime')), { standAlone: true });'gesturemove', Y.throttle(Y.bind(DDM._move, DDM), DDM.get('throttleTime')), {
standAlone: true }
DDM._moveActivated = true;
Y.DD.DDM._setupListeners = function() {
this._active = true;
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