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Created March 16, 2023 15:19
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"use strict";
// JavaScript
let canvas, ctx, rMng;
// Window
window.onload = (e)=>{
// Canvas
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
canvas.width = WIDTH;
canvas.height = HEIGHT;
// Context
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.font = "18px Arial";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.strokeStyle = "#ffffff";
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
// ReversiManager
const sX = WIDTH/2 - COLS*T_SIZE/2;
const sY = HEIGHT/2 - ROWS*T_SIZE/2;
rMng = new ReversiManager(sX, sY);
update();// Update
// Update
function update(){
// Clear
ctx.fillStyle = "#333333";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
// ReversiManager
setTimeout(update, 400);
document.addEventListener("click", (e)=>{
rMng.thinkPlayer(e.x, e.y);// Player
"use strict";
// Utility
const WIDTH = 320;
const HEIGHT = 320;
const ROWS = 4;
const COLS = 4;
const T_NONE = 0;
const T_WHITE = 1;
const T_BLACK = 2;
const T_SIZE = 30;
const T_DIRS = [[-1,-1],[-1,0],[-1,1],[0,-1],[0,1],[1,-1],[1,0],[1,1]];
const T_DEPTH = 12;
const T_WAIT = 3000;
class ReversiManager{
constructor(sX, sY){
// Board
this._board = Array.from(new Array(ROWS), ()=>new Array(COLS).fill(0));
this._board[ROWS/2-1][COLS/2-1] = T_WHITE;// 1, 1
this._board[ROWS/2][COLS/2] = T_WHITE;// 2, 2
this._board[ROWS/2][COLS/2-1] = T_BLACK;// 2, 1
this._board[ROWS/2-1][COLS/2] = T_BLACK;// 1, 2
// Turn
this._turn = T_WHITE;// First
this._you = (Math.random() < 0.5) ? T_WHITE:T_BLACK;
this._com = this.nextTurn(this._you);
// Message
this._msgTurn = "";
this._msgResult = "";
// Checker
this._bdManager = new BoardManager(sX, sY);
this._availables = this._bdManager.getAvailables(this._board, this._turn);
//this._bdManager.trace(this._board);// Trace
// Pass
this.checkPass(this._board, this._turn);
checkPass(board, turn){
console.log("checkPass:", turn);
// Available
if(this._bdManager.isAvailable(board, turn)){
if(turn != this._com) return;
setTimeout(()=>{// Timeout
this.thinkCom(board, this._turn, this._availables);
}, T_WAIT);
const result = this._bdManager.judgeBoard(board);
this._msgResult = "Result:";
if(result == T_NONE){
}else if(result == this._you){
this._msgResult += "You win!!";
}else if(result == this._com){
this._msgResult += "You lose...";
this._msgResult += "Even...";
// Pass
console.log("Pass:", turn);
const nextTurn = this.nextTurn(turn);
const nextAvailables = this._bdManager.getAvailables(board, nextTurn);
this._turn = nextTurn;
this._availables = nextAvailables;
if(this._turn != this._com) return;
setTimeout(()=>{// Timeout
this.thinkCom(board, this._turn, this._availables);
}, T_WAIT);
thinkPlayer(x, y){
if(this._turn != this._you) return;
const pos = this._bdManager.getRC(this._availables, x, y);
if(!pos) return;
const nextBoard = this._bdManager.putDisk(this._board, this._turn, pos.r, pos.c);
const nextTurn = this.nextTurn(this._turn);
const nextAvailables = this._bdManager.getAvailables(nextBoard, nextTurn);
// Change
this._board = nextBoard;
this._turn = nextTurn;
this._availables = nextAvailables;
// Pass
this.checkPass(this._board, this._turn);
thinkCom(board, turn, availables){
if(turn != this._com) return;
let bestScore = Infinity * -1;
let choise = {r: -1, c: -1};
for(let available of availables){
const r = available[0];
const c = available[1];
const nextBoard = this._bdManager.putDisk(board, turn, r, c);
const nextTurn = this.nextTurn(turn);
const nextAvailables = this._bdManager.getAvailables(nextBoard, nextTurn);
// MinMax
const score = this.alphabeta(nextBoard, nextTurn, nextAvailables, 1, -Infinity, Infinity);
if(bestScore < score){
bestScore = score;
choise.r = r;
choise.c = c;
console.log("Choise:", choise.r, choise.c, "Score:", bestScore);
const nextBoard = this._bdManager.putDisk(board, this._turn, choise.r, choise.c);
const nextTurn = this.nextTurn(this._turn);
const nextAvailables = this._bdManager.getAvailables(nextBoard, nextTurn);
// Change
this._board = nextBoard;
this._turn = nextTurn;
this._availables = nextAvailables;
// Pass
this.checkPass(this._board, this._turn);
alphabeta(board, turn, availables, depth, alpha, beta){
if(T_DEPTH < depth) return 0;// Strength
//console.log("alphabeta[" + turn + "]", "Depth:", depth);
// Not available
if(!this._bdManager.isAvailable(board, turn)){
// Finished or Pass
if(!this._bdManager.isAvailable(board, this.nextTurn(turn))){
// Finished
const result = this._bdManager.judgeBoard(board);
const score = 100 - depth;// Score
if(result == 0) return 0;
if(result == this._you) return -score;
if(result == this._com) return score;
// Pass
const nextTurn = this.nextTurn(turn);
const nextAvailables = this._bdManager.getAvailables(board, nextTurn);
return this.alphabeta(board, nextTurn, nextAvailables, depth, alpha, beta);
// Com or You
if(turn == this._com){
for(let available of availables){
const r = available[0];
const c = available[1];
const nextBoard = this._bdManager.putDisk(board, turn, r, c);
const nextTurn = this.nextTurn(turn);
const nextAvailables = this._bdManager.getAvailables(nextBoard, nextTurn);
// MinMax
const score = this.alphabeta(nextBoard, nextTurn, nextAvailables, depth+1, alpha, beta);
alpha = Math.max(alpha, score);// Max
if(beta <= alpha) break;// Alpha cut!!
