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Last active January 7, 2020 18:44
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  • Save sdthornton/1b9a348a289aafb4d3f5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sdthornton/1b9a348a289aafb4d3f5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
jQuery wrapped function for lovely debounced scroll events (using requestAnimationFrame).
# jQuery wrapped function for lovely debounced scroll events (using requestAnimationFrame)
# Works on IE9+
jQuery.requestScroll = (callback) ->
data = window.scrollRequestsData ||= {}
requests = data.requests ||= {}
# Ideally, using multiple instances prevents conflicts between ticking
# It also allows for an easy way to remove the specific scroll event
# This performance is still being investigated
scrollInstanceNum = Object.keys(requests).length + 1
inst = requests['request_' + scrollInstanceNum] = {}
if data.lastScrollY? then lastScrollSet = true else data.lastScrollY = 0
inst.ticking = false
inst.onScroll = ->
data.lastScrollY = window.pageYOffset unless lastScrollSet
requestTick = ->
unless inst.ticking
inst.ticking = true
inst.update = ->
inst.ticking = false
# Sets window.requestAnimationFrame if not already set
do ->
lastTime = 0
vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o']
for vendor in vendors when !window.requestAnimationFrame
window.requestAnimationFrame =
window.cancelAnimationFrame =
window[vendor+'CancelAnimationFrame'] ||
unless window.requestAnimationFrame
window.requestAnimationFrame = (callback, element) ->
currTime = new Date().getTime()
timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime))
id = window.setTimeout(->
callback(currTime + timeToCall)
, timeToCall)
lastTime = currTime + timeToCall
return id
unless window.cancelAnimationFrame
window.cancelAnimationFrame = (id) ->
window.addEventListener('scroll', inst.onScroll, false)
return inst
# To cancel a requestScroll, first set the $.requestScroll to a variable
# then pass in that variable to $.cancelRequestScroll
$.cancelRequestScroll = (requestScrollInst) ->
window.removeEventListener('scroll', requestScrollInst.onScroll, false)
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