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Last active December 27, 2019 15:15
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Sending an Aion Transaction Using Nodesmith

Sending an Aion Transaction with Javascript

This is the sample code described in the Nodesmith docs for sending a transaction. Please see that page for more details.

To Use

  • npm install
  • modify index.js with your own parameters (Updating the API_KEY and privateKey or keystoreFilePath)
  • node ./index.js
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Import the function we defined to transfer our balance
const transferAion = require('./transferAion');
// Define all of our parameters.
// ** Make sure to replace YOUR_API_KEY and set either a privateKey or keystore file **
const web3Endpoint = '';
// const web3Endpoint = '<YOUR_API_KEY>';
const privateKey = undefined;
const keystoreFilePath = '/Users/sdesmond/aion_ui/testnet_keystore';
const keystoreFilePassword = 'password';
const toAddress = '0xa0c0f504ab8aff4dd4a45d824795904fde2513ed9fc708b54a91bd89c2aceb2e';
const amount = 3;
// call the transfer function
transferAion(web3Endpoint, privateKey, keystoreFilePath, keystoreFilePassword, toAddress, amount);
"name": "sending_transaction_gist",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Simple sample code for sending a transaction to Aion with nodesmith",
"main": "index.js",
"author": "",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"lerna": "^3.4.3",
"aion-keystore": "0.0.2",
"aion-web3": "git://"
* Creates a new aion-web3 1.0 instance pointing at the specified JSON RPC endpoint.
* @param {string} nodesmithEndpoint The endpoint where we will be sending our JSON RPC requests.
* @returns A new web3 instance.
const getWeb3Instance = (nodesmithEndpoint) => {
// Import the aion-web3 module
const Web3 = require('aion-web3');
// Create a web3 instance using the appropriate nodesmith endpoint
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(nodesmithEndpoint));
return web3;
* Parses out a private key from either the raw private key (retrieved by the ./ -a export command) or
* from a password protected keystore file which was generated from the Aion Desktop Wallet app.
* @param {string} accountPrivateKey The raw private key string for the account.
* @param {string} keystoreFilePath Optional file path to the keystore file.
* @param {string} keystoreFilePassword If the keystoreFilePath is specified, this is the password to unlock it.
* @returns The private key string for the account, or throws an exception if the processing fails.
const getPrivateKey = (accountPrivateKey, keystoreFilePath, keystoreFilePassword) => {
// Check if we have a keystore file and its password
if (keystoreFilePath && keystoreFilePassword) {
// Use the fs module to read the keystore file
const fs = require('fs');
const keystoreFile = fs.readFileSync(keystoreFilePath);
// Import the aion keystore module to process the keystore file
const AionKeystore = require('aion-keystore');
const aionKeystore = new AionKeystore();
// Unlock the account and use it to get the private key
const unlockedAccount = aionKeystore.decryptFromRlp(keystoreFile, keystoreFilePassword);
return unlockedAccount.privateKey;
} else if (accountPrivateKey) {
// We already have a private key, just return it
return accountPrivateKey;
} else {
// Missing both keystore file and private key, throw an error.
throw new Error(`Missing keystore file & password or private key`);
* Signs a transaction to transfer Aion from one account to another. The returned transaction
* object can be used with sendSignedTransaction: See
* @param {Web3} web3 An aion-web3 1.0 instance which has been initialized, but doesn't need access to accounts.
* @param {string} privateKey The private key for the account to sign the transaction with
* @param {string} toAddress The Aion address to transfer value to
* @param {number} amount The number of mAmp to transfer from the privateKey address to toAddress
* @returns Promise which resolves to a signed transaction which can be used to submit to the network.
const signTransaction = async (web3, privateKey, toAddress, amount) => {
// Get an unlocked account object which we can use to sign transactions
const unlockedAccount = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(privateKey);
// Define our transaction
const transactionParameters = {
to: toAddress,
value: amount,
gasPrice: '0x4A817C800', // 20000000000
gas: 2000000,
data: '', // Data would be added here to invoke a contract function
// Sign the transaction and wait for the result
console.log(`Signing transaction to send ${amount} to ${toAddress}`);
const signedTransaction = await unlockedAccount.signTransaction(transactionParameters);
return signedTransaction;
* Submits a signed transaction to the Aion network. Returns a promise which resolves with
* a transaction receipt once the transaction has been confirmed on the network.
* @param {Web3} web3 An aion-web3 1.0 instance which has been initialized, but doesn't need access to accounts.
* @param {SignedTransaction} signedTransaction Signed transaction with a rawTransaction property.
* @returns Promise which resolves with a transaction receipt.
const sendSignedTransaction = (web3, signedTransaction) => {
// Send the transaction and listen for the various events
return web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signedTransaction.rawTransaction)
.once('transactionHash', (hash) => {
console.log(`Received transaction hash ${hash}`);
const explorerUrl = '' + hash;
console.log(`Check ${explorerUrl} once transaction is confirmed.`);
.on('error', (error) => {
console.error(`Error occurred sending transaction ${error}`);
.then((receipt) => {
// This will be fired once the receipt is mined
console.log(`Transaction sent successfully. Receipt: ${JSON.stringify(receipt)}`);
return receipt;
* Transfers some Aion from one account to another using Nodesmith. Either an account private key or keystore
* file and password are required in order to sign the transaction.
* @param {string} nodesmithEndpoint - The nodesmith endpoint to communicate with the Aion network
* @param {string} [accountPrivateKey] - Optional private key to send from
* @param {string} [keystoreFilePath] - Optional keystore file path to send from
* @param {string} [keystoreFilePassword] - Optional password for the keystore file
* @param {string} toAddress - The address of the Aion account to transfer to
* @param {(number|string)} amount - How many nAmp to transfer (
* @returns Promise which will contain the transaction receipt if successful.
const transferAion = async (
amount) => {
const web3 = getWeb3Instance(nodesmithEndpoint);
const privateKey = getPrivateKey(accountPrivateKey, keystoreFilePath, keystoreFilePassword);
const signedTransaction = await signTransaction(web3, privateKey, toAddress, amount);
const transactionReceipt = await sendSignedTransaction(web3, signedTransaction);
return transactionReceipt;
module.exports = transferAion;
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