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Last active April 22, 2024 21:40
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Computing the kick and invariants for nonlinear integrable optics
Class for computing the invariants and kick for the nonlinear elliptic potential.
Use of this class should reference IPAC'15 proceeding number MOPMA029.
import numpy as np
from numpy import sqrt, arccosh, arccos, pi
class Invariants:
def __init__(self, _t, _c, _beta, _betaPrime = 0.):
self.t = _t
self.c = _c
self.beta = _beta
self.betaPrime = _betaPrime
def computeInvariant(self, xHat, pxHat, yHat, pyHat):
"""Compute the second invariant for the integrable elliptic potential"""
# return zero, if the magnet is turned off
#if self.t == 0.:
# return 0.
# normalize the phase space coordinates
# Angular momentum
ang_momentum = (xHat * pyHat - yHat * pxHat)**2
lin_momentum = (self.c * pxHat)**2
# elliptic coordinates
xN = xHat / self.c
yN = yHat / self.c
u = ( sqrt((xN + 1)**2 + yN**2) +
sqrt((xN - 1)**2 + yN**2) )/(2.)
v = ( sqrt((xN + 1)**2 + yN**2) -
sqrt((xN - 1)**2 + yN**2) )/(2.)
# harmonic part of the potential
f1u = self.c**2 * u**2 * (u**2-1.)
g1v = self.c**2 * v**2 * (1.-v**2)
# elliptic part of the potential
f2u = -self.t * self.c**2 * u * sqrt(u**2-1.) * arccosh(u)
g2v = -self.t * self.c**2 * v * sqrt(1.-v**2) * \
# combined potentials
fu = (0.5 * f1u - f2u)
gv = (0.5 * g1v + g2v)
# putting it all together
invariant = (ang_momentum+lin_momentum) + 2.*(self.c**2)*\
(fu * v**2 + gv * u**2)/(u**2 - v**2)
return invariant
def computeHamiltonian(self, xHat, pxHat, yHat, pyHat):
"""Compute the Hamiltonian (1st invariant) for the integrable elliptic potential"""
quadratic = 0.5 * (pxHat**2 + pyHat**2) + 0.5 * (xHat**2 + yHat**2)
elliptic = 0.
kfac = 1.
if self.t != 0.:
xN = xHat / self.c
yN = yHat / self.c
# Elliptic coordinates
u = ( sqrt((xN + 1.)**2 + yN**2) +
sqrt((xN - 1.)**2 + yN**2) )/2.
v = ( sqrt((xN + 1.)**2 + yN**2) -
sqrt((xN - 1.)**2 + yN**2) )/2.
f2u = u * sqrt(u**2 - 1.) * arccosh(u)
g2v = v * sqrt(1. - v**2) * (-pi/2 + arccos(v))
kfac = self.t * self.c**2
elliptic = (f2u + g2v) / (u**2 - v**2)
hamiltonian = quadratic + kfac * elliptic
return hamiltonian
def computeKick(self, _x, _y):
Compute the kick
# convert everything to normalized coordinates
# if the amplitude is zero, return zeros
if self.t == 0.:
return 0., 0.
# normalize to beta
x = _x/sqrt(self.beta)
y = _y/sqrt(self.beta)
# normalize to the elliptic 'focal length'
x /= self.c
y /= self.c
# transform to hyperbolic coordinates
u = (sqrt((x+1.)**2 + y**2) + sqrt((x-1.)**2 + y**2))/2.
v = (sqrt((x+1.)**2 + y**2) - sqrt((x-1.)**2 + y**2))/2.
dd = np.zeros(u.size)
for idx in range (0,u.size):
if u[idx] != 1.:
dd[idx] = u[idx]**2 * arccosh(u[idx]) / sqrt(u[idx]**2-1.)
# Frequently recurring quantity
uvdiff = u**2 - v**2
# dUdu is derivative of potential with respect to u
dUdu = (u + arccosh(u) * sqrt(u**2-1.) + dd) / uvdiff - \
# dUdv is derivative of potential with respect to v
dUdv = (2*v*(u*arccosh(u)*sqrt(u**2-1.)+v*(arccos(v)-0.5*pi)*sqrt(1.-v**2)))/uvdiff**2 - \
# Derivatives of u and v with respect to x and y
dudx = (x+1.) / (2.*sqrt(x**2+2.*x+y**2+1.)) + \
(x-1.) / (2.*sqrt(x**2-2.*x+y**2+1.))
dudy = y / (2.*sqrt(y**2 + (x-1.)**2)) + \
y / (2.*sqrt(y**2 + (x+1.)**2))
dvdx = (x+1.) / (2.*sqrt(x**2+2.*x+y**2+1.)) - \
(x-1.) / (2.*sqrt(x**2-2.*x+y**2+1.))
dvdy = y / (2.*sqrt(y**2 + (x+1.)**2)) - \
y / (2.*sqrt(y**2 + (x-1.)**2))
kfac = self.t * self.c / np.power(self.beta,1.5)
kick_x = kfac * (dUdu*dudx + dUdv*dvdx)
kick_y = kfac * (dUdu*dudy + dUdv*dvdy)
return kick_x, kick_y
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