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sdpatil /
Created August 13, 2017 23:40
Dutch National Flag Problem/Can reach end
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Problem: Write a program that takes an array A and index i into A, and rearranges the elements such that all elements
* less than A[i] pivot appear first, followed by elements equal to pivot, followed by elements equal to pivot
public class DutchNationalFlag {
public static void main(String[] argv) {
sdpatil /
Created August 13, 2017 23:22
The knapsack problem
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Problem: Write a program for knapsack problem that selects a subset of items that has maximum value and satisfies
* the weight constraint. All items have integer weights and value
public class KnapsackProblem {
public static class Item {
sdpatil /
Created August 13, 2017 22:00
Compute the binomial coefficient
* Problem: Design an efficient algorithm for computing(n/k) which has the property that it never
* overflows if the final result fits in the integer word size
public class BionomialCoefficient {
* Bionomial coefficient is nothing but pascal's traingle basic idea is value of cell is sum of
* value of two cells from previous nodes (n-1) and n
sdpatil /
Created August 13, 2017 21:52
Search for a sequence in 2D array
import java.util.List;
* Problem: Write a program that takes as argument a 2D array and a 1D array and checks whether the
* 1D array occurs in 2D array
public class SearchSequenceIn2DArray {
static class Attempt {
int x;
int y;
sdpatil /
Created August 13, 2017 21:29
Count the number of moves to climb stair
Problem: Given totalNumber of ways and how many steps you can take in one go calculate how many
ways you can climb to top
public class NumberOfWaysToClimbStairs {
public static void main(String[] argv) {
System.out.println(computeNumberOfWays(4, 3));
sdpatil /
Last active August 13, 2017 00:08
Minimum cost to travel from one station to another
import java.util.Arrays;
Problem: Given cost of ticket for each station from A to B as 2 dimensional matrix
what is the minimum cost that you can use to travel
public class MinTicketCost {
public static void main(String[] argv) {
int[][] cost = {
{0, 10, 75, 94},
sdpatil /
Created August 12, 2017 19:51
Compute the right sibling tree
* Problem: Compute the right sibling tree
public class ComputeRightSiblingTree {
public void constructRightSibling(BinaryTreeNode<String> treeNode){
BinaryTreeNode<String> leftStart = treeNode;
while(leftStart != null && leftStart.left != null){
sdpatil /
Created August 12, 2017 19:46
Write a program that computes exterior of binary tree
* Problem: Write a program that computes exterior of binary tree
public class ComputeExteriorOfBinaryTree {
public List<BinaryTreeNode<String>> exteriorBinaryTree(BinaryTreeNode<String> tree){
List<BinaryTreeNode<String>> result = new LinkedList<>();
if(tree!= null){
result.addAll(leftBoundaryAndLeaves(tree.left, true));
sdpatil /
Created August 12, 2017 19:43
Calculate binary tree from preorder and inorder traversal
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Problem: Calculate binary tree from preorder and inorder traversal
Solution: First node in preorder traversal will give us the root node of tree, The root node divides the
inOrder list into 2 parts, first part is the left sub tree and second part is the right subtree
sdpatil /
Created August 12, 2017 19:42
Reconstruct a binary tree from preorder traversal with mark
import java.util.List;
Problem: Given pre order traversal data of a binary tree where null markers are used when a node is empty
construct binary tree
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