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Last active January 12, 2024 11:34
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Connect Four game class with an AI that uses the minimax algorithm. Playable in the terminal.
import numpy as np
import random
import math
# Constants
class ConnectFour:
def __init__(self):
self.board = np.zeros((ROW_COUNT, COLUMN_COUNT), dtype=int)
self.game_over = False
self.turn = 0 # 0 for player, 1 for AI
self.winner = -1
def drop_token(self, board, row, col, token):
board[row][col] = token
def is_valid_location(self, board, col):
return board[ROW_COUNT-1][col] == 0
def is_terminal_node(self, board):
return self.is_winning_move(board, PLAYER_TOKEN) or self.is_winning_move(board, AI_TOKEN) or len(self.get_valid_locations(board)) == 0
def is_winning_move(self, board, token):
# Check horizontal locations for win
for c in range(COLUMN_COUNT - 3):
for r in range(ROW_COUNT):
if board[r][c] == token and board[r][c + 1] == token and board[r][c + 2] == token and board[r][c + 3] == token:
return True
# Check vertical locations for win
for c in range(COLUMN_COUNT):
for r in range(ROW_COUNT - 3):
if board[r][c] == token and board[r + 1][c] == token and board[r + 2][c] == token and board[r + 3][c] == token:
return True
# Check positively sloped diagonals
for c in range(COLUMN_COUNT - 3):
for r in range(ROW_COUNT - 3):
if board[r][c] == token and board[r + 1][c + 1] == token and board[r + 2][c + 2] == token and board[r + 3][c + 3] == token:
return True
# Check negatively sloped diagonals
for c in range(COLUMN_COUNT - 3):
for r in range(3, ROW_COUNT):
if board[r][c] == token and board[r - 1][c + 1] == token and board[r - 2][c + 2] == token and board[r - 3][c + 3] == token:
return True
return False
def get_next_open_row(self, board, col):
for r in range(ROW_COUNT):
if board[r][col] == 0:
return r
def print_board(self, board):
for row in np.flip(board, 0):
print('|', end='')
for cell in row:
if cell == PLAYER_TOKEN:
print('X', end='|')
elif cell == AI_TOKEN:
print('O', end='|')
print(' ', end='|')
print(f"{'-' * (2 * COLUMN_COUNT + 1)}")
print(' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6') # Column numbers for reference
def find_winning_columns(self, board, token):
winning_columns = []
# Check horizontal locations for potential win
for c in range(COLUMN_COUNT - 3):
for r in range(ROW_COUNT):
for i in range(4):
if board[r][c + i] == 0 and (r == ROW_COUNT - 1 or board[r + 1][c + i] != 0):
temp_board = np.copy(board)
temp_board[r][c + i] = token
if self.is_winning_move(temp_board, token):
winning_columns.append(c + i)
# Check vertical locations for potential win
for c in range(COLUMN_COUNT):
for r in range(ROW_COUNT - 3):
if board[r][c] == 0:
temp_board = np.copy(board)
temp_board[r][c] = token
if self.is_winning_move(temp_board, token):
# Check positively sloped diagonals for potential win
for c in range(COLUMN_COUNT - 3):
for r in range(ROW_COUNT - 3):
for i in range(4):
if board[r + i][c + i] == 0 and (r + i == ROW_COUNT - 1 or board[r + i + 1][c + i] != 0):
temp_board = np.copy(board)
temp_board[r + i][c + i] = token
if self.is_winning_move(temp_board, token):
winning_columns.append(c + i)
# Check negatively sloped diagonals for potential win
for c in range(COLUMN_COUNT - 3):
for r in range(3, ROW_COUNT):
for i in range(4):
if board[r - i][c - i] == 0 and (r - i == ROW_COUNT - 1 or board[r - i + 1][c - i] != 0):
temp_board = np.copy(board)
temp_board[r - i][c - i] = token
if self.is_winning_move(temp_board, token):
winning_columns.append(c - i)
return list(set(winning_columns)) # Return unique columns
def minimax(self, board, depth, alpha, beta, maximizing_player):
valid_locations = self.get_valid_locations(board)
is_terminal = self.is_terminal_node(board)
if depth == 0 or is_terminal:
if is_terminal:
if self.is_winning_move(board, AI_TOKEN):
return (None, 10000 * depth) # None for column as it's a terminal state
elif self.is_winning_move(board, PLAYER_TOKEN):
return (None, -10000 * depth)
return (None, 0) # Game is over, no more valid moves
return (None, self.score_position(board, AI_TOKEN)) # Non-terminal, depth reached
