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Last active April 29, 2024 00:48
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# coding: utf-8
基数変換問題ジェネレーター(10進整数 <-> 2進数)
import os, math, random
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
# Seed
seed = 0
# Random
rdms = list(range(64))# 0->99
#rdms = list(range(20, 100))# 20->99
# Decimals
# decimals = [0]# Easy
decimals = [0.5, 0.25, 0.125]# Normal
# decimals = [0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875]# Hard
# D2B or B2D
flg_d2b = seed % 2 == 0
# Directory
dir_name = "d2b" if flg_d2b else "b2d"
text_title = "BINARY \\(x_x;)/ HELL No:" + str(seed)
if flg_d2b == True:
text_explain = "次にある10進数の値を、2進数に変換しなさい"
text_example = "※桁数に制限は無いものとする\n\n例1: 4=100, 例2: 9=1001"
text_explain = "次にある2進数の値を、10進数に変換しなさい"
text_example = "※桁数に制限は無いものとする\n\n例1: 100=4, 例2: 1001=9"
# Font
font_path_w4 = "/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W4.ttc";
font_path_w6 = "/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W6.ttc";
font_color = (0, 0, 0)
base_x = 250
base_y = 800
pad_x = 980
pad_y = 210
rows = 10
cols = 2
# Nums
nums = rdms[0:rows*cols]# Random(Seed)
nums.sort(reverse=False)# Sort(If you neeed...)
# Decimals
for i in range(len(nums)):
index = nums[i] % len(decimals)
nums[i] += decimals[index]
#nums[i] += random.choice(decimals)
# Num to Binary
def num2binary(num):
integer = math.floor(num)
decimal = num - integer
a = getInteger(integer)
b = getDecimal(decimal)
if decimal == 0: return a
return a + "." + b
def getInteger(num):
nums = []
while 0 < num:
nums.append(num % 2)
num = int(num / 2)
if len(nums) <= 0: return "0"
return "".join(map(str, nums))
def getDecimal(num):
nums = []
while num != 0:
num *= 2
modf = math.modf(num)
if 0 < modf[1]:
num = modf[0]
return "".join(map(str, nums))# 2進文字列
for i in range(2):
type_flg = i % 2
type_name = "mondai" if type_flg else "kaito"
images = []
# Image
image ="RGB", (2150, 3035), (255, 255, 255))
# Draw
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
# Title
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_w6, 80)
draw.text((base_x, 200), text_title, font=font, fill=font_color)
# Name
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_w6, 40)
draw.text((image.size[0]/2 + 500, 250), "氏名:", font=font, fill=font_color)
# Explain
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_w6, 50)
draw.text((260, 420), text_explain, font=font, fill=font_color)
# Example
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_w4, 40)
draw.text((260, 540), text_example, font=font, fill=font_color)
for r in range(rows):
for c in range(cols):
i = c + r * cols
if len(nums) <= i: break
num = nums[i]
if flg_d2b == True:
text = "(" + str(i+1) + ")" + "\n\n " + str(num) + " = "
if type_flg == 0: text += num2binary(num)
text = "(" + str(i+1) + ")" + "\n\n " + num2binary(num) + " = "
if type_flg == 0: text += str(num)
pos_x = base_x + c * pad_x
pos_y = base_y + r * pad_y
pos = (pos_x, pos_y)
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_w6, 40)
draw.text(pos, text, font=font, fill=font_color)
# Directory
if not os.path.isdir(dir_name): os.mkdir(dir_name)
# Save
image_out = "./" + dir_name + "/" + type_name + "_No" + str(seed) + ".pdf"
images[0].save(image_out, "PDF",
quality=100, save_all=True, append_images=images[1:], optimize=True)
# coding: utf-8
基数変換問題ジェネレーター(10進整数 <-> 8進数)
import os, math, random
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
# Seed
seed = 7
# Random
rdms = list(range(99))# 0->99
#rdms = list(range(20, 100))# 20->99
# Decimals
# decimals = [0]# Easy
# decimals = [0.5, 0.25, 0.125]# Normal
decimals = [0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875]# Hard
# D2O or O2D
flg_d2o = seed % 2 == 0
# Directory
dir_name = "o2d" if flg_d2o else "d2o"
text_title = "BINARY \\(x_x;)/ HELL No:" + str(seed)
if flg_d2o == True:
text_explain = "次にある10進数の値を、8進数に変換しなさい"
text_example = "※桁数に制限は無いものとする\n\n例1: 12=14, 例2: 19=23"
text_explain = "次にある8進数の値を、10進数に変換しなさい"
text_example = "※桁数に制限は無いものとする\n\n例1: 14=12, 例2: 23=19"
# Font
font_path_w4 = "/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W4.ttc";
font_path_w6 = "/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W6.ttc";
font_color = (0, 0, 0)
base_x = 250
base_y = 800
pad_x = 980
pad_y = 210
rows = 10
cols = 2
# Nums
nums = rdms[0:rows*cols]# Random(Seed)
nums.sort(reverse=False)# Sort(If you neeed...)
