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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Determining point position
import math
def spo(color, x, y):
result = {
'red': lambda x,y: x + 10/(x+y),
'blue': lambda x,y: x + 1/y,
'yellow': lambda x,y: x/(y-x),
'white' : lambda x,y: x * y
}[color](x, y)
print('Color: ' + color)
print('SPO = ' + str(result))
def sign(n):
if n == 0:
return 0;
return abs(n)/n
def isInsideTriangle(xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc, xp, yp):
a = (xa-xp)*(yb-yp)-(xb-xp)*(ya-yp)
b = (xb-xp)*(yc-yp)-(xc - xp)*(yb-yp)
c = (xc-xp)*(ya-yp)-(xa - xp)*(yc-yp)
return sign(a)==sign(b) and sign(b)==sign(c)
print("Enter radius")
r = float(input("R = "))
# circle center
x0 = r
y0 = -r
print("Enter point coordinates")
x = float(input("x = "))
y = float(input("y = "))
if (x > 0 and y > 0) or (x < 0 and y > 0) or (x < 0 and y < 0):
spo('yellow', x, y)
r_xy = math.sqrt((x0-x)*(x0-x)+(y0-y)*(y0-y))
if r_xy <= r:
print("Point belongs to the circle")
if x >= r:
if y < -r:
#print("sector 2") # bottom right
if isInsideTriangle(r, -r, 2*r, -r, r, -2*r, x, y):
spo('white', x, y)
spo('blue', x, y)
#print("sector 1") # top right
if isInsideTriangle(r, -r, r, 0, 2*r, -r, x, y):
spo('white', x, y)
spo('red', x, y)
if y < -r:
#print("sector 3") # bottom left
if isInsideTriangle(0, -r, r, -r, r, -2*r, x, y):
spo('white', x, y)
spo('red', x, y)
#print("sector 0") # top left
if isInsideTriangle(0, -r, r, 0, r, -r, x, y):
spo('white', x, y)
spo('blue', x, y)
print("Point does not belongs to the circle")
if x > r and y < -r:
spo('yellow', x, y)
spo('white', x, y)
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