if maximizing_player:
value = -math.inf
best_column = None
for col in valid_locations:
row = self.get_next_open_row(board, col)
b_copy = np.copy(board)
self.drop_token(b_copy, row, col, AI_TOKEN)
_, new_score = self.minimax(b_copy, depth-1, alpha, beta, False)
if new_score > value:
value = new_score
best_column = col
alpha = max(alpha, value)
if alpha >= beta:
return (best_column, value)
else: # Minimizing player
value = math.inf
best_column = None
for col in valid_locations:
row = self.get_next_open_row(board, col)
b_copy = np.copy(board)
self.drop_token(b_copy, row, col, PLAYER_TOKEN)
_, new_score = self.minimax(b_copy, depth-1, alpha, beta, True)
if new_score < value:
value = new_score
best_column = col
beta = min(beta, value)
if alpha >= beta:
return (best_column, value)
def score_position(self, board, token):
score = 0
# Score center column
center_array = [int(i) for i in list(board[:, COLUMN_COUNT // 2])]
center_count = center_array.count(token)
score += center_count * 2 # Center column is usually more valuable
# Score Horizontal
for r in range(ROW_COUNT):
row_array = [int(i) for i in list(board[r, :])]
for c in range(COLUMN_COUNT - 3):
window = row_array[c:c + 4]
score += self.evaluate_window(window, token)
# Score Vertical
for c in range(COLUMN_COUNT):
col_array = [int(i) for i in list(board[:, c])]
for r in range(ROW_COUNT - 3):
window = col_array[r:r + 4]
score += self.evaluate_window(window, token)
# Score positive sloped diagonals
for c in range(COLUMN_COUNT - 3):
for r in range(ROW_COUNT - 3):
window = [board[r + i][c + i] for i in range(4)]
score += self.evaluate_window(window, token)
# Score negative sloped diagonals
for c in range(COLUMN_COUNT - 3):
for r in range(3, ROW_COUNT):
window = [board[r - i][c + i] for i in range(4)]
score += self.evaluate_window(window, token)
return score
def evaluate_window(self, window, token):
score = 0
opp_token = PLAYER_TOKEN if token == AI_TOKEN else AI_TOKEN
if window.count(token) == 4:
score += 100
elif window.count(token) == 3 and window.count(0) == 1:
score += 5
elif window.count(token) == 2 and window.count(0) == 2:
score += 2
if window.count(opp_token) == 3 and window.count(0) == 1:
score -= 4
return score
def get_valid_locations(self, board):
valid_locations = []
for col in range(COLUMN_COUNT):
if self.is_valid_location(board, col):
return valid_locations
def pick_best_move(self, token):
depth = 4 # You can adjust the depth based on how deep you want the search to be
best_col, _ = self.minimax(self.board, depth, -math.inf, math.inf, token == AI_TOKEN)
return best_col
def player_move(self):
valid_move = False
while not valid_move:
col = int(input("Player 1 (X) Make your Selection (0-6): "))
if self.is_valid_location(self.board, col):
row = self.get_next_open_row(self.board, col)
self.drop_token(self.board, row, col, PLAYER_TOKEN)
if self.is_winning_move(self.board, PLAYER_TOKEN):
self.game_over = True
valid_move = True
self.turn += 1
self.turn = self.turn % 2
except Exception as e:
def make_move(self,col):
if self.is_valid_location(self.board, col) and self.turn == 0:
row = self.get_next_open_row(self.board, col)
self.drop_token(self.board, row, col, PLAYER_TOKEN)
if self.is_winning_move(self.board, PLAYER_TOKEN):
self.game_over = True
self.winner = PLAYER_TOKEN
self.turn += 1
self.turn = self.turn % 2
return True
return False
def ai_move(self):
col = self.pick_best_move(AI_TOKEN)
if col is not None and self.is_valid_location(self.board, col):
row = self.get_next_open_row(self.board, col)
self.drop_token(self.board, row, col, AI_TOKEN)
if self.is_winning_move(self.board, AI_TOKEN):
self.game_over = True
self.winner = AI_TOKEN
self.turn += 1
self.turn = self.turn % 2
return col
def play_game(self):
while not self.game_over:
if self.turn == 0:
print(f"You {'won' if self.turn else 'lost'}!")
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Here is how I use the code to play Connect Four in the terminal.

from connect_four import ConnectFour

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create a new game and start playing
    game = ConnectFour()

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