# Decimals
for i in range(len(nums)):
index = nums[i] % len(decimals)
nums[i] += decimals[index]
#nums[i] += random.choice(decimals)
# Num to Octa
def num2octa(num):
integer = math.floor(num)
decimal = num - integer
a = getInteger(integer)
b = getDecimal(decimal)
if decimal == 0: return a
return a + "." + b
def getInteger(num):
nums = []
while 0 < num:
nums.append(num % 8)
num = int(num / 8)
if len(nums) <= 0: return "0"
return "".join(map(str, nums))
def getDecimal(num):
nums = []
while num != 0:
num *= 2
modf = math.modf(num)
if(0 < modf[1]):
num = modf[0]
arr = parseDecimal(nums, 3) # 8進数に変換(3桁区切り)
return "".join(map(str, arr)) # 8進文字列
def parseDecimal(nums, dig):
# dig桁数に変換(3桁なら8進数, 4桁なら16進数)
odd = len(nums) % dig
for o in range(dig-odd): nums.append("0")
s_bin = "".join(map(str, nums))# 2進文字列
arr = [int(s_bin[i: i+dig], 2) for i in range(0, len(s_bin), dig)]
while 1 < len(arr) and arr[len(arr)-1] == 0: arr.pop() # 最後の桁0を削除
return arr
for i in range(2):
type_flg = i % 2
type_name = "mondai" if type_flg else "kaito"
images = []
# Image
image ="RGB", (2150, 3035), (255, 255, 255))
# Draw
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
# Title
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_w6, 80)
draw.text((base_x, 200), text_title, font=font, fill=font_color)
# Name
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_w6, 40)
draw.text((image.size[0]/2 + 500, 250), "氏名:", font=font, fill=font_color)
# Explain
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_w6, 50)
draw.text((260, 420), text_explain, font=font, fill=font_color)
# Example
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_w4, 40)
draw.text((260, 540), text_example, font=font, fill=font_color)
for r in range(rows):
for c in range(cols):
i = c + r * cols
if len(nums) <= i: break
num = nums[i]
if flg_d2o == True:
text = "(" + str(i+1) + ")" + "\n\n " + str(num) + " = "
if type_flg == 0: text += num2octa(num)
text = "(" + str(i+1) + ")" + "\n\n " + num2octa(num) + " = "
if type_flg == 0: text += str(num)
pos_x = base_x + c * pad_x
pos_y = base_y + r * pad_y
pos = (pos_x, pos_y)
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_w6, 40)
draw.text(pos, text, font=font, fill=font_color)
# Directory
if not os.path.isdir(dir_name): os.mkdir(dir_name)
# Save
image_out = "./" + dir_name + "/" + type_name + "_No" + str(seed) + ".pdf"
images[0].save(image_out, "PDF",
quality=100, save_all=True, append_images=images[1:], optimize=True)
# coding: utf-8
基数変換問題ジェネレーター(10進整数 <-> 16進数)
import os, math, random
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
# Seed
seed = 0
# Random
rdms = list(range(128))# 0->99
#rdms = list(range(20, 100))# 20->99
# Decimals
# decimals = [0]# Easy
decimals = [0.5, 0.25, 0.125]# Normal
# decimals = [0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875]# Hard
# D2H or H2D
flg_d2h = seed % 2 == 0
# Directory
dir_name = "h2d" if flg_d2h else "d2h"
text_title = "BINARY \\(x_x;)/ HELL No:" + str(seed)
if flg_d2h == True:
text_explain = "次にある10進数の値を、16進数に変換しなさい"
text_example = "※桁数に制限は無いものとする\n\n例1: 26=1A, 例2: 29=1C"
text_explain = "次にある16進数の値を、10進数に変換しなさい"
text_example = "※桁数に制限は無いものとする\n\n例1: 1A=26, 例2: 1C=29"
# Font
font_path_w4 = "/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W4.ttc";
font_path_w6 = "/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W6.ttc";
font_color = (0, 0, 0)
base_x = 250
base_y = 800
pad_x = 980
pad_y = 210
rows = 10
cols = 2
# Alphabets
alphabets = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
# Nums
nums = rdms[0:rows*cols]# Random(Seed)
nums.sort(reverse=False)# Sort(If you neeed...)
