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Created December 20, 2021 19:29
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SIR model with uncertainty
# Ordinary differential equation model with uncertainty quantification
Simon Frost (@sdwfrost), 2021-12-20
## Introduction
The classical ODE version of the SIR model is:
- Deterministic
- Continuous in time
- Continuous in state
In this notebook, we accommodate uncertainty in parameter values on the numerical solution of the ODE system in different ways.
## Libraries
using DifferentialEquations
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using DiffEqUncertainty
using Distributions
using Plots
## Transitions
The following function provides the derivatives of the model, which it changes in-place. State variables and parameters are unpacked from `u` and `p`; this incurs a slight performance hit, but makes the equations much easier to read.
A variable is included for the cumulative number of infections, $C$.
function sir_ode!(du,u,p,t)
(S,I,R,C) = u
(β,c,γ) = p
N = S+I+R
infection = β*c*I/N*S
recovery = γ*I
@inbounds begin
du[1] = -infection
du[2] = infection - recovery
du[3] = recovery
du[4] = infection
## Time domain
We set the timespan for simulations, `tspan`, initial conditions, `u0`, and parameter values, `p` (which are unpacked above as `[β,γ]`).
δt = 1.0
tmax = 40.0
tspan = (0.0,tmax)
obstimes = 1.0:1.0:tmax;
## Initial conditions
u0 = [990.0,10.0,0.0,0.0]; # S,I.R,Y
## Parameter values with uncertainty
p_fixed = [0.05,10.0,0.25]; # β,c,γ
p_uncertain = [Uniform(0.01,0.09),10.0,0.25];
## Running the model
prob_ode = ODEProblem(sir_ode!,u0,tspan,p_fixed)
sol_ode = solve(prob_ode,Tsit5(),saveat=δt);
## Using DiffEqUncertainty.jl
We first define a function that returns the observables of interest - here, the cumulative number of infections over time, `C`.
g(sol) = hcat(sol(obstimes).u...)[4,:]
### Monte Carlo
C_mean_mc = expectation(g, prob_ode, u0, p_uncertain, MonteCarlo(), Tsit5(); nout=40, trajectories = 1000)
C_var_mc = centralmoment(2, g, prob_ode, u0, p_uncertain, MonteCarlo(), Tsit5(); nout=40, trajectories = 1000)
### Koopman
C_mean_koopman = expectation(g, prob_ode, u0, p_uncertain, Koopman(), Tsit5(); nout=40)
C_var_koopman = centralmoment(2, g, prob_ode, u0, p_uncertain, Koopman(), Tsit5(); nout=40)
## Plotting
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