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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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  • Save sdhull/a72039c03836bf573722 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sdhull/a72039c03836bf573722 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Static analysis to hunt down unused css & js after removing view code. Comment out the haml2html stuff if you are starting with erb/html
# script assumes you have already `git rm app/views/foo/bar.haml`, the more removed code the better
require 'httparty'
# find_deleted_lines
deleted_haml = `git diff --cached --diff-filter=D app/views`
# remove info about which file
cleaned_lines = []
in_head = 0
deleted_haml.each_line do |line|
if line.match /^diff --git/
in_head += 1
case in_head
when 6
in_head = 0
when 1..5
in_head += 1
cleaned_lines << line[1..-1]
cleaned_lines = cleaned_lines.join
cleaned_lines.gsub! /'/, '"' # make all quotes be double quotes
cleaned_lines.gsub! /^.*No newline at end of file/, '' # we don't care about these messages
cleaned_lines.gsub! /:inlinejavascript/, ":javascript" # custom filter to regular one
opts = {body: {converter: 2, haml: cleaned_lines}}
# convert haml to erb
html ="", opts).body
# find_classes
classes = html.to_enum(:scan, /class=['"].+['"]/).map { Regexp.last_match.to_s.gsub(/class=./,'').gsub(/['"]/,'').split(" ") }.flatten.uniq
# find_ids
ids = html.to_enum(:scan, /id=['"].+['"]/).map { Regexp.last_match.to_s.gsub(/id=./,'').gsub(/['"]/,'').split(" ") }
# count stuff and indicate what's safe to remove
{ids: ids, classes: classes}.each do |type, arr|
other_uses = {|c| `git grep #{c} app/views`.split("\n").size}
# count css rules
css_rules = {|c| `git grep #{c} app/assets/stylesheets`.split("\n").size}
# count js uses
js_uses = {|c| `git grep #{c} app/assets/javascripts`.split("\n")}.size
# find classes without other uses but with rules or js
things_to_remove = []
arr.each_with_index do |c, i|
things_to_remove << c if other_uses[i] == 0 && (css_rules[i] > 0 || js_uses[i] > 0)
if things_to_remove.size > 0
puts "Try removing the following #{type}:"
puts ""
puts things_to_remove
puts "Looks like all the #{type} are used somewhere else or don't have associated js or css"
return nil
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