# Decimals
for i in range(len(nums)):
index = nums[i] % len(decimals)
nums[i] += decimals[index]
#nums[i] += random.choice(decimals)
# Num to Hex
def num2hex(num):
integer = math.floor(num)
decimal = num - integer
a = getInteger(integer)
b = getDecimal(decimal)
if decimal == 0: return a
return a + "." + b
def getInteger(num):
nums = []
while 0 < num:
nums.append(alphabets[num % 16])
num = int(num / 16)
if len(nums) <= 0: return "0"
return "".join(map(str, nums))
def getDecimal(num):
nums = []
while num != 0:
num *= 2
modf = math.modf(num)
if 0 < modf[1]:
num = modf[0]
arr = parseDecimal(nums, 4) # 16進数に変換(4桁区切り)
return "".join(map(str, arr)) # 16進文字列
def parseDecimal(nums, dig):
# dig桁数に変換(3桁なら8進数, 4桁なら16進数)
odd = len(nums) % dig
for o in range(dig-odd): nums.append("0")
s_bin = "".join(map(str, nums))# 2進文字列
arr = [alphabets[int(s_bin[i: i+dig], 2)] for i in range(0, len(s_bin), dig)]
while 1 < len(arr) and arr[len(arr)-1] == 0: arr.pop() # 最後の桁0を削除
return arr
for i in range(2):
type_flg = i % 2
type_name = "mondai" if type_flg else "kaito"
images = []
# Image
image ="RGB", (2150, 3035), (255, 255, 255))
# Draw
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
# Title
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_w6, 80)
draw.text((base_x, 200), text_title, font=font, fill=font_color)
# Name
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_w6, 40)
draw.text((image.size[0]/2 + 500, 250), "氏名:", font=font, fill=font_color)
# Explain
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_w6, 50)
draw.text((260, 420), text_explain, font=font, fill=font_color)
# Example
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_w4, 40)
draw.text((260, 540), text_example, font=font, fill=font_color)
for r in range(rows):
for c in range(cols):
i = c + r * cols
if len(nums) <= i: break
num = nums[i]
if flg_d2h == True:
text = "(" + str(i+1) + ")" + "\n\n " + str(num) + " = "
if type_flg == 0: text += num2hex(num)
text = "(" + str(i+1) + ")" + "\n\n " + num2hex(num) + " = "
if type_flg == 0: text += str(num)
pos_x = base_x + c * pad_x
pos_y = base_y + r * pad_y
pos = (pos_x, pos_y)
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path_w6, 40)
draw.text(pos, text, font=font, fill=font_color)
# Directory
if not os.path.isdir(dir_name): os.mkdir(dir_name)
# Save
image_out = "./" + dir_name + "/" + type_name + "_No" + str(seed) + ".pdf"
images[0].save(image_out, "PDF",
quality=100, save_all=True, append_images=images[1:], optimize=True)
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