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Last active December 22, 2015 07:59
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{-# Language GADTs #-}
module Homomorphisms where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid hiding (Endo)
import qualified Control.Category as C
-- Morphisms
data Homomorphism a b where
Hom :: (a -> b) -> Homomorphism a b
data Endomorphism a b where
Endo :: (a -> a) -> Endomorphism a a
data Isomorphism a b = Iso { to :: a -> b, from :: b -> a }
data KleisliArrow m a b where
K :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> KleisliArrow m a b
apK :: Monad m => (KleisliArrow m a b) -> a -> m b
apK (K f) a = f a
apEndo :: Endomorphism a a -> a -> a
apEndo (Endo f) a = f a
apHom :: Homomorphism a b -> a -> b
apHom (Hom f) a = f a
-- Functor Instances
instance Functor (Homomorphism t) where
fmap f (Hom a) = Hom (f . a)
instance Applicative (Homomorphism t) where
pure a = Hom $ const a
(Hom f) <*> (Hom g) = Hom $ \a -> f a $ g a
-- Monad Instances
instance Monad (Homomorphism t) where
(Hom f) >>= g = Hom $ \a -> apHom (g $ f a) a
return a = Hom $ const a
instance Monad m => C.Category (KleisliArrow m) where
id = K (return . id)
(K f) . (K g) = K $ g >=> f
-- Category Instances
instance C.Category Homomorphism where
id = Hom id
(Hom f) . (Hom g) = Hom (f . g)
instance C.Category Endomorphism where
id = Endo id
(Endo f) . (Endo g) = Endo (f . g)
instance C.Category Isomorphism where
id = Iso id id
(Iso f f') . (Iso g g') = Iso (f . g) (g' . f')
-- Monoid Instances
instance (a ~ b) => Monoid (Endomorphism a b) where
mempty = Endo id
mappend (Endo f) (Endo g) = Endo $ g . f
instance (Monad m, a ~ b) => Monoid (KleisliArrow m a b) where
mempty = K return
mappend f g = K $ apK g >=> apK f
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