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Created May 30, 2018 14:45
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# also...
# Bootstrap Confidence intervals with standard errors
# using the Atlanta commute times dataset
# 'data.frame': 500 obs. of 5 variables:
# goal is to construct the confidence interval for
# the mean commute time in Atlanta....
# we need to find first the point estimate (sample mean) from
# the original sample.
time.mean = with(CommuteAtlanta, mean(Time))
# to find the standard error let's create a matrix 1000 x 500
# 1000 rows: one for each bootstrap sample
# 500 columns: to match the original sample size
# ...then we apply mean() to each row
B = 1000
n = nrow(CommuteAtlanta) # 500
boot.samples = matrix(sample(CommuteAtlanta$Time, size = B * n, replace=T),
nrow=B, ncol=n)
# lets compute the statistics on bootstrap samples
boot.statistics = apply(boot.samples, 1, mean) # 1 refers to row
# let's plot...
hist(boot.statistics, prob=T)
# not too asymetric..., more or less bell shaped
# the std deviation is = sd(boot.statistics)
# let's construct the confidence interval
me = ceiling(10 * 2 * / 10
round(time.mean) + c(-1, 1) * me
# [1] 27.1 30.9
# interpretation is
# We are 95% confident that the mean commute time in Atlanta is
# in the interval from 27.1 to 31 minutes
# Let's wrap up into a function...
boot.mean = function(x, B, binwidth=NULL) {
n = length(x)
boot.samples = matrix(sample(x, size=n*B, replace=T), nrow=B, ncol=n)
boot.statistics = apply(boot.samples, 1, mean)
se = sd(boot.statistics)
interval = mean(x) + c(-1, 1) * 2 * se
hist(boot.statistics, prob=T)
return (list(boot.statistics=boot.statistics,
boot.mean(CommuteAtlanta$Time, 1000)
# Let's start from scratch the bootstrap...
# using for loops, because why not?
x = CommuteAtlanta$Time
B = 1000
result = rep(NA, B)
for (i in 1:B) {
result[i] = mean(sample(x, replace=T))
mean(x) + 2 * sd(result) * c
# [1] 27.21967 31.00033
## Proportions
# Using Bootstraping to solve the problem of proportions
# Let assume a student has 11 oranges and 19 non-oranges candies
# let us use bootstrap to find a 95% confidence interval for the interval of orange
# we will represent the sample data as a vector with 11 1s and 19 0s
# and use the same machinery as before
reeses = c(rep(1, 11), rep(0, 19)) # reeses are candies google it!
reeses.boot = boot.mean(reeses, 10000, binwidth = 1/30)
# [1] 0.1864931 0.5468402
# so based only on this single sample...
# we are 95% confident that the true proportion of orange Reese's pieces
# is between .19 and .55
# Let's combine all the 48 students samples into one big sample
# the total is 741 oranges candies and 699 non-oranges ones
# the observed proportions is then .515
reeses = c(rep(1, 741), rep(0, 699))
reeses.boot = boot.mean(reeses, 10000, binwidth=.005)
# [1] 0.4872727 0.5418939
# the True proportion is then 50%... most likely
## Differences in Means
# let's use the StudendSurvey data set to illustrate using bootstrap
# to estimate differences in means, the varianle Exercise is the number of hours
# per week each student exercises.
with(StudentSurvey, by(Exercise, Gender, mean, na.rm=T))
# Gender: F
# [1] 8.110119
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Gender: M
# [1] 9.875648
# from the example, men exercise more hours per week than women.
# if we treat this sample of students as randomly chosen from a population
# of college students, we can estimate the difference in time spent exercising
# for each sex.
# Note that without more information about the sampling process, any such inference
# may be prone to bias... if the students in the sample differ substantially
# from the population.
# first let's remove the missing values : NA
newStudent = with(StudentSurvey, StudentSurvey[!, ])
# let's skip the unsuccessfull boxplotting for now...
# ...
# let's group M and F by length(), the sample size of each group
n = with(newStudent, by(Exercise, Gender, length))
# Gender: F
# [1] 168
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Gender: M
# [1] 193
# let's apply the bootstrap drill to the F first and then the M
# we then use apply() to find the mean of each sample and take the difference to
# get the distribution of bootstrap statistics.
# then we graph to check for symmetry and a bell shape.
f.size = n[1]
f.samples = with(newStudent,
matrix(sample(Exercise[Gender=="F"], size=f.size * B, replace=T),
nrow=B, ncol=f.size))
f.means = apply(f.samples, 1, mean)
m.size = n[2]
m.samples = with(newStudent,
matrix(sample(Exercise[Gender=="M"], size=m.size * B, replace=T),
nrow=B, ncol=m.size))
m.means = apply(m.samples, 1, mean)
boot.stat = m.means - f.means
hist(boot.stat, prob=T)
# let's compute the confidence interval
xbars = with(newStudent, by(Exercise, Gender, mean))
me = 2 * sd(boot.stat)
(xbars[2] - xbars[1]) + c(-1,1)*me
## [1] 0.5397 2.9914
# 95% chance the mean difference is in the given interval
## Let's redo everything using the boot() function of R
# the function boot() requires 3 arguments
# 1. the data from the original sample as dataframe or matrix
# 2. a function to compute the statistics from the data...
# 3. the number of bootstrap replicates
my.mean = function(x, indices) {
time.boot = boot(CommuteAtlanta$Time, my.mean, 10000)
# boot() returns an object with several fields:
# * t0: which is the sample mean of the original data
# * t: the collection of bootstrap statistics
# let's use to calculate the bootstrap confidence
## Based on 10000 bootstrap replicates
## CALL :
## = time.boot)
## Intervals :
## Level Normal Basic
## 95% (27.33, 30.93 ) (27.28, 30.91 )
## Level Percentile BCa
## 95% (27.31, 30.94 ) (27.42, 31.10 )
## Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale
# basic uses the standard error
# percentile uses percentiles
# BCa also uses percentiles, but adjusted to account for bias and skewness
# you use percentile if you want to be more than 95% confident
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