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Created November 30, 2015 19:42
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import Data.List (elemIndices,(\\))
-- main: some io and organisational stuff
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- read adjacency matrix file to matrix :: [[Int]]
matrixfile <- readFile "RandomGraph.txt"
let matrix = map (map (read :: String -> Int) . words) $ lines matrixfile
let path1 = breathFirstSafe matrix (0,4)
print path1
-- some types (and helpers) we'll use
type Vertex = Int -- a vertex is represented by its number
type Walk = [Vertex] -- a walk is a sequence of vertices (simple graph)
type Graph = [[Vertex]] -- a graph is its adjacency matrix
type ChiPar = (Vertex, Vertex) -- a child and its parent (oh, isn't this so cute?)
type QueVis = ([ChiPar], [ChiPar]) -- a queue and visited list
child :: ChiPar -> Vertex
child (c,_) = c
parent :: ChiPar -> Vertex
parent (_,p) = p
-- actual algorithm
breathFirstSafe :: Graph -> (Vertex, Vertex) -> Walk
breathFirstSafe g (s,e)
| last w == e = w
| otherwise = []
where w = breathFirst g (s,e)
breathFirst :: Graph -> (Vertex, Vertex) -> Walk
breathFirst graph (start, end) = genWalk cps
where cps = takeNextVert graph end ([(start,-1)],[])
takeNextVert :: Graph -> Vertex -> QueVis -> QueVis
takeNextVert _ _ ([],vs) = ([],vs)
takeNextVert g e (v:qs,vs)
| e == child v = ([],v:vs)
| otherwise = takeNextVert g e (qs ++ cs,v:vs)
where cs = childrenNV g (child v) (qs,vs)
childrenNV :: Graph -> Vertex -> QueVis -> [ChiPar]
childrenNV g p (qs,vs) = map (\c -> (c,p)) $ elemIndices 1 (g!!p) \\ visitedOrQueued
where visitedOrQueued = map child vs ++ map child qs
genWalk :: QueVis -> Walk
genWalk (_,[]) = []
genWalk (_,(e,e'):vs) = foldl backprop [e',e] vs
backprop w (c,p)
| c == head w && p /= -1 = p:w
| otherwise = w
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