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Last active October 2, 2021 08:43
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  • Save sdwheeler/99173f6d3358db2b8ff34f3d85a4545d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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function New-DevOpsWorkItem {
[string]$wiType = 'Task',
# You must create a Personal Access Token (PAT) in Azure DevOps
# This script expects the PAT to be stored in an environment variable
$username = ' '
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString $env:DEVOPS_OAUTH_TOKEN -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = [PSCredential]::new($username, $password)
$vsuri = ''
$org = 'orgname'
$project = 'ProjectName'
$apiurl = "$vsuri/$org/$project/_apis/wit/workitems/$" + $wiType +"?api-version=5.1"
$widata = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]::new()
$field = New-Object -type PSObject -prop @{
op = "add"
path = "/fields/System.Title"
value = $title
$field = New-Object -type PSObject -prop @{
op = "add"
path = "/fields/System.AreaPath"
value = $areapath
$field = New-Object -type PSObject -prop @{
op = "add"
path = "/fields/System.IterationPath"
value = $iterationpath
if ($parentId -ne 0) {
$field = New-Object -type PSObject -prop @{
op = "add"
path = "/relations/-"
value = @{
rel = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Reverse'
url = "$vsuri/$org/$project/_apis/wit/workitems/$parentId"
if ($tags.count -ne 0) {
$field = New-Object -type PSObject -prop @{
op = "add"
path = "/fields/System.Tags"
value = $tags -join '; '
$field = New-Object -type PSObject -prop @{
op = "add"
path = "/fields/System.AssignedTo"
value = $assignee + ''
$field = New-Object -type PSObject -prop @{
op = "add"
path = "/fields/System.Description"
value = $description
$query = ConvertTo-Json $widata
$params = @{
uri = $apiurl
Authentication = 'Basic'
Credential = $cred
Method = 'Post'
ContentType = 'application/json-patch+json'
Body = $query
$results = irm @params
$results |
select @{l='Id';e={$_.Id}},
@{l='State'; e={$_.fields.'System.State'}},
@{l='AssignedTo'; e={$_.fields.'System.AssignedTo'.displayName}},
@{l='IterationPath'; e={$_.fields.'System.IterationPath'}},
@{l='AttachedFiles'; e={$_.fields.'System.AttachedFileCount'}},
@{l='HyperLinks'; e={$_.fields.'System.HyperLinkCount'}},
@{l='RelatedLinks'; e={$_.fields.'System.RelatedLinkCount'}},
@{l='Tags'; e={$_.fields.'System.Tags'}},
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