return alpha;
for(let available of availables){
const r = available[0];
const c = available[1];
const nextBoard = this._bdManager.putDisk(board, turn, r, c);
const nextTurn = this.nextTurn(turn);
const nextAvailables = this._bdManager.getAvailables(nextBoard, nextTurn);
// MinMax
const score = this.alphabeta(nextBoard, nextTurn, nextAvailables, depth+1, alpha, beta);
beta = Math.min(beta, score);// Min
if(beta <= alpha) break;// Beta cut!!
return beta;
return (turn == T_WHITE) ? T_BLACK:T_WHITE;
this._bdManager.drawBoard(this._board);// Board
this._bdManager.drawAvailables(this._availables, (this._turn==this._you));// Availables
this.drawMsg();// Message
// Title
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.font = "22px Arial";
ctx.fillText("Reversi4x4", WIDTH/2, 28);
// Turn
this._msgTurn = (this._turn == this._you) ? "Turn:you":"Turn:com";
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.font = "16px Arial";
ctx.fillText(this._msgTurn, 24, HEIGHT - 20);
// Result
const msgResult = "Result:***";
ctx.textAlign = "right";
ctx.font = "16px Arial";
ctx.fillText(this._msgResult, WIDTH-24, HEIGHT - 20);
class BoardManager{
constructor(sX, sY){
this._sX = sX;
this._sY = sY;
let cntWhite = 0;
let cntBlack = 0;
for(let r=0; r<ROWS; r++){
for(let c=0; c<COLS; c++){
if(board[r][c] == T_WHITE) cntWhite++;
if(board[r][c] == T_BLACK) cntBlack++;
if(cntBlack < cntWhite) return T_WHITE;// White win
if(cntWhite < cntBlack) return T_BLACK;// Black win
return 0;// Even
if(this.isAvailable(board, T_WHITE)) return false;// not finished
if(this.isAvailable(board, T_BLACK)) return false;// not finished
return true;
isAvailable(board, turn){
return 0 < this.getAvailables(board, turn).length;
getAvailables(board, turn){
const availables = [];
for(let r=0; r<ROWS; r++){
for(let c=0; c<COLS; c++){
if(board[r][c] != T_NONE) continue;
let flg = false;
for(let dir of T_DIRS){
const cnt = this.checkDisk(board, turn, r, c, dir, 0);
if(cnt <= 0) continue;
flg = true;
if(flg) availables.push([r, c]);// Push
return availables;
putDisk(board, turn, r, c){
if(r < 0 || c < 0) return board;
if(ROWS-1 < r || COLS-1 < c) return board;
// Copy
const nextBoard = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(board));
for(let r=0; r<ROWS; r++){
for(let c=0; c<COLS; c++){
nextBoard[r][c] = board[r][c];
// Put
nextBoard[r][c] = turn;
for(let dir of T_DIRS){
const cnt = this.checkDisk(nextBoard, turn, r, c, dir, 0);
if(cnt <= 0) continue;
for(let i=0; i<cnt; i++){
const oR = r + dir[0] * (i+1);
const oC = c + dir[1] * (i+1);
nextBoard[oR][oC] = turn;// Turn
return nextBoard;
checkDisk(board, turn, r, c, dir, cnt){
const oR = r + dir[0];
const oC = c + dir[1];
if(oR < 0 || ROWS-1<oR) return 0;
if(oC < 0 || COLS-1<oC) return 0;
const type = board[oR][oC];
if(type == T_NONE) return 0;
if(type != turn){
return this.checkDisk(board, turn, oR, oC, dir, cnt+1);
if(type == turn && 0 < cnt) return cnt;
return 0;
// Trace
let str = "== Board ==\n";
for(let r=0; r<ROWS; r++){
str += "| ";
for(let c=0; c<COLS; c++) str += board[r][c] + " ";
str += "|\n";
str += "===========";
getRC(availables, x, y){
if(x < this._sX) return null;
if(y < this._sY) return null;
if(this._sX + COLS*T_SIZE < x) return null;
if(this._sY + ROWS*T_SIZE < y) return null;
const r = Math.floor((y-this._sY)/T_SIZE);
const c = Math.floor((x-this._sX)/T_SIZE);
for(let available of availables){
if(available[0] != r) continue;
if(available[1] != c) continue;
return {r: r, c: c};
return null;
// Board
for(let r=0; r<ROWS; r++){
for(let c=0; c<COLS; c++){
const x = this._sX + T_SIZE * c;
const y = this._sY + T_SIZE * r;
ctx.fillStyle = "#008800";
ctx.fillRect(x, y, T_SIZE-2, T_SIZE-2);
if(board[r][c] == T_NONE) continue;
ctx.fillStyle = (board[r][c] == T_WHITE) ? "#ffffff":"#000000";
ctx.arc(x+T_SIZE/2, y+T_SIZE/2, T_SIZE/4, 0, Math.PI*2, false);
drawAvailables(availables, flg){
// Availables
for(let available of availables){
const x = this._sX + T_SIZE * available[1];
const y = this._sY + T_SIZE * available[0];
ctx.fillStyle = (flg) ? "#dddd00":"#99cc99";
ctx.fillRect(x, y, T_SIZE-2, T_SIZE-2);
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