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Created April 15, 2021 22:32
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# Ordinary differential equation model using ModiaSim
Simon Frost (@sdwfrost), 2021-04-15
## Introduction
The classical ODE version of the SIR model is:
- Deterministic
- Continuous in time
- Continuous in state
This tutorial uses [ModiaSim]( to specify the model. ModiaSim is an acausal Modelica-like modeling framework composed of a number of Julia packages that allows specification of models as differential-algebraic equations (DAE). ModiaSim expects parameter values to have units; here, we assume that the time variable is in days.
## Libraries
using TinyModia
using Unitful
using DifferentialEquations
using ModiaPlot
using BenchmarkTools
## Transitions
The following function call defines the equations of the model, including the definition of the total population size, as well as the gradients of the variables (using `der`). At this point, the model won't run, as it does not have the parameter values or initial conditions.
SIR = Model(
equations = :[
N = S + I + R
der(S) = -β*c*I/N*S
der(I) = β*c*I/N*S - γ*I
der(R) = γ*I
## Time domain
We set the stopping time, `tmax`, for simulations, as well as interval to output results.
δt = 0.1u"d"
tmax = 40.0u"d"
## Initial conditions
Initial conditions are described as a `Map` that defines variable names (here, `S`, `I`, and `R`) as `Var` with an initial value.
u0 = Map(S = Var(init=990.0),
I = Var(init=10.0),
R = Var(init=0.0));
## Parameter values
Parameter values are also defined using a `Map`.
p = Map(β = 0.05,
c = 10.0u"1/d",
γ = 0.25u"1/d");
## Running the model
To define a full model, we need to merge the equations, initial conditions, and parameter values using the merge operator, `|`.
model = SIR | u0 | p;
The model is then instantiated using a macro.
sir = @instantiateModel(model);
Simulation changes the model instance in-place.
## Plotting
We can now plot the results using `ModiaPlot`.
Alternatively, we can extract the result from `sir` and plot using `StatsPlots`. Modia returns the initial condition alongside the simulation, and so we omit the first row of the `DataFrame`, and use the variable names in the `sir` object to name the columns.
using StatsPlots
using DataFrames
df = DataFrame(sir.result)
dfnames = collect(keys(sir.variables))
dfnames[1] = "t"
df = df[2:end,dfnames]
@df df StatsPlots.plot(:t,
[:S :I :R],
## Benchmarking
@benchmark simulate!(sir,Tsit5(),stopTime=tmax,interval=δt)
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