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Forked from matthiasschabel/expm.jl
Last active February 28, 2019 16:30
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Julia translation of MATLAB expm function (matrix exponential) and test code in Julia and MATLAB
using LinearAlgebra
import Base.exp
import LinearAlgebra.exp!
function expmchk()
# EXPMCHK Check the class of input A and
# initialize M_VALS and THETA accordingly.
m_vals = [3 5 7 9 13];
# theta_m for m=1:13.
theta = [#3.650024139523051e-008
1.495585217958292e-002 # m_vals = 3
2.539398330063230e-001 # m_vals = 5
9.504178996162932e-001 # m_vals = 7
2.097847961257068e+000 # m_vals = 9
5.371920351148152e+000];# m_vals = 13
return m_vals, theta
function getPadeCoefficients(m)
# GETPADECOEFFICIENTS Coefficients of numerator P of Pade approximant
# C = GETPADECOEFFICIENTS returns coefficients of numerator
# of [M/M] Pade approximant, where M = 3,5,7,9,13.
if (m==3)
c = [120, 60, 12, 1];
elseif (m==5)
c = [30240, 15120, 3360, 420, 30, 1];
elseif (m==7)
c = [17297280, 8648640, 1995840, 277200, 25200, 1512, 56, 1];
elseif (m==9)
c = [17643225600, 8821612800, 2075673600, 302702400, 30270240,
2162160, 110880, 3960, 90, 1];
elseif (m==13)
c = [64764752532480000, 32382376266240000, 7771770303897600,
1187353796428800, 129060195264000, 10559470521600,
670442572800, 33522128640, 1323241920,
40840800, 960960, 16380, 182, 1];
return c
function PadeApproximantOfDegree(A,m)
#PADEAPPROXIMANTOFDEGREE Pade approximant to exponential.
# F = PADEAPPROXIMANTOFDEGREE(M) is the degree M diagonal
# Pade approximant to EXP(A), where M = 3, 5, 7, 9 or 13.
# Series are evaluated in decreasing order of powers, which is
# in approx. increasing order of maximum norms of the terms.
n = maximum(size(A));
c = getPadeCoefficients(m);
# Evaluate Pade approximant.
if (m == 13)
# For optimal evaluation need different formula for m >= 12.
A2 = A*A
A4 = A2*A2
A6 = A2*A4
U = A * (A6*(c[14]*A6 + c[12]*A4 + c[10]*A2) + c[8]*A6 + c[6]*A4 + c[4]*A2 + c[2]*Matrix{Float64}(I,n,n) )
V = A6*(c[13]*A6 + c[11]*A4 + c[9]*A2) + c[7]*A6 + c[5]*A4 + c[3]*A2 + c[1]*Matrix{Float64}(I,n,n)
F = (V-U)\(V+U)
else # m == 3, 5, 7, 9
Apowers = Array{Matrix{Float64}}(undef,ceil(Int,(m+1)/2))
Apowers[1] = Matrix{Float64}(I,n,n)
Apowers[2] = A*A
for j = 3:ceil(Int,(m+1)/2)
Apowers[j] = Apowers[j-1]*Apowers[2]
U = zeros(n,n)
V = zeros(n,n)
for j = m+1:-2:2
U = U + c[j]*Apowers[convert(Int,j/2)]
U = A*U
for j = m:-2:1
V = V + c[j]*Apowers[convert(Int,(j+1)/2)]
F = (V-U)\(V+U)
return F
function expm(A)
# EXPM Matrix exponential.
# EXPM(X) is the matrix exponential of X. EXPM is computed using
# a scaling and squaring algorithm with a Pade approximation.
# Julia implementation closely based on MATLAB code by Nicholas Higham
# Initialization
m_vals, theta = expmchk()
normA = norm(A,1)
if normA <= theta[end]
# no scaling and squaring is required.
for i = 1:length(m_vals)
if normA <= theta[i]
F = PadeApproximantOfDegree(A,m_vals[i])
t,s = frexp(normA/theta[end])
s = s - (t == 0.5) # adjust s if normA/theta(end) is a power of 2.
A = A/2^s # Scaling
F = PadeApproximantOfDegree(A,m_vals[end])
for i = 1:s
F = F*F # Squaring
return F
end # expm
exp(x::Matrix{T}) where T<:Real = expm(x)
function exp!(x::Matrix{T}) where T<:Real
x[:] = expm(x)
L=[1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 32 64 128 160 192 256 384 512]
for j=1:length(L)
for i=1:100
print("N = ",L[j]," ")
L=[1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 32 64 128 160 192 256 384 512];
for j=1:length(L)
for i=1:100
disp(['N = ' num2str(L(j)) ' elapsed time: ' num2str(t(j)) ' seconds']);
using Test
using LinearAlgebra
@testset "Matrix exponential" begin
@testset "Tests for $elty" for elty in (Float32, Float64, ComplexF32, ComplexF64,Real)
A1 = convert(Matrix{elty}, [4 2 0; 1 4 1; 1 1 4])
eA1 = convert(Matrix{elty}, [147.866622446369 127.781085523181 127.781085523182;
183.765138646367 183.765138646366 163.679601723179;
71.797032399996 91.8825693231832 111.968106246371]')
@test exp(A1) ≈ eA1
A2 = convert(Matrix{elty},
[29.87942128909879 0.7815750847907159 -2.289519314033932;
0.7815750847907159 25.72656945571064 8.680737820540137;
-2.289519314033932 8.680737820540137 34.39400925519054])
eA2 = convert(Matrix{elty},
[ 5496313853692458.0 -18231880972009236.0 -30475770808580460.0;
-18231880972009252.0 60605228702221920.0 101291842930249760.0;
-30475770808580480.0 101291842930249728.0 169294411240851968.0])
@test exp(A2) ≈ eA2
A3 = convert(Matrix{elty}, [-131 19 18;-390 56 54;-387 57 52])
eA3 = convert(Matrix{elty}, [-1.50964415879218 -5.6325707998812 -4.934938326092;
0.367879439109187 1.47151775849686 1.10363831732856;
0.135335281175235 0.406005843524598 0.541341126763207]')
@test exp(A3) ≈ eA3
A4 = convert(Matrix{elty}, [0.25 0.25; 0 0])
eA4 = convert(Matrix{elty}, [1.2840254166877416 0.2840254166877415; 0 1])
@test exp(A4) ≈ eA4
A5 = convert(Matrix{elty}, [0 0.02; 0 0])
eA5 = convert(Matrix{elty}, [1 0.02; 0 1])
@test exp(A5) ≈ eA5
# Hessenberg
@test hessenberg(A1).H ≈ convert(Matrix{elty},
[4.000000000000000 -1.414213562373094 -1.414213562373095
-1.414213562373095 4.999999999999996 -0.000000000000000
0 -0.000000000000002 3.000000000000000])
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