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Last active September 20, 2022 10:12
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Computes T1w image in EPI-space from motion-corrected 'nulled' and 'notnulled' timeseries as acquired with SS-SI VASO.
Computes T1w image in EPI-space from motion-corrected 'nulled' and 'notnulled'
timeseries as acquired with SS-SI VASO.
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb
from scipy import signal
def computeT1w(nulledFile, notnulledFile, detrend = False):
Takes nulled and notnulled files as input and computes T1w image
in EPI space. Returns array instead of saving a file to allow different
naming conventions.
# Load nulled motion corrected timeseries
nulledNii = nb.load(nulledFile)
nulledData = nulledNii.get_fdata()
# Load notnulled motion corrected timeseries
notnulledNii = nb.load(notnulledFile)
notnulledData = notnulledNii.get_fdata()
# Concatenate nulled and notnulled timeseries
combined = np.concatenate((notnulledData,nulledData), axis=3)
if detrend == True:
# Detrend before std. dev. calculation
combinedDemean = signal.detrend(combined, axis = 3, type = 'constant')
combinedDetrend = signal.detrend(combinedDemean, axis = 3, type = 'linear')
stdDev = np.std(combinedDetrend, axis = 3)
stdDev = np.std(combined, axis = 3)
#Compute mean
mean = np.mean(combined, axis = 3)
# Compute variation
cvar = stdDev/mean
# Take inverse
cvarInv = 1/cvar
return cvarInv
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